From: "Sascha Meyer" on
Good morning Nagendra,

Nagendra wrote:
> ...
> The above code is giving me the following errors:

> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: filter in
> <b>C:\wamp\www\5_Final\index.php</b> on line <b>228</b><br />

> Notice: Undifined Variable: filterfield in c:\wamp\www\5_final\index.php
> line 233 > Type
> ...

The error occurs because you did not initialize the $filter and $filterfield

variables before using them; this does not indicate an error because these
variables will most likely not be set when the form is displayed initially.

You have multiple options to avoid this error:

1) Change the error_reporting setting in your php.ini or set
"error_reporting (E_ALL & ~(E_STRICT|E_NOTICE));" inside your php script.
>> This disables PHP notices but could make debugging a bit more

2) Initialize the variables before using them:
// I assume the variables will be passed by the form, that's why they are in
// superglobal $_POST array; if the variable has been passed (isset(...),
use it,
// otherwise initialize with false

$filter = isset($_POST["filter"]) ? $_POST["filter"] : false;
$filterfield = isset($_POST["filterfield"]) ? $_POST["filterfield"] : false;


