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From: iano on
Hi all!
Hope someone can help...

I've done a simple Document Class for Flash CS4 that call events in
Director 11, which is connected to a DB and retrieve some information
but I can't return the values to flash... I've tried to use this code:
the documetclass contains this function:

public static function executequery(sql:String) {

var url:String='event: executeQuery, "'+sql+'"';
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);

try {
trace(navigateToURL(request,'_blank'));// second argument is
} catch (e:Error) {
trace("Error occurred!");

and it works. in the behaviour attached to the flash sprite i have the
executeQuery handler:

on executeQuery me, sql

if gdb.openTable("Table") then
sqlResult = string(gdb.selectSql(sql))

-- Here I need to do something...

end if


I've tried to retrieve my custom Document Class with the getVariable
("_root") command but didn't work.
So, please, help me! :)

It's required for a windows application only. I'm running XP on my PC.

Thanks in advance!

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