From: "PEAR Announce" on
The new PEAR package PHP_CodeSniffer-1.3.0a1 (alpha) has been released at

Release notes
- All CodingStandard.php files have been replaced by ruleset.xml files
-- Custom standards will need to be converted over to this new format to continue working
- You can specify a path to your own custom ruleset.xml file by using the --standard command line arg
-- e.g., phpcs --standard=/path/to/my/ruleset.xml
- Added a new report type --report=gitblame to show how many errors and warnings were committed by each author
-- Has the same functionality as the svnblame report
-- Thanks to Ben Selby for the patch
- A new token type T_DOLLAR has been added to allow you to sniff for variable variables (feature request #17095)
-- Thanks to Ian Young for the patch
- JS tokenizer now supports T_POWER (^) and T_MOD_EQUAL (%=) tokens (feature request #17441)
- If you have PHP_Timer installed, you'll now get a time/memory summary at the end of a script run
-- Only happens when printing reports that are designed to be read on the command line
- Added Generic DeprecatedFunctionsSniff to warn about the use of deprecated functions (feature request #16694)
-- Thanks to Sebastian Bergmann for the patch
- Added Squiz LogicalOperatorSniff to ensure that logical operators are surrounded by single spaces
- Added MySource ChannelExceptionSniff to ensure action files only throw ChannelException
- Added new method getClassProperties() for sniffs to use to determine if a class is abstract and/or final
-- Thanks to Christian Kaps for the patch
- Generic UpperCaseConstantSniff no longer throws errors about namespaces
-- Thanks to Christian Kaps for the patch
- Squiz OperatorBracketSniff now correctly checks value assignmnets in arrays
- Squiz LongConditionClosingCommentSniff now requires a comment for long CASE statements that use curly braces
- Squiz LongConditionClosingCommentSniff now requires an exact comment match on the brace
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff now ignores DOMDocument usage
- MySource IncludeSystemSniff no longer requires inclusion of systems that are being implemented
- Removed found and expected messages from Squiz ConcatenationSpacingSniff because they were messy and not helpful
- Fixed a problem where Generic CodeAnalysisSniff could show warnings if checking multi-line strings
- Fixed error messages in Squiz ArrayDeclarationSniff reporting incorrect number of found and expected spaces
- Fixed bug #17048 : False positive in Squiz_WhiteSpace_ScopeKeywordSpacingSniff
- Fixed bug #17054 : phpcs more strict than PEAR CS regarding function parameter spacing
- Fixed bug #17096 : Notice: Undefined index: scope_condition in ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php
-- Moved PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing to Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing
- Fixed bug #17144 : Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated
- Fixed bug #17236 : PHP Warning due to token_get_all() in DoubleQuoteUsageSniff
- Fixed bug #17243 : Alternate Switch Syntax causes endless loop of Notices in SwitchDeclaration
- Fixed bug #17313 : Bug with switch case struture
- Fixed bug #17331 : Possible parse error: interfaces may not include member vars
- Fixed bug #17337 : CSS tokenizer fails on quotes urls
- Fixed bug #17420 : Uncaught exception when comment before function brace
- Fixed bug #17503 : closures formatting is not supported

Package Info
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises and "sniffs" PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

Related Links
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Greg Sherwood (lead)