From: 1PW on
On 10/11/2008 04:14 PM, simon wike sent:
> A little off topic I know
> But is anyone here good at code cracking? I have been trying for weeks to
> crack these 2 codes and cannot even id them
> 1st is 4675121931518313213557921424396310162643701118294877
> 2nd is 43701624*753943433914*26311243213924
> Please email me if you can help simonwike(a)

* * X-Posted: sci.crypt & * *

Hello Simon:

I've reposted this to sci.crypt

I'm not sure how welcome this may be there though...

You may wish to reveal as many clues as you're able. Where did these
ciphertexts come from? What is their use? What do you believe may have
been encrypted? What have you tried so far? What will you do with them
if they're deciphered?

Best wishes.


@?6A62?FEH9:DE=6o2@=]4@> [r4o7t]