From: Felipe Abrão on
Hello! I would like to run a Fortran 90 program using Cantera module.
I have already installed Cantera, but there is a program error that
says that it can not find the file cantera.mod. Because of that, I
belive that the other errors are function of this, as, for example,
the fact that the program could not open the library module file.
Could you please help me solving this question? Thank you very much.
From: dpb on
Felipe Abr�o wrote:
> Hello! I would like to run a Fortran 90 program using Cantera module.
> I have already installed Cantera, but there is a program error that
> says that it can not find the file cantera.mod. Because of that, I
> belive that the other errors are function of this, as, for example,
> the fact that the program could not open the library module file.
> Could you please help me solving this question? Thank you very much.

A .mod file is the output result of compiling a Fortran source module
for a subsequent USE statement in other Fortran source compilations.

You apparently need to either compile the code you've downloaded or,
possibly, you simply have a problem in where the compiler is looking for
the files and need to fix environment variables or somesuch.

Need more specifics for more specific response.

From: Felipe Abrão on
On 8 nov, 14:06, dpb <n...(a)> wrote:
> Felipe Abrão wrote:
> > Hello! I would like to run a Fortran 90 program using Cantera module.
> > I have already installed Cantera, but there is a program error that
> > says that it can not find the file cantera.mod. Because of that, I
> > belive that the other errors are function of this, as, for example,
> > the fact that the program could not open the library module file.
> > Could you please help me solving this question? Thank you very much.
> A .mod file is the output result of compiling a Fortran source module
> for a subsequent USE statement in other Fortran source compilations.
> You apparently need to either compile the code you've downloaded or,
> possibly, you simply have a problem in where the compiler is looking for
> the files and need to fix environment variables or somesuch.
> Need more specifics for more specific response.
> --

Thank you for your answer. Maybe I could write down the code of my
Fortran program (very small) and under it the 5 error messages. Thanks
in advance.

program eq
use cantera
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
character*50 xstring
character*2 propPair
type(mixture_t) mix
mix = GRIMech30()
if (.not.ready(mix)) then
write(*,*) 'error encountered constructing mixture.'
end if
write(*,*) 'enter T [K] and P [atm]:'
read(*,*) temp, pres
pres = OneAtm * pres ! convert to Pascals
! the initial composition should be entered as a string of
name:<moles> pairs
! for example ’CH4:3, O2:2, N2:7.52’. The values will be normalized
! internally
write(*,*) 'enter initial composition:'
read(*, 10) xstring
10 format(a)
! set the initial mixture state
call setState_TPX(temp, pres, xstring)
! determine what to hold constant
write(*,*) 'enter one of HP, TP, UV, or SP to specify the'
write(*,*) 'properties to hold constant:'
read(*,10) propPair
! equilibrate the mixture
call equilibrate(mix, propPair)
! print a summary of the new state
call printSummary(mix)

--------------------Configuration: T - Win32 Debug--------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(2): Could not find
the file cantera.mod.
Compiling Fortran...
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(2) : Error: Error in
opening the Library module file. [CANTERA]
use cantera
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(6) : Error: This
derived type name has not been declared. [MIXTURE_T]
type(mixture_t) mix
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(8) : Error: The
highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=4). [READY]
if (.not.ready(mix)) then
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(8) : Error: The
highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=4).
if (.not.ready(mix)) then
C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(8) : Error: A logical
data type is required in this context.
if (.not.ready(mix)) then
Error executing df.exe.

T.obj - 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)
From: dpb on
Felipe Abr�o wrote:
> Thank you for your answer. Maybe I could write down the code of my
> Fortran program (very small) and under it the 5 error messages. Thanks
> in advance.
> program eq
> use cantera

> C:\Documents and Settings\Felipe\Desktop\T\T.f90(2): Could not find
> the file cantera.mod.

Yes, precisely what I said earlier.

Still can't tell which is the root cause.

First, can you find a "cantera.mod" file on the system? If so, it's the
latter problem of the compiler not looking in the right place.

OTOH, if there isn't such a file (I'm guessing that's probably so), you
need to compile whatever source file(s) that comprise that module first.

The "USE" statement above is what's looking for the information that
will be in the .mod file. That information will only be there when the
source code comprising the module is compiled.

From: dpb on
dpb wrote:
> The "USE" statement above is what's looking for the information that
> will be in the .mod file. That information will only be there when the
> source code comprising the module is compiled.

OBTW, the file won't _necessarily_ be named "cantera.f90" although
that's a/the most likely choice. The module filename will be obtained
from the name of the module as specified on the MODULE statement in the
source file.
