From: ane on
I am trying to implement a GMSK receiver I have a block diagram of the
receiver which is like this

Received IQ Samples - > constellation derotation -> CIR estimation
from training sequence -> MLSE (viterbi) equalizer

The constellation derotation is supposed to collapse the four end
points of GMSK constellations (+1, +j,-1,-j) to a two point (+1,-1)

My question is how exactly are the constellation derotation and CIR
estimation are supposed to performed? From what I have figured it out
so far, the constellation derotation is supposed to by a
multiplicaiton by exp{-j*n*pi/2} for n=1,2,3,4 i.e. every four
received IQ samples are multiplied by {-j,-1,+j,1}. The goal is to
limit the binary symbols to 2 (+1,-1) so that the MLSE equlaizer has
2^L states. However, this multiplication by exp{-j*n*pi/2} seem to
totally change the pulse sequence. For example, if we skip the
filtering for a moment (MSK modulation) and consider a pulse train
+1,+1,-1,-1,+1,+1,+1,-1,-1,... and starting phase 0, then the
modulated IQ samples are +j,-1,+j,+1,+j,-1,+j,+1,...multiplication by -
j,-1,+j,+1,... results in the derotated sequence of
+1,+1,-1,+1,+1,-1,+1,+1... Which, while limited to symbols(+1,-1), is
a different pulse train sequence than the input. Would it not mess up
the CIR calculation based on a known training sequence? Would it not
result in incorrect sequence estimation by the viterbi equalizer?

From: ane on
On Aug 7, 3:09 pm, "cpshah99" <cpsha...(a)> wrote:
> Hi
> >My question is how exactly are the constellation derotation and CIR
> >estimation are supposed to performed?
> I dont knw abt constellation derotation but to estimate CIR, u need to
> corss correlate the o/p constellation derotation(as per ur diagram) with
> the training sequence.
> But can u tell more abt the structure of packet? i.e. what is the training
> sequence? is it BPSK or QPSK?
> Generally, after the I-Q down conversion, the o/p is xcorrelated with
> known training sequence.
> Hope this helps.
> Chintan

The modulation is GMSK. The training sequence is alternating sequence
of 00s and 11s (00110011...) or (-1-1+1+1-1-1+1+1...) . The question
is regardlessof whther you use cross correlation, deconvolution, least
squares, LMS or any other method for CIR estimation what would you use
as the known training sequence? (-1-1+1+1...) or the ideal derotated
version of it(without gaussian filtering)?
From: Tim Wescott on
On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:31:48 -0700, ane wrote:

> I am trying to implement a GMSK receiver I have a block diagram of the
> receiver which is like this
> Received IQ Samples - > constellation derotation -> CIR estimation from
> training sequence -> MLSE (viterbi) equalizer
> The constellation derotation is supposed to collapse the four end points
> of GMSK constellations (+1, +j,-1,-j) to a two point (+1,-1)
> constellation.
> My question is how exactly are the constellation derotation and CIR
> estimation are supposed to performed? From what I have figured it out
> so far, the constellation derotation is supposed to by a multiplicaiton
> by exp{-j*n*pi/2} for n=1,2,3,4 i.e. every four received IQ samples
> are multiplied by {-j,-1,+j,1}. The goal is to limit the binary symbols
> to 2 (+1,-1) so that the MLSE equlaizer has 2^L states. However, this
> multiplication by exp{-j*n*pi/2} seem to totally change the pulse
> sequence. For example, if we skip the filtering for a moment (MSK
> modulation) and consider a pulse train +1,+1,-1,-1,+1,+1,+1,-1,-1,...
> and starting phase 0, then the modulated IQ samples are
> +j,-1,+j,+1,+j,-1,+j,+1,...multiplication by - j,-1,+j,+1,... results in
> the derotated sequence of +1,+1,-1,+1,+1,-1,+1,+1... Which, while
> limited to symbols(+1,-1), is a different pulse train sequence than the
> input. Would it not mess up the CIR calculation based on a known
> training sequence? Would it not result in incorrect sequence estimation
> by the viterbi equalizer?

Could they be using differential GMSK, where a transmitted '1' means a
forward rotation of the phase, and a transmitted '0' means a reverse
rotation of the phase?

Seems like after derotation you'd still have a differential BPSK-ish
signal to decode...

Tim Wescott
Control systems and communications consulting

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