From: FM on
The visual mechanics of a spinning counter similar to a petrol station slot
reel type of hit counter are simple enough but Im having trouble with the
logic of clocking up. There are four reels (from left to right: thousands,
hundreds, tens, units), hence maximum number display of 9999, and all reels
are painted into one picturebox.

I actually have this working using an array of counters for each reel and
splitting the target score and subtracting the old score from the new score
for each reel and using booleans for which reel to spin etc., but Im not
happy as its getting over complicated and am wondering if theres a simpler
approach. Any suggestions?

To give you some idea of what Im trying to do here...copy the following code
and add a picture box, command button and a text box. As it is this example
spins the Units reel to the target number set in the textbox and shows the
mechanics Im using:

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Dim ReelSpeed As Integer
Dim ReelFrameCtr As Integer
Dim ReelIsSpinning As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels
Me.AutoRedraw = True
Me.Font.Size = 14
Me.Font.Bold = True
Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels
Picture1.Move 100, 100, 96, 24 'Tiles are 24*24
Picture1.BorderStyle = vbBSNone
Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
Command1.Caption = "Spin"
Text1.Text = 9
Picture1.PaintPicture Me.Image, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 24, 24 'Thousands
Picture1.PaintPicture Me.Image, 24, 0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 24, 24 'Hundreds
Picture1.PaintPicture Me.Image, 48, 0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 24, 24 'Tens
Picture1.PaintPicture Me.Image, 72, 0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 24, 24 'Units
ReelSpeed = 10
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
ReelIsSpinning = Not ReelIsSpinning
End Sub

Private Sub SpinReel()
Dim T1 As Long, T2 As Long
T2 = GetTickCount

Do Until ReelIsSpinning = False
T1 = GetTickCount
If (T1 - T2) >= ReelSpeed Then
ReelFrameCtr = ReelFrameCtr + 1
If ReelFrameCtr > 240 Then ReelFrameCtr = 0
Picture1.PaintPicture Form1.Image, 72, 0, 24, 24, 0, ReelFrameCtr,
24, 24 'Units
If ReelFrameCtr = ScoreTarget Then ReelIsSpinning = False
T2 = GetTickCount
End If
End Sub

Private Function ScoreTarget() As Integer
ScoreTarget = CInt(Text1.Text) * 24
End Function

Private Sub DrawReel() 'Tiles are 24*24
' Me.Line (0, 0)-(24, 24), vbRed, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 0: Me.Print "0"
' Me.Line (0, 24)-(24, 48), vbYellow, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 24: Me.Print "1"
' Me.Line (0, 48)-(24, 72), vbGreen, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 48: Me.Print "2"
' Me.Line (0, 72)-(24, 96), vbCyan, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 72: Me.Print "3"
' Me.Line (0, 96)-(24, 120), vbMagenta, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 96: Me.Print "4"
' Me.Line (0, 120)-(24, 144), vbRed, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 120: Me.Print "5"
' Me.Line (0, 144)-(24, 168), vbYellow, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 144: Me.Print "6"
' Me.Line (0, 168)-(24, 192), vbGreen, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 168: Me.Print "7"
' Me.Line (0, 192)-(24, 216), vbCyan, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 192: Me.Print "8"
' Me.Line (0, 216)-(24, 240), vbMagenta, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 216: Me.Print "9"
' Me.Line (0, 240)-(24, 264), vbRed, BF
Me.CurrentX = 6: Me.CurrentY = 240: Me.Print "0"
End Sub


From: Nobody on
"FM" <spam(a)> wrote in message
> The visual mechanics of a spinning counter similar to a petrol station
> slot reel type of hit counter are simple enough but Im having trouble with
> the logic of clocking up. There are four reels (from left to right:
> thousands, hundreds, tens, units), hence maximum number display of 9999,
> and all reels are painted into one picturebox.
> I actually have this working using an array of counters for each reel and
> splitting the target score and subtracting the old score from the new
> score for each reel and using booleans for which reel to spin etc., but Im
> not happy as its getting over complicated and am wondering if theres a
> simpler approach. Any suggestions?
> To give you some idea of what Im trying to do here...copy the following
> code and add a picture box, command button and a text box. As it is this
> example spins the Units reel to the target number set in the textbox and
> shows the mechanics Im using:

