From: Salccnpp on
I'm trying to noodle my way thru consuming a webservice and it is not making
sense when I'm trying to get attributes from a webservice. Can someone point
me in the right direction. I've included what the xml output looks like and
my cfinvoke and a cfdump of the invoke return variable. I just don't know how
to bring back that array of course ids??

The service returns course ids

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Courses>
<Course CourseID="1167" CourseName="Human Performance Tools - Self Checking"
<Course CourseID="1168" CourseName="Human Perfomance Tools - 3 Way
Communication" />
<Course CourseID="1169" CourseName="Human Performance Tools - Phonetic
Alphabet" />
<Course CourseID="1170" CourseName="Human Performance Tools - Pre-Job
Briefing" />
<Course CourseID="1171" CourseName="NANTeL Initial Plant Access Training"
PadsCode="PAT034" />
<Course CourseID="1172" CourseName="NANTeL Initial Radiation Worker
Training" PadsCode="RWT" />
<Course CourseID="1224" CourseName="NANTeL Plant Access Requal Training"
PadsCode="PAT034" />
<Course CourseID="1225" CourseName="NANTeL RWT Requal Training"
PadsCode="RWQ" />
<Course CourseID="1226" CourseName="NANTeL Proctoring Responsibilities" />
<Course CourseID="1235" CourseName="Generic Confined Space" />
<Course CourseID="1236" CourseName="Generic Fall Protection" />

object of

Methods hashCode (returns int)
equals (returns boolean)
getSerializer (returns interface org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer)
getDeserializer (returns interface org.apache.axis.encoding.Deserializer)
getTypeDesc (returns org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc)
get_any (returns [Lorg.apache.axis.message.MessageElement;)
set_any (returns void)
getClass (returns java.lang.Class)
wait (returns void)
wait (returns void)
wait (returns void)
notify (returns void)
notifyAll (returns void)
toString (returns java.lang.String)

<br> getcourses dump<br>
<cfdump var="#mycrs#"><cfinvoke
<br> getcourses dump<br>
<cfdump var="#mycrs#">

From: ksmith on
Please post the actual WSDL of the webservice if you are able.
From: ksmith on
What version of cfmx are you using 6.1 or 7.0x?
From: Salccnpp on
I've tried some additional paradigms (they prove out that I can connect and get
Currently the WebService that I am consuming also supports HTTP.
Using CFHTTP works for me to retrievean xml document
So I guess I can start parsing it manually. But I have other webservice
methods that I need to consume that want an array sent for input data and a
HTTP Get won't work.
I'd really like to have some help on what I'm doing wrong with cfinvoke.

<cfhttp url=""
<cfset mydoc = CFHTTP.FileContent>
<cfdump var="#mydoc#">
<cfset xmlDoc = XmlParse(mydoc)>
<cfdump var="#xmlDoc#">

From: Salccnpp on
During my search I found
THere's a thread on House of Fusion that talks about this same issue but I
don't see an answer. I tried to post there to get a response but no luck.