From: "PEAR Announce" on
The new PEAR package HTTP_Request2-0.4.0 (alpha) has been released at

Release notes
* Added 'store_body' config parameter, if set to false it will prevent storing
the response body in Response object (request #15881)
* HTTP_Request2::setHeader() method now works as documented, setHeader('name')
will remove the 'name' header, while setHeader('name', '') will set 'name'
header to empty value (bug #15937)
* Custom 'Host' header will not be overwritten by generated one (bug #16146)
* When trying to reuse the connected socket in Socket adapter, make sure that
it is still connected (bug #16149)

Package Info
PHP5 rewrite of HTTP_Request package. Provides cleaner API and pluggable
Adapters. Currently available are:
* Socket adapter, based on old HTTP_Request code,
* Curl adapter, wraps around PHP's cURL extension,
* Mock adapter, to use for testing packages dependent on HTTP_Request2.
Supports POST requests with data and file uploads, basic and digest
authentication, cookies, proxies, gzip and deflate encodings, monitoring
the request progress with Observers...

Related Links
Package home:

Alexey Borzov (lead)