From: adacrypt on
WITH Ada.Text_IO;
PROCEDURE Batch_Encryption_Program_Mark_1 IS
--| A demonstration of file handling i.e. reading in from a batch
file of plaintext
MaxName : Constant Positive := 80;
SUBTYPE NameRange IS Positive RANGE 1 .. MaxName;
InFileName : String(NameRange) :=(OTHERS => '#');
OutFileName: String(NameRange) :=(OTHERS => '#');
InNameLength: NameRange;
OutNameLength: NameRange;
InData: Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
OutData: Ada.Text_IO. File_Type;
--NextCh: Character;-- That will be the variable name of each
character read in

BEGIN -- Batch_Encryption_Program_Mark_1
-- get input file name and open it
Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => " PLease enter the name of the file to
encrypt >");
Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => " ");
Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(Item => InFileName, Last=> InNameLength);
Ada.Text_IO.Open(File => Indata,
Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,Name => InFileName(1 .. InNameLength));


This declaration above will get you any file in your directory – the
file must exist first of all and if there’s a file extension it must
be quoted.

This simple declaration is all that is needed to get you started
encrypting a file of plaintext – it can be repeated in all programs as
a standard declaration every time.

This an excerpt from “Ada-95 – Problem Solving and Program Design”
Feldman and Koffman. It makes file handling very easy – works every
time – try it ! –

An invaluable exercise is to work example 10.10 on P. 451 – this
worked example gives complete cource code - makes a copy file of an
existing external file - the application to cryptography is obvious. –
your’s humbly - adacrypt

From: Mok-Kong Shen on
adacrypt worte:

>...... - makes a copy file of an
> existing external file - the application to cryptography is obvious. �

I don't understand this at all. Could you elaborate on your point?

M. K. Shen
From: adacrypt on
On Jun 15, 11:12 am, Mok-Kong Shen <mok-kong.s...(a)> wrote:
> adacrypt worte:
> >......  - makes a copy file of an
> > existing external file - the application to cryptography is obvious. –
> I don't understand this at all. Could you elaborate on your point?
> M. K. Shen

This is about a rather tricky operation in programming that arises
repeatedly in cryptography in every cipher computer program.

The author of the book is not into cryptography in any way - the
example in the book reads in an existing file of plaintext ostensibly
for the puropose of copying it and outputting it as a copy-file of the
original - the object of the example is to introduce the reader to the
procedure of naming and calling external files from within a program -
(remember this is a pedagocically orientated syle of text book ) - the
example may seem trivial i.e. copying a file should be easy by a
number of other methods but that is not what is on the radar. The
objective is in file handling of files of plaintext and ciphertext.

The suggestion by me is that the same example is useful to crypto
students in that an adaptation to cryptography is obvious i.e. read in
the character of plaintext for encryption (from a prepared batch
file) , encipher it and then output it to a growing file of
ciphertext, Each character is dealt with one by one in a program

File handling i.e. reading in from and writing out to external files
is one of the more difficult operations in programming and there is
evidence that some crypto users are skirting it by reading in binary
directly from the key board which is not a professional solution or
indeed a very reliable and efficient one (error prone ) whatever they
may say in its defence - Regards - adacrypt
From: Bruce Stephens on
adacrypt <austin.obyrne(a)> writes:


> File handling i.e. reading in from and writing out to external files
> is one of the more difficult operations in programming

No it isn't.

> and there is evidence that some crypto users are skirting it by
> reading in binary directly from the key board

Nobody has suggested doing that.


From: adacrypt on
On Jun 15, 11:12 am, Mok-Kong Shen <mok-kong.s...(a)> wrote:
> adacrypt worte:
> >......  - makes a copy file of an
> > existing external file - the application to cryptography is obvious. –
> I don't understand this at all. Could you elaborate on your point?
> M. K. Shen

I forgot to say that this modus operandi (reading in from batch files
in Ada-95) is at the core of several ciphers that I have written - I
would never consider changing it because it is so logical and
transparent - my encryption program is in essence a pair of large
nested loops, the outer loops calls in a character from the externally
prepared batch file in my folder(directory), the inner loop then
transforms this character by operating on its ASCII denary value in a
number of ways until the transformation into ciphertext is completed
in one pass of the inner loop and it then writes (outputs) the
ciphertext to a growing file of ciphertext in another named file in
my directory (folder).

The loop is controlled i.e. terminated by the Ada End_of_Line command
that terminates the inside loop (transforming the current character)
and finally by the End_of_File command that terminates the outer loop
when the last character has been read in and encrypted by the inside

This model is so good that I cannot think of anything better as an
encryption program.

Decryption is done in symmetric fashion by another identical pair of
loops at Bob's end. ( in passing, the mathematics may be either
symmetric or asymmetric)

I have found this language so good for cryptography that I want to
recommend it to everybody else who might be interested in it. Cheers -