From: Erland Sommarskog on
LN (LN(a) writes:
> I am try to search for a date like 01/01/1900 but it does not. I found
> this sp on web site and wonder if you can help debugging the probblem.
> I try to run the sp to return all the columns and tables that have
> 01/01/1900 values in the tables.

Dates are not stored as strings in SQL Server but in an interal format.
If you use something like

datetimecol LIKE @searchstring

the datetimecol will be converted to some default format. Which this format
is you can find out by running

SELECT convert(varchar, convert(datetime, '19000101'))

Be careful to observe the double spacing.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a)

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