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Advanced Macroeconomics, 1996 - Romer
An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Ed - C J Date
An Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, 6th Ed -
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Suli, Mayers
Analytical Mechanics, 7th Ed - Bowles, Cassiday
Applied Calculus, 6th Ed - Tan
Applied Linear Statistical Models, 5th Ed - Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter
(Student Solutions Manual Only)
Applied Numerical Analysis, 6th Ed - Gerard
Applied Partial Differential Equations, 4th Ed - Haberman
Applied Partial Differential Equations, Chapters 1-5 - Logan
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers - Student Solutions
Manual, 3rd Ed - John Wiley & Sons
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 3rd Ed -
Applied Strength of Materials, 4th Ed - Mott
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, 2nd Ed - Russell, Norvig
Astronomy Today, 4th Ed - Chaisson, McMillan
Astronomy Today, 5th Ed - Chaisson, McMillan
Automatic Control Systems, 8th Ed - Kuo, Golnaragh
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Ed - Irwin, Nelms
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8th Ed - Irwin, Nelms
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Ed - Thomas
Calculus, 4th Ed - James Stewart
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 5th Ed - James Stewart
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 6th Ed - Edwards, Penny
Calculus Early Transcendentals, 7th Ed - Anton, Bivens, Davis
Calculus with Applications, 8th Ed - Lial
Calculus, 10th ed Vol 1 - George Thomas
Calculus, 10th ed Vol 2 - George Thomas
Calculus, 11th Ed - Thomas
Calculus, 3rd Ed - Hallett, Gleason, McCallum
Calculus, 6th Ed - Adams
Calculus, 8th Ed - Narberg, Purcell, Rigdon
Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd Ed - Wiley
Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th Ed - Smith, Van Ness,
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5th Ed - Marion,
Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd Ed - John David Jackson byKasper van
Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd Ed - John David Jackson byKasper van
Classical Mechanics, 2nd Ed - Goldstein
Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd Ed - Proakis, Salehi
Communication Systems, 4th Ed - Simon Haykin
Complex Variables with Applications, 3rd Ed - Wunsch (handwritten)
Computational Techniques for Fluid - Srinivas, Fletcher
Computer Networks, 4th Ed - Tanenbaum
Computer Organization and Design, 3rd Ed
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th Ed - Cook
Control Systems Engineering, Nise
Corporate Finance - Ross, Jaffe
CRC Standard Probability and Statistic Tables and Formulae (1999)
Zwillinger D. et al -
Database System Concepts, 5th Ed
Design and Analysis of Experiments, 6th Ed - Montgomery
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (handwritten)
Design of Machinery, 3rd Ed - Norton
Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits,
Ed -Franco, Sergio
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed - Edwards, Penney
Differential Equations, 8th Ed - Boyce
Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7th Intl Ed - Couch
Digital image processing, 2nd Ed - Gonzalez
Digital Signal Processing - Proakis & Manolakis
Digital Signal Processing; A Computer-Based Approach, 1st Ed - Mitra
Discrete and Combinatorial Math, 5th Ed - Grimaldi
Discrete Mathematics, 6th Ed - Johnsonbaugh
Econometric Analysis, 5th Ed - Greene , Williame H.
Electric Circuits, 3rd Ed - Alexander, Sadiku
Electric Circuits, 7th Ed - Nilsson, Riedel
Electric Circuits, 8th Ed - Nilsson, Riedel
Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals, 1st Ed - Chapman
Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Ed - Chapman
Electric Machinery, 6th Ed - Fitzgerald, Kingsley, Uman
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications, 3rd Ed - Hambley
Electromagnetics for Engineers - Ulaby
Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2nd Ed
Electronic Devices, 6th Ed - Floyd
Electronic Devices: Electron Flow Version, 4th Ed - Floyd
Electronics, 2nd Ed - Hambley
Elementary Differential Equations - Kohler, Johnson
Elementary Differential Equations, 8th Ed - Boyce
Elementary Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems, 4th Ed -
Edwards, Penney
Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications, 9th Ed - Kolman
Elementary Mechanics & Thermodynamics [2000] by Professor Jhon W.
