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From: Stefan Bellon on
Randy Brukardt wrote:

> Right, but that obscures your algorithm and makes it harder to
> maintain. It's better to write a storage pool that does the blocking,
> and does it behind the scenes. (Of course, if the overhead of "Next"
> is contributing to the problem, you might not have any choice.)

Ok, will have a close look at storage pools.

> But, honestly, I don't see why you're so concerned about getting the
> blocking factor exactly right. Just make it big enough so you're
> always allocating at least 256 bytes at a time, and relax. Unless you
> have a huge number of these structures, the possible waste of a
> couple hundred bytes per list item isn't going to make much
> difference.

Just an example, in one case of our tools, I replaced the simple linked
list with the above mentioned "b-list" and memory usage went down from
2500 MB zu 1900 MB. That's a saving of 600 MB. So, yes, we are
concerned about efficiency in memory storage as we come close to the 3
GB limit of addressable user space on 32-bit machines.

> So, in summary, if the insertion/deletion issues are really
> significant, then use a custom storage pool, and don't mess with the
> top-level algorithm.

Will do. Thanks for all the help and ideas!

Stefan Bellon
From: Stephen Leake on
Stefan Bellon <sbellon(a)> writes:

> Are there examples of such a storage pool implementation around?

Here's the debug storage pool from SAL

I wrote it to check for memory leaks in the SAL containers. It doesn't
resize the pool when it gets full, but you can add that using other
SAL containers :).

-- Stephe

-- Abstract:
-- A storage pool that keeps track of allocation and deallocation,
-- and allows queries. Used to verify storage management in container
-- tests. NOT task safe!
-- Copyright (C) 1997 - 1999, 2002 Stephen Leake. All Rights Reserved.
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as
-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
-- (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in
-- the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
-- even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-- details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-- License distributed with this program; see file COPYING. If not,
-- write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
-- 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

with System.Storage_Pools;
with System.Storage_Elements;
package Test_Storage_Pools is
pragma Elaborate_Body; -- body depends on Ada.Text_IO;

type String_Access_Constant_Type is access constant String;

type Storage_Pool_Type
(Pool_Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Name : String_Access_Constant_Type) -- for debug messages
is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with private;

-- Override Root_Storage_Pool operations

procedure Allocate
(Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type;
Storage_Address : out System.Address;
Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count);

procedure Deallocate
(Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type;
Storage_Address : in System.Address;
Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count);

function Storage_Size (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type) return System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;

-- New operations (alphabetical)

function Allocate_Count (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural;
-- Number of times Allocate has been called successfully.

function Allocated_Elements (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural;
-- Net allocated storage.

procedure Check_Deallocated (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type);
-- If Allocated_Elements is not zero, print an error message and
-- call Show_Storage.

function Deallocate_Count (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural;
-- Number of times Deallocate has been called.

function Max_Allocated_Elements (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural;
-- Max allocated storage, over lifetime of Pool.

procedure Reset_Counts (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type);
-- Reset Allocated and Deallocated counts to zero.

procedure Set_Debug (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type; Debug : in Boolean);
-- If Debug is True, Allocate, Deallocate, and Show_Storage print
-- helpful messages to Standard_Output.

procedure Show_Storage (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type; Force_Debug : in Boolean := False);
-- Print storage stats to Ada.Text_IO.Standard_Output, if
-- Pool.Debug or Force_Debug is True.


procedure Initialize (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type);

type Block_Header_Type;
type Block_Access_Type is access all Block_Header_Type;
type Block_Header_Type is record
Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Next : Block_Access_Type;
end record;

type Storage_Pool_Type
(Pool_Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Name : String_Access_Constant_Type)
is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with
Debug : Boolean;
Allocate_Count : Natural;
Deallocate_Count : Natural;
Allocated_Elements : Natural;
Max_Allocated_Elements : Natural;
First_Free : Block_Access_Type;
Storage : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Array (1 .. Pool_Size);
-- The first few elements of each free block contain the block
-- header. Small requested blocks are padded up to at least the
-- block header size. All blocks have alignment 8, to keep
-- things simple.
end record;

end Test_Storage_Pools;
-- Abstract:
-- see spec
-- Copyright (C) 1997 - 1999, 2002, 2003 Stephen Leake. All Rights Reserved.
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as
-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-- your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the
-- hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You
-- should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- distributed with this program; see file COPYING. If not, write to
-- the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.

pragma License (GPL);

with Ada.Text_IO;
with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
with Ada.Exceptions;
package body Test_Storage_Pools is

Block_Header_Size : constant System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count :=
System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count (Block_Header_Type'Size /

-- This would be cleaner if Address_To_Access_Conversions took the
-- pointer type as parameter, instead of declaring it!
package Address_To_Block_Access is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Block_Header_Type);

function To_Block_Access
(Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type;
Address : in System.Address)
return Block_Access_Type
use type System.Address;
if Address < Pool.Storage (1)'Address or
Address > Pool.Storage (Pool.Pool_Size)'Address
raise Storage_Error;
end if;
return Block_Access_Type (Address_To_Block_Access.To_Pointer (Address));
end To_Block_Access;

function To_Address (Value : in Block_Access_Type) return System.Address
is begin
return Address_To_Block_Access.To_Address (Address_To_Block_Access.Object_Pointer (Value));
end To_Address;

function Aligned_Address
(Address : in System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address;
Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count)
return System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address
-- Adjust Address upwards to next Alignment.
use System.Storage_Elements;
Aligned : constant Integer_Address := Address + Address rem Integer_Address (Alignment);
return Aligned;
end Aligned_Address;

