From: "PEAR Announce" on
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-1.2.2 (stable) has been released at

Release notes
- The core PHP_CodeSniffer_File methods now understand the concept of closures (feature request #16866)
-- Thanks to Christian Kaps for the sample code
- Sniffs can now specify violation codes for each error and warning they add
-- Future versions will allow you to override messages and severities using these codes
-- Specifying a code is optional, but will be required if you wish to support overriding
- All reports have been broken into separate classes
-- Command line usage and report output remains the same
-- Thanks to Gabriele Santini for the patch
- Added an interactive mode that can be enabled using the -a command line argument
-- Scans files and stops when it finds a file with errors
-- Waits for user input to recheck the file (hopefully you fixed the errors) or skip the file
-- Useful for very large code bases where full rechecks take a while
- The reports now show the correct number of errors and warnings found
- The isCamelCaps method now allows numbers in class names
- The JS tokenizer now correctly identifies boolean and bitwise AND and OR tokens
- The JS tokenzier now correctly identifies regular expressions used in conditions
- PEAR ValidFunctionNameSniff now ignores closures
- Squiz standard now uses the PEAR setting of 85 chars for LineLengthSniff
- Squiz ControlStructureSpacingSniff now ensure there are no spaces around parentheses
- Squiz LongConditionClosingCommentSniff now checks for comments at the end of try/catch statements
- Squiz LongConditionClosingCommentSniff now checks validity of comments for short structures if they exist
- Squiz IncrementDecrementUsageSniff now has better checking to ensure it only looks at simple variable assignments
- Squiz PostStatementCommentSniff no longer throws errors for end function comments
- Squiz InlineCommentSniff no longer throws errors for end function comments
- Squiz OperatorBracketSniff now allows simple arithmetic operations in SWITCH conditions
- Squiz ValidFunctionNameSniff now ignores closures
- Squiz MethodScopeSniff now ignores closures
- Squiz ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff now ignores closures
- Squiz GlobalFunctionSniff now ignores closures
- Squiz DisallowComparisonAssignmentSniff now ignores the assigning of arrays
- Squiz DisallowObjectStringIndexSniff now allows indexes that contain dots and reserved words
- Squiz standard now throws nesting level and cyclomatic complexity errors at much higher levels
- Squiz CommentedOutCodeSniff now ignores common comment framing chacacters
- Squiz ClassCommentSniff now ensures the open comment tag is the only content on the first line
- Squiz FileCommentSniff now ensures the open comment tag is the only content on the first line
- Squiz FunctionCommentSniff now ensures the open comment tag is the only content on the first line
- Squiz VariableCommentSniff now ensures the open comment tag is the only content on the first line
- Squiz NonExecutableCodeSniff now warns about empty return statements that are not required
- Removed ForbiddenStylesSniff from Squiz standard
-- It is now in in the MySource standard as BrowserSpecificStylesSniff
-- New BrowserSpecificStylesSniff ignores files with browser-specific suffixes
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff no longer throws errors when extending the Exception class
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff no longer throws errors for the abstract widget class
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff and UnusedSystemSniff now allow includes inside IF statements
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff no longer throws errors for included widgets inside methods
- MySource GetRequestDataSniff now throws errors for using $_FILES
- MySource CreateWidgetTypeCallbackSniff now allows return statements in nested functions
- MySource DisallowSelfActionsSniff now ignores abstract classes
- Fixed a problem with the SVN pre-commit hook for PHP versions without vertical whitespace regex support
- Fixed bug #16740 : False positives for heredoc strings and unused parameter sniff
- Fixed bug #16794 : ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff doesn't report operators not in lowercase
- Fixed bug #16804 : Report filename is shortened too much
- Fixed bug #16821 : Bug in Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff
-- Thanks to Jaroslav Hanslík for the patch
- Fixed bug #16836 : Notice raised when using semicolon to open case
- Fixed bug #16855 : Generic standard sniffs incorrectly for define() method
- Fixed bug #16865 : Two bugs in Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff
-- Thanks to Jaroslav Hanslík for the patch
- Fixed bug #16902 : Inline If Declaration bug
- Fixed bug #16960 : False positive for late static binding in Squiz/ScopeKeywordSpacingSniff
-- Thanks to Jakub Tománek for the patch
- Fixed bug #16976 : The phpcs attempts to process symbolic links that don't resolve to files
- Fixed bug #17017 : Including one file in the files sniffed alters errors reported for another file

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises and "sniffs" PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

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Greg Sherwood (lead)