Elementary Number Theory, 5th Ed - Goddard, Rosen
Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes
Elementary Statistics 2005 - Triola
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Ed - Hubbard, Johnson,
Engineering - Materials Science, Milton Ohring
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th Ed
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Ed - Hayt
Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th Ed - William H. Hayt, John A. Buck
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 7th Ed - Crowe, Elger and Roberson
Engineering Mathematics, 4th Ed - Bird
Engineering Mechanic Statics, 10th Ed - R.C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanic Statics, 11th Ed - R.C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 3rd Ed - Hibbeler.R.C
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 5th Ed - Meriam and Kraige
Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 4th Ed - Bedford
Engineering Statistics, 4th Ed - Montgomery
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 4th Ed - Franklin, Powell
Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Ed - Cheng
Financial Accounting, 6th Ed - Harrison
Finite Mathematics, 8th Ed - Lial
Fluid Mechanics, 5th Ed - White
Fourier and Laplace Transform - Antwoorden
Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Ed - Anderson
Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer [Frank P. Incropera - David
Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer [Frank P. Incropera - David
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 2001 Media Edition - Ulaby
Fundamentals of Differential Equations, 6th Ed - Nagle, Saff, Snider
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, 1st Ed - Brown,
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2nd Ed - Alexander, Sadiku,
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics - Cheng
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Ed - Moran, M.J. &
Shapiro H.N. (handwritten)
Fundamentals Of Fluid Mechanics, 3rd & 4th Ed
Fundamentals Of Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed - Munson, Young, Okiishi
Fundamentals Of Fluid Mechanics, 5th Ed - Munson, Young, Okiishi
Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th Ed - Charles Roth
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, 3rd Ed - Juvinall, Marshek
Fundamentals of Manufacturing, 2nd Ed - Rufe
Fundamentals of Physics 1, 2, 3 and 4 (4th ed.) Halliday, Resnick and
Fundamentals of Physics, 5th Ed Vol 2 - Resnick, Halliday, Krane
Fundamentals of Physics, 7th Ed - Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes, 3rd Ed -
Fundamentals of Thermal - Fluid Sciences - Cengel, Turner
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 5th Ed - Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 6th Ed - Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van
Fundamentals of Wireless Communications - Tse, Viswanath
Heat Transfer, 2nd Ed - Cengel
How to Program C++ - Deitel
Industrial Organization Theory and Applications, 1st Ed - Shy
Introduction To Algorithms, 2nd Ed - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein
Introduction to Electric Circuits, 6th Ed - Dorf, Svadoda
Introduction To Electrodynamics - With Update - Griffiths, David
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis, 3rd Ed - Reddy
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 5th Ed - Fox (Handwritten Solutions)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed - Fox (Handwritten Solutions)
Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd Ed - West
Introduction to Linear Algebra, 3th Ed - Gilbert Strang
Introduction to Probability - Grinstead, Snell
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed - Griffiths
Introduction to Queueing Theory, 2nd Ed - Cooper
Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Ed - Kittel
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5th Ed - Montgomery
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems (2001 draft) - John P
Lectures on Corporate Finance, 2nd Ed - Bossaerts, Odegaard
Linear Algebra and Applications - Lay
Linear Algebra, 3rd Ed - Bretscher
Linear Algebra, 4th Ed - Friedburg
Logic Computer Design Fundamentals, 2nd Ed - Kime
Managerial Accounting, 11th Ed - Garrison, Noreen
Material Science and Engineering, An Integrated Approach, 2nd Ed -
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction , 6th Ed -
Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 5th Ed - Arfken
Mathematical Techniques, 3rd Ed
Mathematics for Economists - Simon, Blume
Mathematics for Physicists - Lea
Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines, 1st Ed - Collins
Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th Ed - Shigley
Mechanical Engineering Design, 8th Ed - Shigley
Mechanics of Fluids, 8th Ed - Massey
Mechanics Of Materials, 3rd Ed - Beer, Johnston, & Dewolf
Mechanics of Materials, 4th Ed-Chapter 12 - Hibbeler
Mechanics of Materials, 6th Ed - R. C. Hibbeler
Microeconomic Theory, 1997 - Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green
Microelectronic Circuits, 4th Ed - Sedra, Smith
Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Ed - Sedra
Microelectronics Digial and Analog Circuits and Systems - Millman
Microelectronics I & II, 1st Ed - Chang
Microwave Engineering, 3th Ed - David M Pozar
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems - Lath
Modern Physics For Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Ed
Modern Physics, 3rd Ed - Thornton, Rex
Modern Physics, 4th Ed - Tipler
Multivariable Calculus, 5th Ed - Clegg, Frank
Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials
Network Flows, Theory, Algorithms and Apps - Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin
New Quantum Physics
Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed - Chapra
Operating Systems Concepts, 6th Ed - Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Operating Systems Concepts, 7th Ed - Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 4th Ed -
Oppenheim's Discrete Time Signal Processing text
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 4th Ed - Hull
Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Ed - Asmar
Physical Chemistry, 7th Ed - Peter Atkins - Julio de Paula
Physics - Walker
Physics For Scientists And Engineers - Giancoli
Physics For Scientists And Engineers, 5th Ed - Serway And Jewett
Physics For Scientists And Engineers, 6th Ed - Serway And Jewett
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering - Rizzoni
Probability and Stat in Engineer, 4th Ed
Probability and Statistical Inference, 7th Ed - Hogg, Tanis
Probability And Statistics For Engineers And Scientists - Hayler
Probability and Statistics For Engineers And Scientists, 3rd Ed -
Probability and Stats for Engineers, 6th Ed - Devore
Probability and Stochastic Processes, 2nd Ed - Yates
Probability Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4th Ed -
Process Systems Analysis and Control - Coughanowr
Resistência dos Materiais,4th Ed - Hibbeler
RF Circuit Design Theory and Application - Bretchko
Schaums Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, 1st Ed - Pierret
Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Basic Principles, 3rd Ed
Signal Processing and Linear Systems - B P Lathi
Signals and Systems, 2003 - Roberts
Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed - Haykin
Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed - Oppenheim, Willsky
Solid State Electronic Devices, 5th Ed - Streetman, Banerjee
Solution To Two-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations-
Maciej Matyka
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, 4th Ed - Levine
Structural Analysis - Hibbeler
Teaching Engineering - Wankat & Oreovicz
The Cosmic Perspective, 3rd Ed - Bennett
The Econometrics of Financial Markets - Adamek, Campbell, Lo,
MacKinlay, Viceira
The Science of Engineering and Materials, 4th Ed - Askeland, Phule
Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, 5th Ed - Cengel, Boles
Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, 6th Ed - Cengel, Boles
Transport Phenomena, 2nd Ed - Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot
Trigonometry, 8th Ed - Lial, Hornsby, Schneider
Understandable Statistics, 7th Ed - Brase
University Physics, 11th Ed - Sears, Zemansky
Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations A Unified
Approach, 2nd Ed - Hubbard, Burke