-- Override Root_Storage_Pool operations

procedure Allocate
(Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type;
Storage_Address : out System.Address;
Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count)
pragma Unreferenced (Alignment);

use System.Storage_Elements;
use Ada.Exceptions;
Block : Block_Access_Type := Pool.First_Free;
Block_Start : Integer_Address;
Remaining_Block : Block_Access_Type;
Aligned : Integer_Address;
Prev : Block_Access_Type := null;

-- We store a block header in free'd blocks, to maintain the
-- free block list. So each allocated block has to be at least
-- that big.
Padded_Size : constant Storage_Count := Storage_Count'Max (Size_In_Storage_Elements, Block_Header_Size);
Allocated_Size : Storage_Count;
if Pool.Debug then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("allocating " &
Storage_Count'Image (Size_In_Storage_Elements) &
" from " &
end if;

Find_Free_Fit :
if Block = null then
Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "Allocate: pool full (or fragmented)");
end if;
exit Find_Free_Fit when Block.Size >= Padded_Size;
Prev := Block;
Block := Block.Next;
end loop Find_Free_Fit;

-- Aligned points past the end of the just-allocated block; it
-- is the base of the block of remaining space.
Block_Start := To_Integer (To_Address (Block));
Aligned := Aligned_Address
(Address => Block_Start + Integer_Address (Padded_Size),
Alignment => 8);

Allocated_Size := Storage_Count (Aligned - Block_Start);

-- Allocated_Size might be > Block.Size because of alignment.
-- In that case, their is no remaining space, so it can't be a
-- block.
if Block.Size > Allocated_Size and then Block.Size - Allocated_Size >= Block_Header_Size then
-- Ok, remaining space can be a real block. But check to see
-- if it is outside the pool!
Remaining_Block := To_Block_Access (Pool, To_Address (Aligned));
when Storage_Error =>
Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "Allocate: pool full (or fragmented)");

if Prev = null then
-- Allocated from first free block.
Pool.First_Free := Remaining_Block;
Prev.Next := Remaining_Block;
end if;

Remaining_Block.all :=
(Size => Block.Size - Allocated_Size,
Next => Block.Next);
-- Remaining space too small for a block. Just link to next
-- free block.
if Prev = null then
-- Allocated from first free block.
Pool.First_Free := Pool.First_Free.Next;
Prev.Next := Block.Next;
end if;

end if;

Pool.Allocate_Count := Pool.Allocate_Count + 1;
-- Only track actual request in Allocated_Elements, since
-- that's what will be deallocated.
Pool.Allocated_Elements := Pool.Allocated_Elements + Natural (Size_In_Storage_Elements);
Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements := Natural'Max (Pool.Allocated_Elements, Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements);
Storage_Address := To_Address (Block);
end Allocate;

procedure Deallocate
(Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type;
Storage_Address : in System.Address;
Size_In_Storage_Elements : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
Alignment : in System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count)
pragma Unreferenced (Alignment);

use System.Storage_Elements;
Block : Block_Access_Type;
if Pool.Debug then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("deallocating " &
Storage_Count'Image (Size_In_Storage_Elements) &
" from " &
end if;

-- Store a free-list block header in the free'd block, add
-- block to head of free list.

Block := To_Block_Access (Pool, Storage_Address);

Block.all :=
(Size => Size_In_Storage_Elements,
Next => Pool.First_Free);

Pool.First_Free := Block;

Pool.Deallocate_Count := Pool.Deallocate_Count + 1;
Pool.Allocated_Elements := Pool.Allocated_Elements - Natural (Size_In_Storage_Elements);
when Storage_Error =>
"Address not from storage pool " & Pool.Name.all);
end Deallocate;

function Storage_Size (Pool : Storage_Pool_Type) return System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count
is begin
return Pool.Pool_Size;
end Storage_Size;

-- New operations

function Allocate_Count (Pool : Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural
is begin
return Pool.Allocate_Count;
end Allocate_Count;

function Allocated_Elements (Pool : Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural
is begin
return Pool.Allocated_Elements;
end Allocated_Elements;

procedure Check_Deallocated (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type)
is begin
if Pool.Allocated_Elements /= 0 then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Error : " & Pool.Name.all & " not deallocated");
Show_Storage (Pool, Force_Debug => True);
end if;
end Check_Deallocated;

function Deallocate_Count (Pool : Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural
is begin
return Pool.Deallocate_Count;
end Deallocate_Count;

function Max_Allocated_Elements (Pool : Storage_Pool_Type) return Natural
is begin
return Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements;
end Max_Allocated_Elements;

