From: justino garcia on
HOw would I use this function below, from this url
I need to output the subject, date, and the final answer to the calcuation
of the time difference (say from e.g. 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM) . Getting total
time wrked on at a job site, doing helpdesk. I am doing this for me to send
a preformated email to acounting, it will help since I am busy at work and
suck at counting time worked due to my adhd and dyslxia.

This function calculates the difference up to the second.


function date_diff($start, $end="NOW")
$sdate = strtotime($start);
$edate = strtotime($end);

$time = $edate - $sdate;
if($time>=0 && $time<=59) {
// Seconds
$timeshift = $time.' seconds ';

} elseif($time>=60 && $time<=3599) {
// Minutes + Seconds
$pmin = ($edate - $sdate) / 60;
$premin = explode('.', $pmin);

$presec = $pmin-$premin[0];
$sec = $presec*60;

$timeshift = $premin[0].' min '.round($sec,0).' sec ';

} elseif($time>=3600 && $time<=86399) {
// Hours + Minutes
$phour = ($edate - $sdate) / 3600;
$prehour = explode('.',$phour);

$premin = $phour-$prehour[0];
$min = explode('.',$premin*60);

$presec = '0.'.$min[1];
$sec = $presec*60;

$timeshift = $prehour[0].' hrs '.$min[0].' min '.round($sec,
0).' sec ';

} elseif($time>=86400) {
// Days + Hours + Minutes
$pday = ($edate - $sdate) / 86400;
$preday = explode('.',$pday);

$phour = $pday-$preday[0];
$prehour = explode('.',$phour*24);

$premin = ($phour*24)-$prehour[0];
$min = explode('.',$premin*60);

$presec = '0.'.$min[1];
$sec = $presec*60;

$timeshift = $preday[0].' days '.$prehour[0].' hrs '.$min[0
].' min '.round($sec,0).' sec ';

return $timeshift;


$start_date = 2010-03-15 13:00:00
$end_date = 2010-03-17 09:36:15

echo date_diff($start_date, $end_date);




Hello there TechSquad!<br >

<form action="process.php" method="post">
<select name="item">
<option selected>MLS</option>
<option>Bagel Buffet</option>
<option>Warranty Title</option>
</select> </p>
<p>Date:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="'text"
name=date ??></p>
<p>Subject: <input name="quantity" style="WIDTH: 280px; HEIGHT: 25px"
size="27"> </p>

<select name=StartTime>
$hours = range(0, 12);
$mins = range(0, 59, 15);
$time = array();

foreach ($hours as $h)
foreach ($mins as $m)
$val = sprintf("%02d:%02d"." AM", $h, $m);
$time[$val] = $val;
echo '<option>' . $time[$val] . '</option>' .
<select name=EndTime>
$hours = range(1, 12);
$mins = range(0, 59, 15);
$time = array();

foreach ($hours as $h)
foreach ($mins as $m)
$val = sprintf("%02d:%02d"." PM", $h, $m);
$time[$val] = $val;
echo '<option>' . $time[$val] . '</option>' .
<textarea style="Z-INDEX: 0; WIDTH: 343px; HEIGHT: 163px; TOP: 258px; LEFT:
15px" rows="6" cols="27" name="body_email">Enter the work done
<p><input value="Submit Query" type="submit">

