From: Marc Feeley on
Here is the final program for the 2010 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming. For the abstracts please check the website

To take advantage of the early registration price, please register by
***AUGUST 9***.

Marc Feeley

Saturday, August 21

8:15 On-site registration and breakfast

9:00 Invited Talk; To be announced
Olin Shivers; Northeastern University

10:00 Break

Session 1

10:30 Functional Data Structures for Typed Racket
Hari Prashanth K R and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt; Northeastern University

11:00 Implementing User-level Value-weak Hashtables
Aaron W. Hsu; Indiana University

11:30 Break

Session 2

12:00 Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Programs
Christopher Earl (1), Matthew Might (1), and David Van Horn (2);
(1)University of Utah, (2)Northeastern University

12:30 Lightning talks
Speakers to be announced at the workshop

12:45 Lunch break

Session 3

14:00 Measuring the Effectiveness of Error Messages Designed for
Novice Programmers
Guillaume Marceau (1), Kathi Fisler (1), and Shriram Krishnamurthi
(2); (1)Worcester Polytechnic Institute, (2)Brown University

14:30 JazzScheme: Evolution of a Lisp-Based Development System
Guillaume Cartier and Louis-Julien Guillemette; Auphelia
Technologies Inc.

15:00 Break

Session 4

15:30 The Design of a Functional Image Library
Ian Barland (1), Robert Findler (2), and Matthew Flatt (3);
(1)Radford University, (2)Northwestern University, (3)University of

16:00 Enabling cross-library optimization and compile-time error
checking in the presence of procedural macros
Andrew Keep and R. Kent Dybvig; Indiana University

16:30 Break

Session 5

17:00 Guiding Requirements for the Ongoing Scheme Standardization
Mario Latendresse; SRI International

17:20 Lightning talks; Speakers to be announced at the workshop

Sunday, August 22

8:15 Breakfast

9:00 Invited Talk; Contracts in Racket
Robert Findler; Northwestern University

10:00 Break

Session 6

10:30 Report by the Scheme Language Steering Committee and
report by the Scheme Language Working Groups

12:00 Closing