From: Apple Pi on
Is there a formula that gives me the amount of Prime numbers in a
Finite subset of N?

In other words, is there a formula that, for every n (Natural number),
gives us the number of primes < n?

Thanks in advance,
Apple Pi

From: Apple Pi on
This looks like the answer I was looking for: rime_number_theorem

Apple Pi

From: David C. Ullrich on
On 7 Aug 2005 04:49:44 -0700, "Apple Pi"
<apple3.1415926535897932384626(a)> wrote:

>Is there a formula that gives me the amount of Prime numbers in a
>Finite subset of N?
>In other words, is there a formula that, for every n (Natural number),
>gives us the number of primes < n?

One "formula" for this is just pi(n). But that's not what you
want, that's just a definition. Is there an "algebraic" formula
for pi(n)? No.

There is a well-known formula that gives a good _approximation_
to pi(n) for large n; that formula is n/log(n). The "prime number
theorem" says that

pi(n) ~ n/log(n)

as n -> infinity (here f(n) ~ g(n) means that f(n)/g(n) -> 1.)

>Thanks in advance,
>Apple Pi


David C. Ullrich
From: Apple Pi on
That's brilliant David. Exactly what I was looking for.

Apple Pi

From: Roger Bagula on
The Ramanujan formula is:
B(2*k,m] are Bernoulli numbers

The better approximation of the Prime number theorem is:
Apple Pi wrote:
> Is there a formula that gives me the amount of Prime numbers in a
> Finite subset of N?
> In other words, is there a formula that, for every n (Natural number),
> gives us the number of primes < n?
> Thanks in advance,
> Apple Pi