From: Thomas Koenig on
I have read the J3/04-007 draft on the properties of formatted
stream I/O, and I have confess I am still baffeled about some

Question 1:

What should the program

program main
write (99,'(A)') 'a'
write (99,'(A)') 'b'
close (99)
end program main

write to file 99? One incomplete line containing


or two lines


gfortran and ifort agree here, they both write
two lines.

Question 2:

What should the program

program main
write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'a'
write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'b'
close (99)
end program main

write to file 99? gfortran writes two lines containing


ifort writes a single "b". I would expect a single
line containing

From: Gary Scott on
Thomas Koenig wrote:
> I have read the J3/04-007 draft on the properties of formatted
> stream I/O, and I have confess I am still baffeled about some
> points.
> Question 1:
> What should the program
> program main
> open(99,form="formatted",access="stream")
> write (99,'(A)') 'a'
> write (99,'(A)') 'b'
> close (99)
> end program main
> write to file 99? One incomplete line containing
> ab
> or two lines
> a
> b
> gfortran and ifort agree here, they both write
> two lines.
> Question 2:
> What should the program
> program main
> open(99,form="formatted",access="stream")
> write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'a'
> write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'b'
> close (99)
> end program main
> write to file 99? gfortran writes two lines containing
> a
> b
> ifort writes a single "b". I would expect a single
> line containing
> ab

:) My guess too is a single line containing ab

I would not think that advance='no' means not to advance the position
pointer, but rather not to write a line termination character. It looks
like ifort failed to advance the position pointer and overwrite the "a"
with the "b"


Gary Scott
mailto:garylscott(a)sbcglobal dot net

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-- Henry Ford
From: Terence on
I agree with Gary and the expectation of

From: Craig Dedo on
"Gary Scott" <garylscott(a)> wrote in message
> Thomas Koenig wrote:
>> I have read the J3/04-007 draft on the properties of formatted
>> stream I/O, and I have confess I am still baffeled about some
>> points.
>> Question 1:
>> What should the program
>> program main
>> open(99,form="formatted",access="stream")
>> write (99,'(A)') 'a'
>> write (99,'(A)') 'b'
>> close (99)
>> end program main
>> write to file 99? One incomplete line containing
>> ab
>> or two lines
>> a
>> b
>> gfortran and ifort agree here, they both write
>> two lines.

You are correct. ADVANCE="NO" is not specified in the WRITE statements, so
by default, they are advancing write statements (Fortran 2003,
Therefore, two complete records should be written.

To clarify, advance mode, i.e., advancing/non-advancing read/write, is
completely separate and independent of whether the access mode is sequential or
stream. It is possible to have all four combinations.

>> Question 2:
>> What should the program
>> program main
>> open(99,form="formatted",access="stream")
>> write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'a'
>> write (99,'(A)',advance="no") 'b'
>> close (99)
>> end program main
>> write to file 99? gfortran writes two lines containing
>> a
>> b
>> ifort writes a single "b". I would expect a single
>> line containing
>> ab
> :) My guess too is a single line containing ab
> I would not think that advance='no' means not to advance the position pointer,
> but rather not to write a line termination character. It looks like ifort
> failed to advance the position pointer and overwrite the "a" with the "b"
> --
> Gary Scott
> mailto:garylscott(a)sbcglobal dot net

Both ifort and gfortran are wrong in their behavior with this statement.
Thsi should not need a guess; the Fortran 2003 standard is quite explicit in
this case.

ADVANCE="NO" in this case specifies non-advancing output and applies to the
record, **NOT** the position within the record (Fortran 2003, This
record should be complete, with the contents "ab". The last sentence of
states, "If a nonadvancing output statement leaves a file positioned within a
current record and no further output statement is executed for the file befoer
it is closed or a BACKSPACE, ENDFILE, or REWIND statement is executed for it,
the effect is as if the output statement were the corresponding output

Craig Dedo
17130 W. Burleigh Place
P. O. Box 423
Brookfield, WI 53008-0423
Voice: (262) 783-5869
Fax: (262) 783-5928
Mobile: (414) 412-5869
E-mail: <cdedo(a)> or <craig(a)>

From: Thomas Koenig on
Thanks for the explanations!

I've opened a bug report for gfortran, maybe
somebody could do the same with ifort.