From: Ben C on
On 2010-04-17, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <PointedEars(a)> wrote:
> Gus Richter wrote:
>> Mike wrote:
>>> One thing I dont understand completely
>>> This:
>>> h3 {
>>> position: relative; /* So that elements INSIDE this header can be
>>> positioned relative to the header */
>>> }
>>> this is stating that the relative declaration is pertaining to the
>>> children of this not itself. Which seems to work. But why? Doesnt a
>>> rule apply to itself?
>> Not necessarily. Take for example:
>> div {margin:auto;text-align:center;}
>> Where equal margins are applied to the div and apply to itself, but the
>> second rule centers the 'inline content' (child) within the div.
> It applies to all inline-level descendants, not only children.

No it doesn't. Descendents may _inherit_ the property and apply it to
their own contents, but the property on the ancestor doesn't itself
_apply_ to any descendents except children.
From: dorayme on
In article <slrnhsjq5d.4uk.spamspam(a)bowser.marioworld>,
Ben C <spamspam(a)spam.eggs> wrote:

> On 2010-04-17, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <PointedEars(a)> wrote:
> > Gus Richter wrote:
> >
> >> Mike wrote:
> >>> One thing I dont understand completely
> >>> This:
> >>> h3 {
> >>> position: relative; /* So that elements INSIDE this header can be
> >>> positioned relative to the header */
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> this is stating that the relative declaration is pertaining to the
> >>> children of this not itself. Which seems to work. But why? Doesnt a
> >>> rule apply to itself?
> >>
> >> Not necessarily. Take for example:
> >> div {margin:auto;text-align:center;}
> >> Where equal margins are applied to the div and apply to itself, but the
> >> second rule centers the 'inline content' (child) within the div.
> >
> > It applies to all inline-level descendants, not only children.
> No it doesn't. Descendents may _inherit_ the property and apply it to
> their own contents, but the property on the ancestor doesn't itself
> _apply_ to any descendents except children.

I hope Lahn will thank you for this very nice point (which will
not be obvious except after appreciation of it and in hindsight).
Bets anyone? I am prepared to give good odds. <g>

From: Gus Richter on
On 4/17/2010 12:54 PM, Ben C wrote:
> On 2010-04-17, Gus Richter<gusrichter(a)> wrote:
>> On 4/16/2010 3:12 PM, Ben C wrote:
>>> On 2010-04-16, Gus Richter<gusrichter(a)> wrote:
>>>> On 4/15/2010 7:36 PM, Mike wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Why is id= two relative to the corner of the "centerthis" div but
>>>>> id=three is not?
>>>> The other respondent is right about the first character needing to be a
>>>> letter:
>>>> <>
>>>> Explaining the 'why':
>>>> .Centerthis is the container and its position is "static".
>>>> The two divs in question are positioned "in-flow" to the static div.
>>>> That means they are stacked on top of each other right under .one
>>>> Position:absolute; does nothing until repositioning occurs.
>>>> #two is then vertically repositioned with top:100px; relative to the
>>>> initial containing block (body for simplicity)
>>> It's not body, but the viewport. It does make a difference because body
>>> usually has an 8px margin, and the body may be taller (and also wider)
>>> than the viewport, but bottom: 0 positions things at the bottom of the
>>> viewport.
>> Of course you are right. I simply wanted to make things simpler with the
>> "(body for simplicity)" and providing the link where one can read up on
>> the detailed writeup. Here is my slightly modified version of it:
>> Body lives in html (the root element),
>> which in turn lives in the 'initial containing block' (which is
>> the viewport) and
>> which is the viewable portion of the infinite canvas area.
>> I should have simply said "viewport" as you point out. When I composed,
>> I thought that most had a clear vision of body and an unclear vision of
>> viewport and that here the difference would probably be inconsequential.
>> Perhaps if I had said "(body, less any margin and/or padding, for
>> simplicity)"?
> It's always difficult to explain these things, especially when the W3C
> terminology is so confusing, and I agree people might not know what the
> viewport is. But it's not the body, so that doesn't really make it
> simpler, just wronger. Maybe better to say: "the initial containing
> block (which is basically just the browser window)".
>> By your singular correction, I take it that you find no other problem
>> with my explanation of "why" for the OP?
> You can rest assured that if I find something to quibble with then
> quibble I shall :)

Thank you for some sanity in here.


From: Ben C on
On 2010-04-18, dorayme <dorayme(a)> wrote:
> But, anyway, I was not talking a paragraph, a div can simply have
> inline text in it and this is content but rather different to the
> way a paragraph is content, in the latter case it is a proper
> named immediate descendant, a child and any further elements
> inside the paragraph would be grandchildren. The line boxes of
> text inside the p which is inside the div, well, I have never
> been sure whether to think of these as technically
> "grandchildren" of the div or "children" of p. There are
> references in the specs to anonymous boxes for text and if you
> were alive to this you might have restrained yourself and
> suppressed that vicious side of your personality a while longer.

If you've got:


There is an anonymous inline box around "text". You've got a block box
for the div, whose child is a block box for the p, whose child is an
anonymous box with the text in it.

The anonymous box with text in it "generates" a line box in the way that
inline boxes generally generate line boxes.

If you've got:


Then you get an anonymous block around "more", and another anonymous
inline inside that anonymous block for the text.

Pop quiz on W3C metaphysics: how many anonymous boxes are there in the
following HTML document:

<div style="display: table">
<div style="display: table-row"></div>
<div style="display: table-row"></div>
From: dorayme on
In article <slrnhsll24.4kc.spamspam(a)bowser.marioworld>,
Ben C <spamspam(a)spam.eggs> wrote:

> On 2010-04-18, dorayme <dorayme(a)> wrote:
> [...]
> > But, anyway, I was not talking a paragraph, a div can simply have
> > inline text in it and this is content but rather different to the
> > way a paragraph is content, in the latter case it is a proper
> > named immediate descendant, a child and any further elements
> > inside the paragraph would be grandchildren. The line boxes of
> > text inside the p which is inside the div, well, I have never
> > been sure whether to think of these as technically
> > "grandchildren" of the div or "children" of p.

The key words here are "whether to think of these as". I don't
like to think of them as these. It is possible I will have no
choice though. Time will tell.

> If you've got:
> <div><p>text</p></div>
> There is an anonymous inline box around "text". You've got a block box
> for the div, whose child is a block box for the p, whose child is an
> anonymous box with the text in it.
> The anonymous box with text in it "generates" a line box in the way that
> inline boxes generally generate line boxes.
> If you've got:
> <div>more<p>text</p></div>
> Then you get an anonymous block around "more", and another anonymous
> inline inside that anonymous block for the text.

So that the inline anonymous box around "more" is a sibling of p,
and an auntkle of "text", and div has more children than it may
realise and even a grandchild that might surprise it greatly? In
other words it is not just elements, at least not named elements,
that get to be in the family tree eh? Sounds like a cookie scheme
to me, a bit like someone dreaming up reasons for someone's foot
or shoe to be part of the family. I don't like it and want to
know the name and address of the person responsible for this far
fetched idea.

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