I think you can make it simpler by just printing on the PictureBox. For
smooth scrolling, you need 2 PictureBoxes, pctOffScreen, and pctOnScreen.
You draw on pctOffScreen, which is a hidden PictureBox with AutoRedraw on,
then copy it using PaintPicture to pctOnScreen. By specifying coordinates
outside the picture box boundary, you can print partial characters. Example:
Add a PictureBox to Form1 then use the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Picture1.FontSize = 24
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Paint()
Dim sCounter As String

sCounter = "1235"

Picture1.CurrentX = 0
Picture1.CurrentY = 0
Picture1.Print Left(sCounter, 3);
Picture1.CurrentY = -200
Picture1.Print Right(sCounter, 1);
End Sub

From: Larry Serflaten on

"FM" <spam(a)> wrote in message news:upzGqCGyKHA.404(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> The visual mechanics of a spinning counter similar to a petrol station slot
> reel type of hit counter are simple enough but Im having trouble with the
> logic of clocking up.

You have to keep the position of each individual reel. Try the code below
in your form (picturebox, textbox, button) Also, avoid using the form for
drawing as a form with AutoRedraw set is always as big as the screen.
Note I used the picturebox and then saved the image in a variable.


Dim ReelData(0 To 4) As Long
Dim ReelImage As StdPicture

Private Sub Form_Load()
Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels
Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
Picture1.Font.Size = 14
Picture1.Font.Bold = True
Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels
ReelData(0) = 24
ReelData(1) = 24
ReelData(2) = 24
ReelData(3) = 24
ReelData(4) = 24
Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels
Picture1.Move 100, 100, 96, 24 'Tiles are 24*24
Picture1.BorderStyle = vbBSNone
Command1.Caption = "Spin"
Text1.Text = "4"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
SpinReel Val(Text1)
End Sub

Private Sub ShowReel()
Picture1.PaintPicture ReelImage, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0, ReelData(0), 24, 24 'Thousands
Picture1.PaintPicture ReelImage, 24, 0, 24, 24, 0, ReelData(1), 24, 24 'Hundreds
Picture1.PaintPicture ReelImage, 48, 0, 24, 24, 0, ReelData(2), 24, 24 'Tens
Picture1.PaintPicture ReelImage, 72, 0, 24, 24, 0, ReelData(3), 24, 24 'Units
End Sub

Private Sub SpinReel(ByVal Amount As Long)
Dim A As Long, D As Long, F As Long
Dim R(0 To 4)

' Amount is added to value on reels
For A = 1 To Amount
R(3) = 2 ' Y increment value
' Mark moving reels
For D = 2 To 0 Step -1
If ReelData(D + 1) = 0 Then
R(D) = R(D + 1)
End If
' Spin reels one digit
For F = 1 To 12
For D = 0 To 3
ReelData(D) = ReelData(D) + R(D)
' Catch rollover
For D = 0 To 3
R(D) = 0
If ReelData(D) > 238 Then ReelData(D) = 0

End Sub

Private Sub DrawReel() 'Tiles are 24*24
Picture1.Move 0, 0, 420, 4200
Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(24, 24), vbRed, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 0: Picture1.Print "9"
Picture1.Line (0, 24)-(24, 48), vbYellow, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 24: Picture1.Print "0"
Picture1.Line (0, 48)-(24, 72), vbGreen, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 48: Picture1.Print "1"
Picture1.Line (0, 72)-(24, 96), vbCyan, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 72: Picture1.Print "2"
Picture1.Line (0, 96)-(24, 120), vbMagenta, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 96: Picture1.Print "3"
Picture1.Line (0, 120)-(24, 144), vbRed, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 120: Picture1.Print "4"
Picture1.Line (0, 144)-(24, 168), vbYellow, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 144: Picture1.Print "5"
Picture1.Line (0, 168)-(24, 192), vbGreen, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 168: Picture1.Print "6"
Picture1.Line (0, 192)-(24, 216), vbCyan, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 192: Picture1.Print "7"
Picture1.Line (0, 216)-(24, 240), vbMagenta, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 216: Picture1.Print "8"
Picture1.Line (0, 240)-(24, 264), vbRed, BF
Picture1.CurrentX = 6: Picture1.CurrentY = 240: Picture1.Print "9"
Set ReelImage = Picture1.Image
Picture1 = LoadPicture()
End Sub

From: FM on
Thanks Larry, I knew I could rely on you. This seems to be what Im looking
for...not totally clear at first glance whats going on there yet am just
playing with it now. Have had a family crisis today so havent had any hobby


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