From: Coach Paul Coach on
Every time I try to download KB959209 iget error code 80070645
From: MowGreen on
On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 07:18:01 -0800, Coach Paul <Coach
<Paul(a)> wrote:

> Every time I try to download KB959209 iget error code 80070645

Which edition of Windows, XP/WS2003/Vista/WS2008 ?
What Service Pack level is the system now on ?

This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

*IF* this is XP SP2, see:

FIX: "This action is only valid for products currently installed" error
message after you install two major software updates for a product on
Windows XP SP2 by using Windows Installer 3.0

At the top left of the page is a link to 'view and request hotfix

*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten
"Security updates should *never* have *non-security content* prechecked