From: Marc A. Criley on
An acquaintance is unable to get GNAT GPL 2009 to work on Vista, is
anyone aware of any problems on that platform? Even the simplest program
fails to build (quoting):

with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put_Line("Hello, world!");
Put_Line("I am an Ada program with package use.");
end Hello;

And this is the error I get:

[2010-06-12 17:07:23] Could not determine the project for file:
[2010-06-12 17:07:23] Invalid context, cannot build

Every time I try to make a new project, it freezes.
From: Gautier write-only on
> Every time I try to make a new project, it freezes.

Never experienced that problem (same installation, except using the
2008 toolset and the 2009 GPS).
Perhaps you may try to delete the .gps folder (it will be rebuilt).
Or you can use the following stub project:

project Stub is
for Main use ("hello.adb");
end Stub;

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