From: Paboo on
How can I create a URL in href for each record where the query parameters are
the values of the selected record.
I tried the following:
<cfgrid name="mygrid" query="getproducts">
<cfgridcolumn name="prod" href="#order_url#?prod=#getproducts.product#"

The problem with this is, no matter what product I selected, it will still
pass the first record in the table.

From: tzimmerman on
Try the following:
<cfgrid name="mygrid" query="getproducts">
<cfgridcolumn name="prod" href="#order_url# hrefkey="product">

When you click on the href link it will pass the value of the product in
CFGRIDKEY. See "Using the href attribute" in

Then when you do your where clause on your linked page it will be WHERE

Ted Zimmerman

From: PikesPeakPam on
I am trying to do something similar - I want the user to be able to navigate to
a non-cfm page to do an employee lookup from a corporate ldap using a list of
employees in a cfgrid. How can I get this to work?
The search string should look like this (assuming 1111 is the employee

Here is my code so far:
<cfgrid name="mygrid" query="get_employees">
<cfgridcolumn name="staff_id_nbr"
target="_blank" >

This is the result (displays the employee info, but adds too much info to the

How do I get rid of all the garbage, starting with &CFGRIDKEY? Some of it is
Employee LDAP info, but I'm most concerned about the &CFGRIDKEY=1111. I tried
using the hrefkey in various ways, but luck. Thanks...

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