From: Kaba on
Arijit wrote:
> Hi
> I am comparing the runtime of iterating through a vector using 3
> different approaches -
> 1) Indexing -> i = 0; i < vec.size();
> 2) Iterator -> i = vec.begin(), i != vec.end()
> 3) Summing using Accumulate
> Here are the runtimes on my computer. I am compiling using VC++ 2008,
> Release mode build. Runtimes are pretty stable from run to run.
> 1) Indexing -> 1.884 s
> 2) Iterator -> 8.725 s
> 3) Accumulate -> 1.8 s
> As expected, accumulate is the fastest of them all, but only by a
> narrow margin. The shocker is using iterators is nearly 5 times slower
> than indexing, whereas I expected the two to be nearly at par. I don't
> understand why this should happen.
> Is this a case specific to VC++ / Dinkumware libraries ? Or is this
> expected based on the C++ standard ? Or have I made an error in my
> benchmarking ?

Fortunately the last one must be the case:)

Here's a check list:

1) Use the Release configuration.

2) Run the program with Ctrl+F5 (without debugger), not F5 (with

3) Turn of iterator debugging: Add to Configuration Properties->
C/C++->"Command Line" -> Additional options:

Do these changes change your iterator timings?


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From: johncruise on
In theory, accumulate() and your iterator method should almost be the
same speed as it basically have very similar implementations.

I think the reason why your iterator method is slower is because of
the time (p)added when the local-scope variable j is being created and
release at each loop. It would be interesting to see the result if
the iterator variable is declared outside the for(int i...) loop

(my thoughts are just pure speculation at this point)


On Dec 31, 11:06 am, Arijit <pal_...(a)> wrote:
> ...
> I am comparing the runtime of iterating through a vector using 3
> different approaches -
> 1) Indexing -> i = 0; i < vec.size();
> 2) Iterator -> i = vec.begin(), i != vec.end()
> 3) Summing using Accumulate
> ...

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From: pedro on
On Jan 1, 11:54 pm, johncruise <johncru...(a)> wrote:
> In theory, accumulate() and your iterator method should almost be the
> same speed as it basically have very similar implementations.
> I think the reason why your iterator method is slower is because of
> the time (p)added when the local-scope variable j is being created and
> release at each loop. It would be interesting to see the result if
> the iterator variable is declared outside the for(int i...) loop
> (my thoughts are just pure speculation at this point)
> JC
> On Dec 31, 11:06 am, Arijit <pal_...(a)> wrote:
> > ...
> > I am comparing the runtime of iterating through a vector using 3
> > different approaches -
> > 1) Indexing -> i = 0; i < vec.size();
> > 2) Iterator -> i = vec.begin(), i != vec.end()
> > 3) Summing using Accumulate
> > ...

I just tried the suggestion from JC and I get a vast improvement in
the iterator version

sum = 0;
vector<int>::iterator j = num.begin();
for(int i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
for(; j != num.end(); ++j)
sum += *j;

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From: pedro on
On Jan 1, 11:54 pm, johncruise <johncru...(a)> wrote:
> In theory, accumulate() and your iterator method should almost be the
> same speed as it basically have very similar implementations.
> I think the reason why your iterator method is slower is because of
> the time (p)added when the local-scope variable j is being created and
> release at each loop. It would be interesting to see the result if
> the iterator variable is declared outside the for(int i...) loop
> (my thoughts are just pure speculation at this point)
> JC
> On Dec 31, 11:06 am, Arijit <pal_...(a)> wrote:
> > ...
> > I am comparing the runtime of iterating through a vector using 3
> > different approaches -
> > 1) Indexing -> i = 0; i < vec.size();
> > 2) Iterator -> i = vec.begin(), i != vec.end()
> > 3) Summing using Accumulate
> > ...

I just tried the suggestion from JC and I got a vast improvement from
the iterator version:



This is my iterator version:

sum = 0;
vector<int>::iterator j = num.begin();
for(int i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
for(; j != num.end(); ++j)
sum += *j;

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From: MiB on
On Jan 3, 5:59 pm, pedro <pedroke...(a)> wrote:
> 3.543
> 0.002
> 1.58
> This is my iterator version:
> sum = 0;
> vector<int>::iterator j = num.begin();
> for(int i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
> for(; j != num.end(); ++j)
> sum += *j;

I don't want to be picky, but the "improvement" is based on running
the inner loop properly only once (on i = 0). It immediately fails its
termination test on each subsequent run since j is not reset to
reference the sequence start again.


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