From: "PEAR Announce" on
The new PEAR package HTML_QuickForm2-0.3.0 (alpha) has been released at

Release notes
Milestone 3: renderers and groups

Major additions and changes
* Renderers implemented, Default and Array renderers ported from QuickForm 3.x
* Groups implemented

Feature requests addressed:
* Default rendering without tables (request #9116)
* setSeparator() method (request #9942)

Bug fixes:
* Updated PHP dependency to 5.2.0 (bug #14110, PHP bug #37632)
* 'checked' attributed on checkboxes and radios was not updated after changing
'value' attribute (bug #15708)

Deprecated features:
* setOptions() and getOptions() methods of HTML_QuickForm2_Rule are
deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Use setConfig() and
getConfig() instead.

WARNING: next release will have backwards compatibility breaks in setting Rule
configuration data. If you are just using built-in Rules you should not be
affected, but if you wrote custom subclasses for HTML_QuickForm2_Rule then pay
special attention to changes in SVN.

Package Info
The package is expected to offer at least the same functionality as HTML_QuickForm and work with PHP5 E_STRICT setting.

Related Links
Package home:

Alexey Borzov (lead)
Bertrand Mansion (lead)