From: "PEAR Announce" on
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-1.3.0RC1 (beta) has been released at

Release notes
- Added exclude pattern support to ruleset.xml file so you can specify ignore patterns in a standard (request #17683)
-- Use new exclude-pattern tags to include the ignore rules into your ruleset.xml file
-- See CodeSniffer/Standards/PHPCS/ruleset.xml for an example
- Added new --encoding command line argument to specify the encoding of the files being checked
-- When set to utf-8, stops the XML-based reports from double-encoding
-- When set to something else, helps the XML-based reports encode to utf-8
-- Default value is iso-8859-1 but can be changed with --config-set encoding [value]
- The report is no longer printed to screen when using the --report-file command line option (request #17467)
-- If you want to print it to screen as well, use the -v command line argument
- The SVN and GIT blame reports now also show percentage of reported errors per author (request #17606)
-- Thanks to Ben Selby for the patch
- Updated the SVN pre-commit hook to work with the new severity levels feature
- Generic SubversionPropertiesSniff now allows properties to have NULL values (request #17682)
-- A null value indicates that the property should exist but the value should not be checked
- Generic UpperCaseConstantName Sniff now longer complains about the PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD constant (request #17798)
- Squiz FileComment sniff now checks JS files as well as PHP files
- Squiz FunctionCommentSniff now supports namespaces in type hints
- Fixed a problem in Squiz OutputBufferingIndentSniff where block comments were reported as not indented
- Fixed bug #17092 : Problems with utf8_encode and htmlspecialchars with non-ascii chars
-- Use the new --encoding=utf-8 command line argument if your files are utf-8 encoded
- Fixed bug #17629 : PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$booleanOperators missing T_LOGICAL_XOR
-- Thanks to Matthew Turland for the patch
- Fixed bug #17699 : Fatal error generating code coverage with PHPUnit 5.3.0RC1
- Fixed bug #17718 : Namespace 'use' statement: used global class name is recognized as constant
- Fixed bug #17734 : Generic SubversionPropertiesSniff complains on non SVN files
- Fixed bug #17742 : EmbeddedPhpSniff reacts negatively to file without closing php tag
- Fixed bug #17823 : Notice: Please no longer include PHPUnit/Framework.php

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises and "sniffs" PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

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Greg Sherwood (lead)