From: Tony Arcieri on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

"It's like a Swiss Army Knife for images, but one of those tiny ones you can
keep on your keychain"

SmartImage is an image processing/compositing/thumbnailing Ruby with the
following design goals:

- Completely seamless installation and usage across all Ruby
implementations, with an emphasis on MRI and JRuby
- Expose a small but powerful and easy-to-understand API
- Easy to extend with support for multiple image compositing backends
(presently RMagick and Java Graphics2D)

That's cool, so what can it do?

- Create thumbnails (even in your Ruby on Rails application!)
- Scale images
- Composite multiple images into a single image
- Convert between various image formats (.png, .jpg, and .gif presently
- Apply alpha masks to an image

Why should I use SmartImage instead of RMagick, ImageScience, etc?

- You want a more powerful library than ImageScience
- You want a library with a less mind-bogglingly bloated API than RMagick
- You're considering a move to an alternative Ruby implementation like
JRuby and want an image library that works seamlessly between MRI, JRuby,
and other Ruby implementations


v0.0.3 release notes:

As part of keeping with its commitment to seamless support for multiple Ruby
implementations, SmartImage 0.0.3 fixes some minor incompatibilities with
JRuby 1.5.

Tony Arcieri
Medioh! A Kudelski Brand