procedure Reset_Counts (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type)
is begin
Pool.Deallocate_Count := 0;
Pool.Allocate_Count := 0;
Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements := Pool.Allocated_Elements;
end Reset_Counts;

procedure Set_Debug (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type; Debug : in Boolean)
is begin
Pool.Debug := Debug;
end Set_Debug;

procedure Show_Storage (Pool : in Storage_Pool_Type; Force_Debug : in Boolean := False)
use Ada.Text_IO;
if Pool.Debug or Force_Debug then
Put_Line (Pool.Name.all & " : ");
Put_Line ("Allocate_Count => " & Natural'Image (Pool.Allocate_Count));
Put_Line ("Deallocate_Count => " & Natural'Image (Pool.Deallocate_Count));
Put_Line ("Allocated_Elements => " & Natural'Image (Pool.Allocated_Elements));
Put_Line ("Max_Allocated_Elements => " & Natural'Image (Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements));
end if;
end Show_Storage;

-- Private operations

procedure Initialize (Pool : in out Storage_Pool_Type)
use System.Storage_Elements;
use Ada.Exceptions;
if Pool.Pool_Size < Block_Header_Size then
Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "Initialize: pool_size < header_size");
end if;

Pool.Debug := False;
Pool.Allocate_Count := 0;
Pool.Deallocate_Count := 0;
Pool.Allocated_Elements := 0;
Pool.Max_Allocated_Elements := 0;
Pool.First_Free := To_Block_Access
(Address => To_Integer (Pool.Storage'Address),
Alignment => 8)));
Pool.First_Free.all := (Pool.Pool_Size, null);
end Initialize;

end Test_Storage_Pools;
From: Simon Wright on
Stefan Bellon <sbellon(a)> writes:

> Well, our idea was to build a generic storage pool which can handle
> only memory chunks of one size. And the generic storage pool is
> instantiated with that size as generic parameter. So that each data
> structure instance (be it a list, a tree, hash table, ...) has its
> own storage pool with the exact Item_Type'Size instantiated.

I have a feeling that generics were problematic when I tried something
like this -- but you can always use a constraint:

with System.Storage_Pools;
with System.Storage_Elements;

package BC.Support.Managed_Storage is

pragma Elaborate_Body;

package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
package SSP renames System.Storage_Pools;

type Pool (Chunk_Size : SSE.Storage_Count) is
new SSP.Root_Storage_Pool with private;

from the Booch Components (this particular pool has a bug filed
against it at the moment, caused by a perceived need to allocate
variously-sized items from within large chunks and the resulting need
to chain the free list through chunks ...)
From: Markus E Leypold on

Stefan Bellon <sbellon(a)> writes:

> Randy Brukardt wrote:
>> Right, but that obscures your algorithm and makes it harder to
>> maintain. It's better to write a storage pool that does the blocking,
>> and does it behind the scenes. (Of course, if the overhead of "Next"
>> is contributing to the problem, you might not have any choice.)
> Ok, will have a close look at storage pools.
>> But, honestly, I don't see why you're so concerned about getting the
>> blocking factor exactly right. Just make it big enough so you're
>> always allocating at least 256 bytes at a time, and relax. Unless you
>> have a huge number of these structures, the possible waste of a
>> couple hundred bytes per list item isn't going to make much
>> difference.
> Just an example, in one case of our tools, I replaced the simple linked
> list with the above mentioned "b-list" and memory usage went down from
> 2500 MB zu 1900 MB. That's a saving of 600 MB. So, yes, we are
> concerned about efficiency in memory storage as we come close to the 3
> GB limit of addressable user space on 32-bit machines.

Since memory allocation patterns are usually not completely
predictable, won't that mean, that (if don't allocated everything from
custom storage pools) the maximum allocation will have a certain
amount of statistical "jitter", i.e. will sometimes exceed the 3 GB
limit and your application will fail now and then --
that is, the application will be anreliable?

You would have to prove that 3GB is the absolute upper limit needed,
something really difficult to do when you don't controll ALL
allocation (as opposed to only this special list type).

Regards -- Markus

From: Martin Krischik on
Stefan Bellon wrote:

> Martin Krischik wrote:
>> First we need to know which platform you are using (compiler/OS).
> GNAT on GNU/Linux, Windows and Solaris, where the memory allocation
> should work well on all three of them (but using separates or package
> Naming in a project file to supply different algorithms for the
> allocation strategy is no problem).

The GNAT default storrage pool just calls malloc and free from the C
libraries - which explains the overhead.

>> Then: how a storrage pool get's it memory is up to the pool designer.
>> In your case you could allocate a large chuck of memory strait from
>> the OS and then sub-allocate it using an algorithm optimised for your
>> needs.
> When using storage pools, can the storage pools be dynamically resized,
> or is a storage pool, once created, fixed in its size? The latter would
> rule out using storage pools since we do not know in advance how many
> data we need to store, just the "Item_Type" is known when instantiating
> the data structure, so it's size is known (provided we can trust the
> 'Size, 'Object_Size, and 'Component_Size attributes).

Whatever you implement. Other posters allready suggested a linked list of
arrays which seems the best approach for a variable amount of fixed sized

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