From: Ebermensch on
I have an ACi laptop, bought in the UK. It's very similar to this one:
which the site says is a compal ACL10 clone. Mine says ACL10 underneath,

Anyway, from time to time the fan makes a noise like a diesel powered drill,
so I want to 1) clean it and 2) find the part number and size with a view to
finding a replacement.

Anybody know how to get the case open? I've removed all the screws from
underneath and along the back, the front part raises out maybe an inch, but
I can feel it's attached somewhere about half to two thirds of the way back.
Is there a secret/magic screw somewhere?

I doubt the vendor will be much use (their site is down now) as they never
have been before.

From: draconia on
Hi there

Try here I don't see your
model listed but you may get enough info from one of the others.
Worked for my Vaio which insn't listed either.



Ebermensch wrote:
> I have an ACi laptop, bought in the UK. It's very similar to this
> which the site says is a compal ACL10 clone. Mine says ACL10
> too.
> Anyway, from time to time the fan makes a noise like a diesel powered
> so I want to 1) clean it and 2) find the part number and size with a
view to
> finding a replacement.
> Anybody know how to get the case open? I've removed all the screws
> underneath and along the back, the front part raises out maybe an
inch, but
> I can feel it's attached somewhere about half to two thirds of the
way back.
> Is there a secret/magic screw somewhere?
> I doubt the vendor will be much use (their site is down now) as they
> have been before.