From: David Mark on
On Dec 20, 3:21 pm, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <PointedE...(a)>
> David Mark wrote:
> > Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> >> [snipped full quote]
> <>
> >> BTW, HTML is an acronym for the HyperText Markup Language, and CSS is an
> >> acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, respectively; they must be written
> >> in *UPPERCASE*.
> > They are abbreviations, but not acronyms.
> You are off-topic.

Oh, Jesus. You are right, of course. What was I thinking?

> As for me, the distinctive property of an acronym is that it consists of

And this is not OT?

> the leading characters of the words it means; as in *H*yper*T*ext
> *M*arkup *L*angage, and *C*ascading *S*tyle *S*heets.  On the other
> hand, mere abbreviations such as `etc.', `ibid.', don't share that property.

Good rule of thumb: if you can pronounce it (and it is made up of
characters found in the abbreviated words), it is an acronym. Radar,
laser, fubar, STENDEC, etc. are acronyms; HTML and CSS are not.