From: " -fish->" on
Hi Guys

I was reading a book about the solar system and came across a picture of the
Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and saw a C64!?!, and after doing some google
search it came upt with this:

The picture in my book is this:

any one knows if they still use it?

From: magnusfalkirk on
On Jun 30, 1:22 pm, "<-fish->" <f...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I was reading a book about the solar system and came across a picture of the
> Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and saw a C64!?!, and after doing some google
> search it came upt with this:
> The picture in my book is this:
> any one knows if they still use it?

according to this article on Wikipedia:
it was retired in 1995 and is no longer airworthy. it's been replaced
by a new platform called SOFIA:
