From: Brian Candler on
Martin Hansen wrote:
> Now, I would like error handling to be invoked, if possible from
> biopieces.rb, in the case some exception is raised (either by raise or
> ctrl-c, etc)

What do you want the exception handler to do? Will the program still
terminate afterwards?

If so, why not just add an at_exit handler?

--- prog1.rb ---
at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $! }
raise "Boom"

--- prog2.rb ---
at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $! }
puts "Nothing happened"

--- prog3.rb ---
at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $! }
raise "Caught it"
rescue RuntimeError
puts "Nothing happened"

--- prog4.rb ---
at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $! }
raise "Caught it"
rescue RuntimeError
sleep 10
puts "Nothing happened"

Note that both prog2 and prog3 terminate successfully and don't report
any exception. prog4 reports Interrupt if you terminate with ^C.

Your at_exit code can of course sit in a separate source file that you
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From: Martin Hansen on
> What do you want the exception handler to do? Will the program still
> terminate afterwards?

I want to write the exception type to a log file and terminate the
script. $! does not tell the difference between interrupt, terminate,
and quit (perhaps that could be fixed? - just a thought).

> If so, why not just add an at_exit handler?

I have been messing around with this for a while, but I have failed to
get it right - and now I am utterly confused.

If I have test.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'my_aux_class'

raise "raise from main"

And my_aux_class.rb:

class Greet
def initialize
puts "Hello World"

at_exit {
puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $!

exit_status = "OK"

%w( INT TERM QUIT ).each do |signal|
Signal.trap(signal) do
exit_status = signal

raise "raise from aux"
rescue Exception => exception
puts "rescuing #{exception}"
puts exception.backtrace
puts "exit status: #{exit_status}"

Running this I get the following output:

rescuing raise from aux
/Users/maasha/my_aux_class.rb:21:in `<top (required)>'
/test.rb:3:in `require'
/test.rb:3:in `<main>'
exit status: OK
Hello World
Last exception was #<RuntimeError: raise from main>
/test.rb:7:in `<main>': raise from main (RuntimeError)

I actually wanted the raise from main rescued, but the
begin/rescue/ensure is misplaced/misused :o(


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From: Brian Candler on
Martin Hansen wrote:
> $! does not tell the difference between interrupt, terminate,
> and quit (perhaps that could be fixed? - just a thought).

It does for me.

$ cat ert.rb
at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $!; exit! }
sleep 100
puts "Nothing happened"

### Ctrl-C:
$ ruby ert.rb
^CLast exception was Interrupt
ert.rb:2:in `sleep': Interrupt
from ert.rb:2

### kill -TERM (from another window):
$ ruby ert.rb
Last exception was #<SignalException: SIGTERM>

### kill -QUIT:
Last exception was #<SignalException: SIGQUIT>

This is with ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux] under
Ubuntu Lucid amd64.

So I don't understand why you're trying to trap all of these signals,
when they all cause the program to terminate, and they can all be
distinguished in $!. But perhaps your platform behaves differently?

Final note: inside your at_exit handler, you can use 'exit!' to prevent
any further processing, i.e. the default output of the backtrace or
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From: Brian Candler on
> at_exit { puts "Last exception was #{$!.inspect}" if $!; exit! }

Actually, the sample output I showed was without the 'exit!'

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From: Martin Hansen on
This works great! I was sure I had tested this, but I had screwed up the
test somehow - perhaps trap changed something. Anyways - this will work!

Thanks a zillion for the patient assistance!

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