From: rfengineer55 on
it seems you have to rethink your tone:
you started out by stating some quite "uninformed" questions, the
experts in this group tried to help you quite a lot, but now you
whine that you are unable to understand the hints.
Lets put it that way:
It seems you are unable to use the proper software products and read
appropriate manuals. You have started to do some work, which you are
able to perform. Now you shout at the makers of the software tools,
which you are not able to use properly and at the persons, who try to
support you.
This behaviour is in clear contrast to your nickname.

Alois Steindl, Tel.: +43 (1) 58801 /
Inst. for Mechanics and Mechatronics Fax.: +43 (1) 58801 / 32598


I am the first to admit that some of my questions are uninformed.
Were you ever a beginner? I am not a beginner, but I am new at making
VMS Fortran compile on a modern compiler, that's true. And it is
frustrating. You ever been frustrated?

Your post is not particularly professional. It's not a matter of the
lack of ability on my part. If you want to think that way, that's OK
with me. What manuals to you suggest that I read?

The professional thing would be to suggtest something specific.

You are quite rigt. Without the proper documentation I cannot properly
use this compiler product. I don't associate lack of information with
lack of ability.

BTW, thank you for compiling and running my program. I appreciate the
time you took doing that.

And BTW, I do not appreciate sarcasm in a professional setting. There
is nothing about /VMS that is hard for me to understand. I'm
apparently having trouble conveying the idea that I'm having trouble
knowing exactly where in the Visual Studio 2008 software that this
option switch belongs. The professional thing for you to have done
would be to give a hint as to where /VMS goes.

I have no idea where you get the notion that I do not want to use the
suggestions that have been given to me here. I have posted elsewhere
that I will try those suggestions. Asking followup questions does not
mean that I don't want to try things. It means that I appreciate the
suggestion enough to better understand it.

It has also been posted elsewhere by a representateive from Intell no
less, that there is nothing in my dusty old code that should be
anything too tough for Intel Fortran to handle. So with this in mind,
there is no need for me to get an old DEC VAX computer to run this

Your post is not exactly what I would call a stellar example of
professionalism because it does not offer a solution to a problem; at
least a solution that is practical. So unless you can offer some
actual professional advice, keep your comments to yourself, at least
with regard to any of my posts. They don't hold any water with me, so
waste your time if you want. I personally don't care either way.

So I am going over to the Intel Forum now to see what I can find out
over there.


From: dpb on
rfengineer55 wrote:

> ... You ever been frustrated?

Yeah, and one of the hardest things to do is to simply slow down and
"chill, dood (or doodette)" and thereby not transfer that frustration to
somebody else. That isn't conducive to getting the most encouraging
feedback (as you're seeing).

Also, one often finds that "the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get" is a
wise thing to remember. What seems like one could just jump in and go
could become more productive if took a more deliberate pace and approach...


> ... I'm having trouble
> knowing exactly where in the Visual Studio 2008 software that this
> option switch belongs. The professional thing for you to have done
> would be to give a hint as to where /VMS goes.

I've never seen newer VS nor the Intel compiler with it but have used
the old DEC/Compaq version w/ earlier VS. I don't know if Intel thought
to put a specific checkbox for /VMS in the menus or not; if not, I'm
sure there's a place you can put any user-specific switches manually.

Again, in concert w/ Steve L's earlier comments and others' comments on
the code itself, it seems as though the switch itself may not be the
principal problem, anyway...

From: glen herrmannsfeldt on
mecej4 <mecej4_no_spam(a)> wrote:

> Perhaps, you would be better off looking for a used VAX computer.

There is a VMS hobbiest program to get free licenses to VMS
for non-commercial use. There are VAX and Alpha emulators if
you don't want to run on actual VAX or Alpha hardware.
There may not be an Itanium emulator yet, but the hardware isn't
so hard to find.

-- glen
From: Steve Lionel on
On 6/10/2010 10:41 AM, rfengineer55 wrote:

> I will check the Forum when I get done here. I don't have the time to
> continually park at the Intel forum website if I hpoe to get any work
> done, sleep, or have any kind of a normal life. I think it's B*** S***
> that apparently the only way I can get help getting software up and
> running that I bought and paid dearly for, is by forum or email. This
> will be the last software product I buy from Intel because of the, in
> my opinion, poor customer support. I'm sure they have, what they
> believe are good reasons for doing business this way, and I don't
> respect those reasons and therefore am not interested in discussing
> their reasoning. I don't have the time for this.


You have a very serious misunderstanding of the support Intel offers.

When you buy an Intel software development product, you get a year of
free support directly from Intel. This is explained in several places,
but I know some people miss it. This support includes product updates as
well as direct support from experienced support engineers, such as myself.

We also provide user forums which are better suited to "how to"
questions and you can often get a perspective there that you would not
from our direct support. If you are uncomfortable with the user forum,
though your first choice of newsgroups would seem to suggest otherwise,
you can use Intel Premier Support, which is private and web-based. For
an overview of your support options, please visit

Please note that we do not offer email or telephone support.

I have suggested various resources to you, including an animated
tutorial that introduces you to the Visual Studio environment and Intel
Visual Fortran. We also provide "Getting Started" documentation.

Steve Lionel
Developer Products Division
Intel Corporation
Nashua, NH

For email address, replace "invalid" with "com"

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