From: usenet on
In article <ee8ecef4-a8b6-4203-8fa3-07d60f649aaa(a)>,
Koobee Wublee <koobee.wublee(a)> posted:

> Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:
> . . .

No, I am not the author of the original post.
I posted it. I did not write it. Go to the
URL provided to find out who wrote it.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

From: john on
On Jun 22, 11:22 pm, use...(a) and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> In article <ee8ecef4-a8b6-4203-8fa3-07d60f649...(a)>,
>  Koobee Wublee <koobee.wub...(a)> posted:
> > Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:
> >  . . .
> No, I am not the author of the original post.
> I posted it.  I did not write it.  Go to the
> URL provided to find out who wrote it.
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti

The cool thing is, it's all in words of
four letters or less.
So if your attention span were
long enough you would understand
every word, Kooblee. :)

From: usenet on
In article <hvsbu0$12qn$1(a)>,
"hanson" <hanson(a)> posted:
> ....... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... ahahaha....
> . . .

Keep working at it, you'll get your humor back like it was in the old days.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti