From: Tim Wescott on
Magnetic wrote:
> If I had an access to the start-button of a rocket with nuclear war-
> head I would push it and I would direct it on Geneva.
> Why? Am I crazy?
> No! Those physicists of CERN are crazy.
> To kill million of people with 100% probability is much more humane
> than to wait the moment then CERN physicists would kill 6 700 000 000
> people with 50% probability.
> Dear people of Geneva, you are idiots, crazy on money. You are
> criminals because you hosted the Snake in your city. CERN must by
> ruin. CERN physicists and other physicists all over the world must be
> punished if they did not understand yet the deadly danger of LHC.

Please share this sentiment with your local police force, so they know
how patriotic (and safe!) you are. Especially if you're planning any
travel to Switzerland.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting