From: flowbase on
1. Overview
2. String Functions
1. like
2. lower
3. ltrim
4. rtrim
5. ss
6. ssr
7. string
8. sv
9. trim
10. upper
11. vs
3. Mathematical Functions
1. acos
2. asin
3. atan
4. cor
5. cos
6. cov
7. cross
8. inv
9. lsq
10. mmu
11. sin
12. tan
13. var
14. wavg
15. wsum
4. Aggregate Functions
1. all
2. any
3. avg
4. dev
5. med
6. prd
7. sum
5. Uniform Functions
1. deltas
2. differ
3. fills
4. mavg
5. maxs
6. mcount
7. mdev
8. mins
9. mmax
10. mmin
11. msum
12. next
13. prds
14. prev
15. rank
16. ratios
17. rotate
18. sums
19. xbar
20. xprev
21. xrank
6. Miscellaneous Functions
1. Conditional Append (?)
2. asc
3. bin
4. count
5. cut
6. delete (_)
7. desc
8. distinct
9. drop (_)
10. eval
11. except
12. exit
13. fill (^)
14. find (?)
15. flip
16. getenv
17. group
18. iasc
19. identity
20. idesc
21. in
22. inter
23. join (,)
24. join-each (,')
25. list
26. null
27. parse
28. rand (?)
29. raze
30. reshape (#)
31. reverse
32. sublist
33. system
34. take (#)
35. til
36. ungroup
37. union
38. value
39. where
40. within
Overview ¶
The collection of built-in functions in q is rich and powerful. In
this chapter, we group functions by form. A string function takes a
string and returns a string. An aggregate function takes a list and
returns an atom. A uniform function takes a list and returns a list of
the same count. A mathematical function takes numeric arguments and
returns a numeric argument derives by some numerical calculation.
Note that these categories are not mutually exclusive. For example,
some mathematical functions are also aggregate functions.
String Functions ¶
The basic string functions perform the usual string manipulations on a
list of char. There are also powerful functions that are unique to q.
like ¶
The dyadic like performs pattern matching on its first string argument
(source) according to the pattern in its string second argument
(pattern). It returns a boolean result indicating whether pattern is
matched. The pattern is expressed as a mix of regular characters and
special formatting characters. The special chars are "?", "*", the
pair "[" and "]", and "^" enclosed in square brackets.
The special char "?" represents an arbitrary single character in the
"fan" like "f?n"
"fun" like "f?n"
"foP" like "f?p"
The special char "*" represents an arbitrary sequence of characters in
the pattern.
Note: As of this writing (Jan 2009), only a single occurance of * is
allowed in the pattern.
"how" like "h*"
"hercules" like "h*"
"wealth" like "*h"
"flight" like "*h*"
"Jones" like "J?ne*"
"Joynes" like "J?ne*"
"Joynes" like "J*ne*"
The special character pair "[" and "]" encloses a sequence of
alternatives for a single character match.
"flap" like "fl[ao]p"
"flip" like "fl[ao]p"
"459-0609" like "[09][09][09]-0[09][09][09]"
"459-0609" like "[09][09][09]-1[09][09][09]"
The special character "^" is used in conjunction with "[" and "]" to
indicate that the enclosed sequence of characters is disallowed. For
example, to test whether a string ends in a numeric character,
"M26d" like "*[^09]"
"Joe999" like "*[^09]"
lower ¶
The monadic lower takes a char or string argument and returns the
result of converting any alpha characters to lower case.
lower "A"
lower "a Bc42De"
"a bc42de"
ltrim ¶
The monadic ltrim takes a string argument and returns the result of
removing leading blanks.
ltrim " abc "
"abc "
You can also apply ltrim to a non-blank char.
ltrim "a"
rtrim ¶
The monadic rtrim takes a string argument and returns the result of
removing trailing blanks.
rtrim " abc "
" abc"
You can also apply rtrim to a non-blank char.
rtrim "a"
ss ¶
The dyadic ss ("string search") performs the same pattern matching as
like against its first string argument (source), looking for matches
to its string second argument (pattern). However, the result of ss is
a list containing the position(s) of the matches of the pattern in
source. See above for a discussion of like.
"Now is the time for all good men to come to" ss "me"
13 29 38
"fun" ss "f?n"
If no matches are found, an empty int list is returned.
"aa" ss "z"
Note: You cannot use * to match with ss.
ssr ¶
The triadic ssr ("string search and replace") extends the capability
of ss with replacement. The result is a string based on the first
string argument (source) in which all occurrences of the second string
argument (pattern) are replaced with the third string argument.
ssr["suffering succotash";"s";"th"]
"thuffering thuccotathh"
Note: You cannot use * to match with ssr.
string ¶
The monadic string can be applied to any q entity to produce a textual
representation of the entity. For scalars, lists and functions, the
result of string is a list of char that does not contain any q
formatting characters. Following are some examples.
string 42
string 6*7
string 42422424242j
string `Zaphod
f:{[x] x*x}
string f
"{[x] x*x}"
The next example demonstrates that string is not atomic, because the
result of applying it to an atom is a list of char.
string "4"
The next example may be surprising.
string 0x42
To see why, recall from Creating Symbols from Strings that a string
can be parsed into q data using $ with the appropriate upper-case type
domain character. Now, converting to a string and parsing from a
string should be inverse maps, in that their composite returns the
original input value. That is, we should find,
"X"$string 0x42
Thus, the behavior of string is determined by that of parse.
Comparing these two results, we see that the result of string on a
byte must not contain the format characterless. This reasoning works
for other types as well.
Although string is not atomic (it returns a list from an atom), it
does act like an atomic function in that its application is extended
item-wise to a list.
string 42 98
string 1 2 3
string "Beeblebrox"
string(42; `life; ("the"; 0x42))
Considering a list as a mapping, we see that string acts on the range
of the mapping. Viewing a dictionary as a generalized list, we
conclude that the action of string on a dictionary should also apply
to its range.
d:1 2 3!100 101 102
string d
1| "100"
2| "101"
3| "102"
A table is the flip of a column dictionary, so we expect string to
operate on the range of the column dictionary.
t:([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)
string t
a b
,"1" ,"a"
,"2" ,"b"
,"3" ,"c"
Finally, a keyed table is a dictionary, so we expect string to operate
on the value table.
kt:([k:1 2 3] c:100 101 102)
string kt
k| c
-| -----
1| "100"
2| "101"
3| "102"
sv ¶
The basic form of dyadic sv ("string from vector") takes a char as its
left operand and a list of strings (source) as its right operand. It
returns a string that is the concatenation of the strings in source,
separated by the specified char.
";" sv("Now";"is";"the";"time";"")
When sv is used with an empty symbol as its left operand and a list of
symbols as its right operand (source), the result is a symbol in which
the items in source are concatenated with a separating dot.
` sv `qalib`stat
This is useful for q context names.
When sv is used with an empty symbol as its left operand and a symbol
right operand (source) whose first item is a file handle, the result
is a symbol in which the items in source are concatenated with a
separating forward-slash. This is useful for fully qualified q path
` sv `:`q`tutorial`draft1
When sv is used with an int left operand (base) that is greater than
1, together with a right operand of a simple list of place values
expressed in base, the result is an int representing the converted
base 10 value.
2 sv 101010b
10 sv 1 2 3 4 2
256 sv 0x001092
Advanced: More precisely, the last version of sv evaluates the
(d[n-1]*b exp n-1) + ... +d[0]
where d is the list of digits, n is the count of d, and b is the base.
Thus, we find,
10 sv 1 2 3 11 2
-10 sv 2 1 5
trim ¶
The monadic trim takes a string argument and returns the result of
removing leading and trailing blanks.
trim " abc "
" abc"
Note: The function trim is equivalent to,
{ltrim rtrim x}
You can also apply trim to a non-blank char.
trim "a"
upper ¶
The monadic upper takes a char, string or symbol argument and returns
the result of converting any alpha characters to upper case.
upper "a"
upper "a Bc42De"
"A BC42DE"
vs ¶
The dyadic vs ("vector from string") takes a char as its left operand
and a string (source) as its right operand. It returns a list of
strings containing the tokens of source as delimited by the specified
" " vs "Now is the time "
When vs is used with an empty symbol as its left operand and a symbol
right operand (source) containing separating dots, it returns a simple
symbol list obtained by splitting source along the dots.
` vs `qalib.stat
When vs is used with an empty symbol as its left operand and a symbol
representing a fully qualified file name as the right operand, it
returns a simple list of symbols in which the first item is the path
and the second item is the file name.
` vs `:/q/tutorial/draft
Note that in the last usage, vs is not quite the inverse of sv.
When vs is used with a null of binary type as the left operand and an
value of integer type as the right operand (source), it returns a
simple list whose items comprise the digits of the corresponding
binary representation of source.
0x00 vs 4242
10h$0x00 vs 8151631268726338926j
"q is fun"
0b vs 42
Advanced: The last form can be used to display the internal
representation of special values.
0b vs 0W
0b vs -0W
Mathematical Functions ¶
The mathematical functions perform the mathematical operations for
basic calculations. Their implementations are efficient.
acos ¶
The monadic acos is the mathematical inverse of cos. For a float
argument between -1 and 1, acos returns the float between 0 and π
whose cosine is the argument.
sqrt 2:1.414213562373095
acos 1
acos sqrt2
acos -1
\ acos 0
asin ¶
The monadic asin is the mathematical inverse of sin. For a float
argument between -1 and 1, asin returns the float between -π/2 and π/2
whose sine is the argument.
asin 0
asin sqrt 2%2
asin 1
asin -1
atan ¶
The monadic atan is the mathematical inverse of tan. For a float
argument, it returns the float between -π/2 and π/2 whose tangent is
the argument.
atan 0
atan sqrt 2
atan 1
cor ¶
The dyadic cor takes two numeric lists of the same count and returns a
float equal to the mathematical correlation between the items of the
two arguments.
23 -11 35 0 cor 42 21 73 39
Note: The function cor is equivalent to,
{cov[x;y]%dev[x]*dev y}
cos ¶
The monadic cos takes a float argument and returns the mathematical
cosine of the argument.
cos 0
cos pi%3
cos pi%2
cos pi
cov ¶
The dyadic cov takes a numeric atom or list in both arguments and
returns a float equal to the mathematical covariance between the items
of the two arguments. If both arguments are lists, they must have the
same count.
98 cov 42
23 -11 35 0 cov 42 21 73 39
Note: The function cov is equivalent to,
{avg[x*y]-avg[x]*avg y}
cross ¶
The binary cross takes atoms or lists as arguments and returns their
Cartesian product - that is, the set of all pairs drawn from the two
1 2 cross `a`b`c
1 `a
1 `b
1 `c
2 `a
2 `b
2 `c
Note: The cross operator is equivalent to the function,
{raze x,\:/:y}
inv ¶
The monadic inv returns the inverse of a float matrix.
m:(1.1 2.1 3.1; 2.3 3.4 4.5; 5.6 7.8
-8.165138 16.51376 -5
12.20183 -30.18349 10
-5.045872 14.58716 -5
Note: An integer argument will cause an error, so cast it to float.
lsq ¶
The dyadic matrix function lsq returns the matrix X that solves the
following matrix equation, where A is the float matrix left operand, B
is the float matrix right operand and · is matrix multiplication.
A = X·B
For example,
A:(1.1 2.2 3.3;4.4 5.5 6.6;7.7 8.8
B:(1.1 2.1 3.1; 2.3 3.4 4.5; 5.6 7.8
A lsq
1.211009 -0.1009174 2.993439e-12
-2.119266 2.926606 -3.996803e-12
-5.449541 5.954128 -1.758593e-11
Observe that the result of lsq can be obtained as,
A mmu inv
1.211009 -0.1009174 1.77991e-12
-2.119266 2.926606 -5.81224e-12
-5.449541 5.954128 -1.337952e-11
Note: Integer arguments will cause an error, so cast them to float.
mmu ¶
The dyadic matrix multiplication function mmu returns the matrix
product of its two float vector or matrix arguments, which must be of
the correct shape.
Note: Integer arguments will cause an error, so cast them to float.
Here is an example of multiplying a matrix and its transpose.
m1:(1.1 2.2 3.3;4.4 5.5 6.6;7.7 8.8
m1 mmu
36.3 43.56 50.82
79.86 98.01 116.16
123.42 152.46 181.5
The $ operator is overloaded to yield matrix multiplication when its
arguments are float vectors or matrices.
1 2 3f mmu 1 2
1 2 3f$1 2
sin ¶
The monadic sin takes a float argument and returns the mathematical
sine of the argument.
sin 0
sin pi%4
sin pi%2
sin pi
tan ¶
The monadic tan takes a float argument and returns the mathematical
tangent of the argument.
Note: The value tan x is (sin x)%cos x
tan 0
tan pi%8
tan pi%4
tan pi%2
tan pi
var ¶
The monadic var takes a scalar or numeric list and returns a float
equal to the mathematical variance of the items.
var 42
var 42 45 37 38
Note: The function var is equivalent to
{(avg[x*x]) - (avg[x])*(avg[x])}
wavg ¶
The dyadic wavg takes two numeric lists of the same count and returns
the average of the second argument weighted by the first argument. The
result is always of type float.
1 2 3 4 wavg 500 400 300 200
Note: The expression w wavg b is equivalent to,
(sum w*a)%sum w
In our example,
(sum (1 2 3 4)*500 400 300 200)%sum 1 2 3 4
It is possible to apply wavg to a nested list provided all sublists of
both arguments conform. In this context, the result conforms to the
sublists and the weighted average is calculated recursively across the
(1 2;3 4) wavg (500 400; 300 200)
350 266.6667
((1;2 3);(4;5 6)) wavg ((600;500 400);(300;200 100))
285.7143 200
wsum ¶
The dyadic wsum takes two numeric lists of the same count and returns
the sum of the second argument weighted by the first argument. The
result is always of type float.
1 2 3 4 wsum 500 400 300 200
Note: The expression w wsum b is equivalent to,
sum w*a
In our example,
sum (1 2 3 4)*500 400 300 200
It is possible to apply wsum to a nested list provided all sublists of
both arguments conform. In this context, the result conforms to the
sublists and the weighted sum is calculated recursively across the
(1 2;3 4) wsum (500 400;300 200)
1400 1600
((1;2 3);(4;5 6)) wsum ((600;500 400);(300;200 100))
2000 1800
Aggregate Functions ¶
An aggregate function operates on a list and returns an atom.
Aggregates are especially useful with grouping in select expressions.
all ¶
The monadic all takes a scalar or list of numeric type and returns the
result of & applied across the items.
all 1b
all 100100b
all 10 20 30
any ¶
The monadic any takes a scalar or list of numeric type and returns the
result of | applied across the items.
any 1b
any 100100b
any 2001.01.01 2006.10.13
avg ¶
The monadic avg takes a scalar, list, dictionary or table of numeric
type and returns the arithmetic average. The result is always of type
avg 42
avg 1 2 3 4 5
avg `a`b`c!10 20 40
It is possible to apply avg to a nested list provided the sublists
conform. In this context, the result conforms to the sublists and the
average is calculated recursively on the sublists.
avg (1 2; 100 200; 1000 2000)
367 734f
avg ((1 2;3 4); (100 200;300 400))
50.5 101
151.5 202
For tables, the result is a dictionary that maps each column name to
the average of its column values.
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
avg t
c1| 2.75
c2| 3.5
dev ¶
The monadic dev takes a scalar, list, or dictionary of numeric type
and returns the standard deviation. For result is a float.
dev 42
dev 42 45 37 38
dev `a`b`c!10 20 40
Note: The function dev is equivalent to
med ¶
The monadic med takes a list, dictionary or table of numeric type and
returns the statistical median.
For lists and dictionaries, the result is a float.
med 42 21 73 39
med `a`b`c!10 20 40
Note: The function med is equivalent to,
{$[n:count x;.5*sum x[rank x]@floor .5*n-1 0;0n]}
For tables, the result is a dictionary mapping the column names to
their value medians.
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
med t
c1| 2.75
c2| 3.5
prd ¶
The monadic prd takes a scalar, list, dictionary or table of numeric
type and returns the arithmetic product.
For scalars, lists and dictionaries the result has the type of its
prd 42
prd 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5
prd `a`b`c!10 20 40
It is possible to apply prd to a nested list provided the sublists
conform. In this case, the result conforms to the sublists and the
product is calculated recursively on the sublists.
prd (1 2; 100 200; 1000 2000)
100000 800000
prd ((1 2;3 4); (100 200;300 400))
100 400
900 1600
For tables, the result is a dictionary that maps each column name to
the product of its column values.
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
prd t
c1| 35.1384
c2| 120
sum ¶
The monadic sum takes a scalar, list, dictionary or table of numeric
type and returns the arithmetic sum.
For scalars, lists and dictionaries the result has the type of its
sum 42
sum 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5
sum `a`b`c!10 20 40
It is possible to apply sum to a nested list provided the sublists
conform. In this case, the result conforms to the sublists and the sum
is calculated recursively on the sublists.
sum (1 2; 100 200; 1000 2000)
1101 2202
sum ((1 2;3 4); (100 200;300 400))
101 202
303 404
For tables, the result is a dictionary that maps each column name to
the sum of its column values.
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
sum t
c1| 11
c2| 14
Uniform Functions ¶
Uniform functions operate on lists and return lists of the same shape.
They are useful in select expressions.
deltas ¶
The uniform deltas takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table of numeric type and returns the difference of each
item from its predecessor.
deltas 42
deltas 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
deltas 96.25 93.25 58.25 73.25 89.50 84.00 84.25
96.25 -3 -35 15 16.25 -5.5 0.25
deltas `a`b`c!10 20 40
a| 10
b| 10
c| 20
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
deltas t
c1 c2
1.1 5
1.1 -1
1.1 -1
1.1 -1
Important: As the third example shows, the result of deltas contains
the initial item of source in its initial position. This may be
inconsistent with the behavior of similar functions in other languages
or libraries that return 0 in the initial position. The alternate
behavior can be achieved with the expression
1_deltas (1#x),x
In our example above,
1_deltas (1#x),x:96.25 93.25 58.25 73.25 89.50 84.00 84.25
0 -3 -35 15 16.25 -5.5 0.25
differ ¶
The uniform differ takes as its argument (source) a list and returns a
boolean list whose item in position i is the result of match (~)
applied to the item at position i and the item at position i-1. The
result of differ on a scalar is 0b.
Note: The item at position 0 in the result is always 1b.
differ 1 1 2
differ 0N 0N 1 1 2
differ "mississippi"
differ (1 2; 1 2; 3 4 5)
One use of differ is to locate runs of repreated items in a list.
L:0 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 4 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 5
L where nd|next nd:not differ L
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4
fills ¶
The uniform fills takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table of numeric type and returns a copy of the source
in which non-null items are propagated forward to fill nulls.
fills 42
fills 1 0N 3 0N 5
1 1 3 3 5
fills `a`b`c`d`e`f!10 0N 30 0N 0N 60
a| 10
b| 10
c| 30
d| 30
e| 30
f| 60
tt:([] c1:1 0N 3 0N; c2:`a`b``d)
c1 c2
1 a
fills tt
c1 c2
1 a
1 b
3 b
3 d
Note: Initial nulls are not affected by fills.
fills 0N 0N 3 0N 5
0N 0N 3 3 5
mavg ¶
The uniform dyadic mavg takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving average of source, obtained by applying avg over length
consecutive items. For positions less than length-1, avg is applied
only through that position.
In the following example, the first item in the result is the average
of itself only; the second result item is the average of the first two
source items; all other items reflect the average of the item at the
position along with its two predecessors.
3 mavg 10 20 30 40 50
10 15 20 30 40f
For length 1, the result is the source converted to float. For length
less than or equal to 0 the result is all nulls.
Note: As of release 2.4, mavg ignores null values.
3 mavg 10 20 0N 40 50 60
10 15 15 30 45 50 55f
maxs ¶
The uniform maxs takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table and returns the cumulative maximum of the source
maxs 42
maxs 1 2 5 4 10
1 2 5 5 10
maxs "Beeblebrox"
maxs `a`b`c`d!10 30 20 40
a| 10
b| 30
c| 30
d| 40
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
maxs t
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 5
3.3 5
4.4 5
mcount ¶
The uniform dyadic mcount takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving count of source, obtained by applying count over length
consecutive items. For positions less than length-1, count is applied
only through that position.
This function is useful in computing other moving quantities. For
3 mcount 10 20 30 40 50
1 2 3 3 3
For length less than or equal to 0 the result is all zeroes
Note: As of release 2.4, mcount ignores null values.
3 mcount 10 20 0N 40 50 60
1 2 2 2 2 3 2
mdev ¶
The uniform dyadic mdev takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving standard deviation of source, obtained by applying dev over
length consecutive items. For positions less than length-1, dev is
applied only through that position.
In the following example, the first item in the result is the standard
deviation of itself only; the second result item is the standard
deviation of the first two source items; all other items reflect the
standard deviation of the item at the position along with its two
3 mdev 10 20 30 40 50
0 5 8.164966 8.164966 8.164966
For length less than or equal to 0 the result is all nulls.
mins ¶
The uniform mins takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table and returns the cumulative minimum of the source
mins 42
mins 10 4 5 1 2
10 4 4 1 1
mins "Beeblebrox"
mins `a`b`c`d!40 10 30 20
a| 40
b| 10
c| 10
d| 10
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
mins t
c1 c2
1.1 5
1.1 4
1.1 3
1.1 2
mmax ¶
The uniform dyadic mmax takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving maximum of source, obtained by applying max over length
consecutive items. For positions less than length-1, max is applied
only through that position.
In the following example, the first item in the result is the max of
itself only; the second result item is the max of the first two source
items; all other items reflect the max of the item at the position
along with its two predecessors.
3 mmax 20 10 30 50 40
20 20 30 50 50
For length less than or equal to 0 the result is source.
mmin ¶
The uniform dyadic mmin takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving minimum of source, obtained by applying min over length
consecutive items. For positions less than length-1, min is applied
only through that position.
In the following example, the first item in the result is the min of
itself only; the second result item is the min of the first two source
items; all other items reflect the min of the item at the position
along with its two predecessors.
3 mmin 20 10 30 50 40
20 10 10 10 30
For length less than or equal to 0 the result is source.
msum ¶
The uniform dyadic msum takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list. It returns the
moving sum of source, obtained by applying sum over length consecutive
items. For positions less than length-1, sum is applied only through
that position.
In the following example, the first item in the result is the sum of
itself only; the second result item is the sum of the first two source
items; all other items reflect the sum of the item at the position
along with its two predecessors.
3 msum 10 20 30 40 50
10 30 60 90 120
For length less than or equal to 0 the result is all zeros.
next ¶
The uniform next takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list or
table of numeric type and returns the source shifted one position to
the left with no wrapping. For lists and dictionaries, the last item
of the result is a null matching the type of source. For tables, the
last record of the result is a row of nulls.
next 1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 0N
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
next t
c1 c2
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
prds ¶
The uniform sums takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table of numeric type and returns the cumulative product
of the source items.
prds 42
prds 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 6 24 120
prds `a`b`c!10 20 40
a| 10
b| 200
c| 8000
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
prds t
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.42 20
7.986 60
35.1384 120
prev ¶
The uniform prev takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table. It returns the source shifted one position
forward with initial null filling.
prev 42
prev 1 2 3 4 5
0N 1 2 3 4
prev `a`b`c!10 20 40
b| 10
c| 20
t:([]c1:`a`b`c;c2:10 20 40)
c1 c2
a 10
b 20
c 40
prev t
c1 c2
a 10
b 20
rank ¶
The uniform rank takes as its argument (source) a list, dictionary or
table whose values are sortable. It returns a list of int containing
the order of each item in the source under an ascending sort. For
dictionaries, the operation is against the range.
rank 5 2 3 1 4
4 1 2 0 3
rank `a`b`c`e`f! 5 2 3 1 4
4 1 2 0 3
For tables and keyed tables, the result is a list with the rank of the
records under ascending sort of the first column or the key column.
ttt:([] c1:2.2 1.1 3.3 5.5 4.4; c2:1 2 3 4 5)
c1 c2
2.2 1
1.1 2
3.3 3
5.5 4
4.4 5
rank ttt
1 0 2 4 3
kt:([k:103 102 101 105 104] d:1 2 3 4 5)
k | d
---| -
103| 1
102| 2
101| 3
105| 4
104| 5
rank kt
2 1 0 4 3
ratios ¶
The uniform ratios takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table of numeric type and returns the float ratio of
each item to its predecessor.
ratios 42
ratios 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 1.5 1.333333 1.25
ratios 96.25 93.25 58.25 73.25 89.50 84.00 84.25
96.25 0.9688312 0.6246649 1.257511 1.221843 0.9385475 1.002976
deltas `a`b`c!10 20 40
a| 10
b| 10
c| 20
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
ratios t
c1 c2
1.1 5
2 0.8
1.5 0.75
1.333333 0.6666667
Important: As the second example shows, the result of ratios contains
the initial item of source in its initial position. This may be
inconsistent with the behavior of similar functions in other languages
or libraries that return 1 in the initial position. The alternate
behavior can be achieved with the expression,
1,ratios 1_x
In our example above,
1,ratios 1_x:96.25 93.25 58.25 73.25 89.50 84.00 84.25
rotate ¶
The uniform dyadic rotate takes as its first argument an int (length)
and as its second argument (source) a numeric list or table. It
returns the source shifted length positions to the left with wrapping
if length is positive, or length positions to the right with wrapping
if length is negative. For length 0, it returns the source.
2 rotate 1 2 3 4 5
3 4 5 1 2
-2 rotate 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 1 2 3
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
2 rotate t
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
sums ¶
The uniform sums takes as its argument (source) a scalar, list,
dictionary or table of numeric type and returns the cumulative sum of
the source items.
sums 42
sums 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 6 10 15
sums `a`b`c!10 20 40
a| 10
b| 30
c| 70
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
sums t
c1 c2
1.1 5
3.3 9
6.6 12
11 14
xbar ¶
The uniform dyadic xbar takes as its first argument a non-negative
numeric atom (width) and a second argument (source) that is a numeric
list, dictionary or table. It returns an entity that conforms to
source, in which each item of source is mapped to the largest multiple
of the width that is less than or equal to that item. The type of the
result is that of the width parameter.
3 xbar 2 7 12 17 22
0 6 12 15 21
5.5 xbar 59.25 53.75 81.00 96.25 93.25 58.25 73.25 89.50 84.00
55 49.5 77 93.5 88 55 71.5 88 82.5 82.5
15 xbar `a`b`c!10 20 40
a| 0
b| 15
c| 30
t:([]c1:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4; c2:5 4 3 2)
c1 c2
1.1 5
2.2 4
3.3 3
4.4 2
2 xbar t
c1 c2
0 4
2 4
2 2
4 2
Since xbar is atomic in its second argument it can be applied to a
nested list.
5 xbar ((11;21 31);201 301)
10 20 30
200 300
xprev ¶
The dyadic xprev takes an int as its first argument (shift) and is
uniform in its second argument (source), which can be a list or a
table. It returns a result that conforms to source. When shift is 0 or
positive, each entity in source is shifted shift positions forward in
the result, with the initial shift entries null filled.
2 xprev 10 20 30 40
0N 0N 10 20
t:([]c1:`a`b`c`d;c2:10 20 30 40)
c1 c2
a 10
b 20
c 30
d 40
2 xprev t
c1 c2
a 10
b 20
When shift is negative, the result is a copy of source with the
initial shift entries null filled.
-2 xprev 10 20 30 40
30 40 0N 0N
xrank ¶
The binary xrank is uniform in its right operand (source), which is a
list, dictionary, table or keyed table whose values are sortable. The
left operand is a positive int (quantile). It returns a list of int
containing the quantile of the source distribution to which each item
of source belongs. The analysis is applied to the range of a
dictionary and the first column of a table.
For example, by choosing quantile to be 4, xrank determines into which
quartile each item of source falls.
4 xrank 30 10 40 20 90
1 0 2 0 3
4 xrank `a`b`c`d`e!30 10 40 20 90
1 0 2 0 3
t:([]c1:30 10 40 20 90;c1:`a`b`c`d`e)
c1 c11
30 a
10 b
40 c
20 d
90 e
4 xrank t
1 0 2 0 3
Choosing quantile to be 100 gives percentile ranking.
Miscellaneous Functions ¶
We collect here the built-in functions that don't fit into any of the
previously defined categories.
Conditional Append (?) ¶
The left operand of conditional append ( ? ) is a symbol representing
the name of a list of symbols (target) and the right operand is a
symbol, the right operand is appended to target if and only if it is
not in target. There is no effect when the right operand is already in
target. The result is the enumeration of the right operand in target.
Note: While conditional append is normally used with a target list of
unique items, this is not a requirement.
asc ¶
The monadic function asc operates on a list or a dictionary (source).
The result of asc on a list is a list comprising the items of source
sorted in increasing order with the s# attribute applied. The result
of asc on a dictionary is an equivalent mapping with the range items
sorted in increasing order and with the s# attribute applied.
asc 3 7 2 8 1 9
`s#1 2 3 7 8 9
asc `b`c`a!3 2 1
a| 1
c| 2
b| 3
bin ¶
The dyadic bin takes a simple list of items (target) in strictly
increasing order as its first argument and is atomic in its second
argument (token). Loosely speaking, the result of bin is the position
at which token would fall in target.
More precisely, the result is -1 if token is less than the first item
in target. Otherwise, the result is the position of the right-most
item of target that is less than or equal to token; this reduces to
the found position if the token is in target. If token is greater than
the last item in target, the result is the count of target.
Note: For large sorted lists, the binary search performed by bin is
generally more efficient than the linear search algorithm used by in.
Some examples with simple lists,
1 2 3 4 bin 3
"xyz" bin "a"
1.0 2.0 3.0 bin 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0
-1 1 1 2
Observe that the type of token must strictly match that of target.
1 2 3 bin 1.5
We can apply bin to a dictionary to perform reverse lookup, provided
the dictionary domain is in increasing order. When source is a
dictionary, bin takes a token whose type matches that of the
dictionary range. The result is null if token is less than every item
of the range. Otherwise, the result is the right-most domain element
whose corresponding range element is less than or equal to token.
Loosely put, when token is not found, the result is the domain item
after which you would make an insertion to place it into the
dictionary in proper order.
Note that the result reduces to the corresponding domain item if token
is found in target, and is the last domain item if token is greater
than every range item.
d:10 20 30!`first`second`third
d bin `second
d bin `missing
d bin `zero
d bin `aaa
Because a table is a list of records, we expect bin to return the row
number of a record.
t:([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)
a b
1 a
2 b
3 c
t bin `a`b!(2;`b)
As always, the record can be abbreviated to the list of row values.
t bin (1;`a)
t bin (0;`z)
Observe that a record that is not found results in a null result.
Finally, since a keyed table is a dictionary, bin will perform a
reverse lookup on a record of the value table, which can be
abbreviated to a list of row values.
kt:([k:1 2 3] c:100 101 102)
k| c
-| ---
1| 100
2| 101
3| 102
kt bin (enlist `c)!enlist 101
k| 2
kt bin 101
k| 2
Warning: While the items of the first argument of bin should be in
strictly increasing order for the result to meaningful, this condition
is not enforced. The results of bin when the first argument is not
strictly increasing are predictable but not particularly useful.
count ¶
The monadic count returns a non-negative int representing the number
of entities in its argument. Its domain comprises scalars, lists,
dictionaries, tables and keyed tables.
count 3
count 10 20 30
count `a`b`c`d!10 20 30 40
count ([] a:10 20 30; b:1.1 2.2 3.3)
count ([k:10 20] c:`one`two)
Note: You cannot use count to determine whether an entity is a scalar
or list since scalars and singletons both have count 1.
count 3
count enlist 3
This test is accomplished instead by testing the sign of the type of
the entity.
0>type 3
0>type enlist 3
Aside: Do you know why they call it count? Because it loves to count!!
Nyah, ha, ha, ha, ha. Vun, and two, and tree, and....
cut ¶
The binary operator cut is related to the _ operator. It is the same
as _ when the right operand is a dictionary and the left operand is a
list of items from the dictionary domain.
d:1 2 3!`a`b`c
(enlist 2) cut d
1| a
3| c
However, for a list right operand source and an int left operand size,
cut returns a new list created by collecting the items of source into
sublists of count size.
5 cut til 13
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
Advanced: The cut function is equivalent to,
{$[0>type x;x*til neg floor neg(count y)mod x;x]_y}
delete (_) ¶
The symbol _ is overloaded to have several meanings depending on the
signature of its operands. See also drop.
Note: When _ is used as an operator, whitespace is required to the
left if the left operand is a name. This is because _ is a valid non-
initial name character. Whitespace is permitted but not required to
the right.
When the first argument of dyadic ( _ ) is a list of non-negative int
and the second argument (source) is a list, it produces a new list
obtained by breaking source into sublists at the positions indicated
in the first argument. An example will make this clear.
0 3_100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300
400 500
Each sublist includes the items from the beginning cut position up to,
but not including, the next cut position. The final cut includes the
items to the end of source. Observe that if the left argument does not
begin with 0, the initial items of source will not be included in the
2 4_2006.01 2006.02 2006.03 2006.04 2006.05 2006.06
2006.03 2006.04
2006.05 2006.06
When the right operand of _ is a dictionary (source) and the left
operand is a list of key values whose type matches source, the result
is a dictionary obtained by removing the specified key-value pairs
from the target.
For example,
d:1 2 3!`a`b`c
(enlist 42) _ d
1| a
2| b
3| c
(enlist 2) _ d
1| a
3| c
1 3 _ d
2| b
(enlist 32) _ d
1| a
2| b
3| c
1 2 3 _ d
Note: The operand must be a list, so a single key value must be
When the first argument of dyadic delete ( _ ) is a list or a
dictionary (source) and the second argument is a position in the list
or an item in the domain of the dictionary, the result is a new entity
obtained by deleting the specified item from the source.
L: 101 102 103 104 105
L _2
101 102 104 105
d:`a`b`c`d!101 102 103 104
d _ `b
a| 101
c| 103
d| 104
Since a table is a list, delete can be applied by row number.
t:([]c1:1 2 3;c2:101 102 103;c3:`x`y`z)
c1 c2 c3
1 101 x
2 102 y
3 103 z
t _ 1
c1 c2 c3
1 101 x
3 103 z
Since a keyed table is a dictionary, delete can be applied by key
kt:([k:101 102 103]c:`one`two`three)
k | c
---| -----
101| one
102| two
103| three
kt _ 102
k | c
---| -----
101| one
103| three
desc ¶
The monadic function desc operates on a list or a dictionary (source).
The result of desc on a list is a list comprising the items of source
sorted in decreasing order with the s# attribute applied. The result
of desc on a dictionary is an equivalent mapping with the range items
sorted in decreasing order and with the s# attribute applied.
desc 3 7 2 8 1 9
9 8 7 3 2 1
desc `b`c`a!3 2 1
b| 3
c| 2
a| 1
distinct ¶
The monadic function distinct returns the distinct entities in its
argument. For a list, it returns the distinct items in the list, in
order of first occurrence.
distinct 1 2 3 2 3 4 6 4 3 5 6
1 2 3 4 6 5
For a table, distinct returns a table comprising the distinct records
of the argument, in the order of first occurrence.
tdup:([]a:1 2 3 2 1;
a b
1 washington
2 adams
3 jefferson
2 adams
1 wasington
distinct tdup
a b
1 washington
2 adams
3 jefferson
1 wasington
Observe that all fields of the records must be identical for the
records to be considered identical. Otherwise put, if any field
differs, the records are distinct.
When applied to an int n, distinct produces a random int between 0
(inclusive) and n (exclusive).
distinct 42
distinct 42
drop (_) ¶
The symbol _ is overloaded to have several meanings depending on the
signature of its operands. See also delete.
Note: When _ is used as an operator, whitespace is required to the
left if the left operand is a name. This is because _ is a valid non-
initial name character. Whitespace is permitted but not required to
the right.
When the first argument of the dyadic _ is an int and the second
argument (source) is a list, the result is a new list created via
removal from source. A positive int in the first argument indicates
that the removal occurs from the beginning of the source, whereas a
negative int in the first argument indicates that the removal occurs
from the end of the source.
The source can be a list, a dictionary, a table or a keyed table.
2_10 20 30 40
30 40
2_`a`b`c`d!10 20 30 40
c| 30
d| 40
-1_([] a:10 20 30 40; b:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4)
a b
10 1.1
20 2.2
30 3.3
2_([k:10 20 30] c:`one`two`three)
k | c
--| -----
30| three
The result of drop is of the same type and shape as source and is
never a scalar.
1_42 67
Observe that for nested lists, the deletion occurs at the top-most
1_(100 101 102;103 104 105)
103 104 105
In the degenerate case, the result is an empty entity derived from
4_10 20 30 40
4_`a`b`c`d!10 20 30 40
4_([] a:10 20 30 40; b:1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4)
a b
3_([k:10 20 30] c:`one`two`three)
k| c
-| -
eval ¶
The monadic eval evaluates a list that represents a valid q parse
tree, which can be produced by parse or by hand (if you know what
you're doing). A discussion of parse trees is beyond the scope of this
show pt:parse "a:
except ¶
The dyadic except takes a simple list or a dictionary whose range is a
simple list as its first argument (target) and returns a list
containing the items of target excluding those that are in its second
argument, which can be a scalar or a list. The returned items are in
the order of their first occurrence in target.
1 2 3 4 3 2 except 2
1 3 4 3
1 2 3 4 3 2 except 1 2 10
3 4 3
"Now is the time_" except "_"
"Now is the time"
d:`a`c`d`e!1 2 1 2
d except 1
2 2
The result of except is never a scalar.
1 2 except 1
1 2 except 2 1
d except 1 2
exit ¶
The monadic exit takes an int as its argument and a and executes the
system command \\ with the specified parameter.
Warning: Exit does not prompt for a confirmation.
fill (^) ¶
The dyadic fill ( ^ ) takes an atom as its first argument and a list
or dictionary (target) as its second argument. For a list, it returns
a list obtained by substituting the first argument for every
occurrence of null in target. It operates on the range of a
42^1 2 3 0N 5 0N
1 2 3 42 5 42
";"^"Now is the time"
d:`a`b`c`d!100 0N 200 0N
a| 100
b| 42
c| 200
d| 42
Observe that the action of fill is recursive - i.e., it is applied to
sublists of the target.
42^(1;0N;(100;200 0N))
a| 100
b| 42
c| 200
d| 42
find (?) ¶
When the first argument (target) of find ( ? ) is a simple list, find
is atomic in the second argument (source) and returns the positions in
target of the initial occurrence of each item of source.
The simplest case is when source is a scalar.
100 99 98 87 96?98
"Now is the time"?"t"
If source is not found in target, find returns the count of target -
i.e., the position one past the last element.
In this context, find is atomic in its second argument, so it is
extended item-wise to a source list.
"Now is the time"?"the"
7 8 9
Note that find always returns the position of the first occurrence of
each atom.
"Now is the time"?"time"
7 4 13 9
When the first argument (target) of find is a general list, find
considers both elements to be general lists and attempts to locate the
second argument (source) in the target, returning the position where
it is found or the count of target if not found.
(1 2;3 4)?3 4
Observe that find only compares items at the top level of the two
arguments and does not look for nested items,
((0;1 2);3 4;5 6)?1 2
((0;1 2);3 4;5 6)?(1;(2;3 4))
When the first argument (target) of find is a dictionary, find
represents reverse lookup and is atomic in the second argument
(source). In other words, find returns the domain item mapping to
source if source is in the range, or a null appropriate to the domain
type otherwise.
d:1 2 3!100 101 102
1| 100
2| 101
3| 102
d?102 100
3 1
When the first argument (target) of find is a table and the second
argument (source) is a record of the target, find returns the position
of source if it is in target, or the count of target otherwise.
t:([] a:1 2 3; b:`a`b`c)
a b
1 a
2 b
3 c
As usual with records, you can abbreviate the record to its row
When the first argument of find is a keyed table, since a keyed table
is a dictionary, find performs a reverse lookup on a record from the
value table.
kt:([k:1 2 3] c:100 101 102)
k| c
-| ---
1| 100
2| 101
3| 102
k| 2
Again, a record of the value table can be abbreviated to its row value
k| 3
flip ¶
The monadic function flip takes a rectangular list, a column
dictionary or a table as its argument (source). The result is the
transpose of source.
When source is a rectangular list, the items are rearranged,
effectively reversing the first two indices in indexing at depth. For
L:(1 2 3; (10 20; 100 200; 1000 2000))
1 2 3
10 20 100 200 1000 2000
10 20
fL:flip L
1 10 20
2 100 200
3 1000 2000
10 20
When source is a singleton list whose item is a simple list, flip
creates a vertical list.
flip enlist 101
This idiom is used to index multiple key values into keyed tables.
kt:([k:101 102 103]
kt flip enlist 101
When source is a column dictionary, the result is a table with the
given column names and values. Row and column access are effectively
reversed, but no data is rearranged.
d:(`a`b`c!1 2 3;1.1 2.2 3.3;("one";"two";"three"))
`a`b`c!1 2 3
1.1 2.2 3.3
t:flip d
a b c
1 1.1 one
2 2.2 two
3 3.3 three
When source is a table, the result is the underlying column
dictionary. Row and column access are effectively reversed, but no
data is rearranged.
t:([]a:1 2 3;b:1.1 2.2 3.3;c:("one";"two";"three"))
a b c
1 1.1 "one"
2 2.2 "two"
3 3.3 "three"
d:flip t
a| 1 2 3
b| 1.1 2.2 3.3
c| "one" "two" "three"
getenv ¶
The monadic function getenv takes a symbol argument representing the
name of an OS environment variable and returns the value (if any) of
that environment variable.
group ¶
The monadic function group operates on a list (source) and returns a
dictionary in which each distinct item in source is mapped to a list
of the indices of its occurrences in source. The items in the domain
of the result are in the order of their first appearance in source.
group "i miss
i| 0 3 8 11 14 17
| 1 6
m| 2 7
s| 4 5 9 10 12 13
p| 15 16
This can be used to extract specific information about the
occurrences, such as,
dm:group "i miss
count each
i| 6
| 2
m| 2
s| 6
p| 2
first each
i| 0
| 1
m| 2
s| 4
p| 15
iasc ¶
The monadic function iasc operates on a list or a dictionary (source).
Considering source as a mapping, the result of iasc is a list
comprising the domain items arranged in increasing order of their
associated range items. Otherwise put, retrieving the items of source
in the order specified by iasc sorts source in ascending order.
L:3 7 2 8 1 9
iasc L
4 2 0 1 3 5
L[iasc L]
1 2 3 7 8 9
d:`b`c`a!3 2 1
iasc d
d[iasc d]
1 2 3
identity ¶
The monadic function denoted by double colon ( :: ), is the identity
function, meaning that the return value is the same as the argument.
::["Life the Universe and Everything"]
"Life the Universe and Everything"
Note: The identity function cannot be used with juxtaposition or @.
Its argument must be enclosed in brackets.
:: 42
idesc ¶
The monadic function idesc operates on a list or a dictionary
(source). Considering source as a mapping, the result of idesc is a
list comprising the domain items arranged in decreasing order of their
associated range items. Otherwise put, retrieving the items of source
in the order specified by idesc sorts source in descending order.
L:3 7 2 8 1 9
idesc L
5 3 1 0 2 4
L[idesc L]
9 8 7 3 2 1
d:`b`c`a!3 2 1
idesc d
d[idesc d]
3 2 1
in ¶
The dyadic function in is atomic in its first argument (source) and
takes a second argument (target) that is an atom or list. It returns a
boolean result that indicates whether source appears in target. The
comparison is strict with regard to type.
3 in 8
42 in 0 6 7 42 98
"cat" in "abcdefg"
`zap in `zaphod`beeblebrox
2 in 0 2 4j
inter ¶
The dyadic inter can be applied to lists, dictionaries and tables. It
returns an entity of the same type as its arguments, containing those
elements of the first argument that appear in the second argument.
1 1 2 3 inter 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 3
"ab cd " inter " bc f"
"b c "
Note: Lists are not sets and the operation of inter on lists is not
identical to intersection of sets. In particular, the result of inter
does not comprise the distinct items common to the two arguments. One
consequence is that the expression,
(x inter y)~y inter x
is not true in general.
When applied to dictionaries, inter returns the set of common range
items that are mapped from the the same domain items.
d1:1 2 3!100 200 300
d2:2 4 6!200 400 600
d1 inter d2
Tables that have the same columns can participate in inter. The result
is a table with the records that are common to the two tables.
a b
1 first
2 second
3 third
a b
2 second
4 fourth
6 sixth
t1 inter t2
a b
2 second
join (,) ¶
The dyadic join ( , ) can take many different combinations of
When both operands are either lists or atoms, the result is a list
with the item(s) of the left operand followed by the item(s) of the
right operand.
2 3
1.1 2.2,3 4
Observe that the result is a general list unless all items are of a
homogeneous type.
When both operands are dictionaries, the result is the merge of the
dictionaries using upsert semantics. The domain of the result is the
(set theoretic) union of the two domains. Range assignment of the
right operand prevails on common domain items.
d1:1 2 3!`a`b`c
d2:3 4 5!`cc`d`e
1| a
2| b
3| cc
4| d
5| e
When both operands are tables having the same column names and types,
the result is a table in which the records of the right operand are
appended to those of the left operand.
t1:([]a:1 2 3;b:`x`y`z)
a b
1 x
2 y
3 z
t2:([]a:3 4;b:`yy`z)
a b
3 yy
4 z
a b
1 x
2 y
3 z
3 yy
4 z
When both operands are keyed tables having the same key and value
columns, the result is a keyed table in which the records of the left
operand are upserted with those of the right operand.
kt1:([k:1 2 3]v:`a`b`c)
k| v
-| -
1| a
2| b
3| c
kt2:([k:3 4]v:`cc`d)
k| v
-| --
3| cc
4| d
k| v
-| --
1| a
2| b
3| cc
4| d
join-each (,') ¶
The verb join ( , ) can be combined with the adverb monadic each ( ' )
to yield join-each ( ,' ), which can be used on lists, dictionaries or
List operands must have the same count.
L1:1 2 3
1 `a
2 `b
3 `c
As always with dictionaries, the operation occurs along the common
domain items, with null extension elsewhere.
d1:1 2 3!10 20 30
d2:2 3 4!`a`b`c
1| 10 `
2| 20 `a
3| 30 `b
4| 0N `c
For two tables with the same count of records, join-each results in a
column join (Column Join), in which columns with non-common names are
juxtaposed and overlapping columns are upserted.
t1:([]c1:1 2 3;c2:1.1 2.2 3.3)
c1 c2
1 1.1
2 2.2
3 3.3
t2:([]c2:`a`b`c;c3:100 200 300)
c2 c3
a 100
b 200
c 300
c1 c2 c3
1 a 100
2 b 200
3 c 300
Note: When join-each is used in a select, it must be enclosed in
parentheses to avoid the comma being interpreted as a separator.
select j:(c1,'c2) from t1
1 1.1
2 2.2
3 3.3
list ¶
The function list replaces plist. It XE "list (function)" takes a
variable number of arguments and returns a list whose items are the
arguments. It is useful for creating lists programmatically.
Note: Unlike user-defined functions, the number of arguments to list
is not restricted to eight.
For example,
list[6;7;42;`Life;"The Universe"]
"The Universe"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
null ¶
The atomic function null takes a list (source) and returns a binary
list comprising the result of testing each item in source against
null 1 2 3 0N 5 0N
null `a`b``d```f
Since null is atomic, it is applied recursively to sublists.
null (1 2;3 0N)
It is useful to combine where with null to obtain the positions of the
null items.
where null 1 2 3 0N 5 0N
3 5
When applied to a dictionary (source), null returns a dictionary in
which each item in the source range is replaced with the result of
testing the item against null.
null 1 2 3!100 0N 300
1| 0
2| 1
3| 0
The action of null on a table (source) is explained by recalling that
the table is a flipped column dictionary. Based on the action of null
on a dictionary, we expect the result of null on a table will be a new
table in which each column value in the source is replaced with the
result of testing the value against null.
tnull:([]a:1 0N 3; b:0N 200 300)
a b
0 1
1 0
0 0
Similarly, we expect null to operate on a keyed table by returning a
result keyed table whose value table entries are the result of testing
those of the argument against null.
ktnull:([k:101 102 103];v:`first``third)
null ktnull
k | v
---| ---
101| 0
102| 1
103| 0
parse ¶
The monadic function parse takes a string argument containing a valid
q expression and returns a list containing the corresponding parse
tree. Applying the function eval to the result will evaluate it. A
discussion of q parse trees is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
.Q.s1 parse "a:
eval parse "a:
Note: It is useful to apply parse to a query template in order to
discover its functional form. The result is not always exactly the
functional form, especially for exec, but a little experimenting will
lead to the correct form.
t:([]c1:`a`b`a; c2:1 2
select c2 by c1 from
c1| c2
--| ---
a | 1 3
b | ,2
parse "select c2 by c1 from
?[t;();(enlist `c1)!enlist `c1;(enlist `c2)!enlist
c1| c2
--| ---
a | 1 3
b | ,2
exec c2 by c1 from
a| 1 3
b| ,2
parse "exec c2 by c1 from
a| `a`a
b| ,`b
rand (?) ¶
The dyadic function rand ( ? ) is overloaded to have different
meanings. In the case where both arguments are numeric scalars, ?
returns a list of random numbers. More specifically, the first
argument must be of integer type, and the second argument can by any
numeric value. In this context, ? returns a list of pseudo-random
numbers of count given by first argument.
In case the second argument is a positive number of floating point
type and the first argument is positive, the result is a list of
random float selected with replacement from the range between 0
(inclusive) and the second argument (exclusive).
3.778553 1.230056 1.572286 0.517468 0.07107598
0.5274765 0.5435815 0.4611484 0.7493561
In case the second argument is of integer type and the first argument
is positive, the result is a list of random integers selected with
replacement from the range between 0 (inclusive) and the second
argument (exclusive).
1 2 0 3 4 4 4 0 3 1
0 2 1 0 2 4 2 3 4 0
4 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 5 3
The last example shows how to select random integers between 1 and 5.
More generally, for integers i and j, where i<j, and any integer n,
the idiom,
selects n random integers between i and j inclusive.
3 4 5 7 7 5 4 4 7 4
In case the second argument is of integer type and the first argument
is negative, the result is a list of random integers selected without
replacement from the range between 0 (inclusive) and the second
argument (exclusive). Since the selected values are not replaced, the
absolute value of the first argument cannot exceed the second
2 3 0
4 1 2 0 3
raze ¶
The monadic raze takes a list or dictionary (source) and returns the
entity derived from the source by eliminating the top-most level of
raze (1 2;`a`b)
One way to envision the action of raze is to write the source list in
general form, then remove the parentheses directly beneath the outer-
most enclosing pair.
raze ((1;2);(`a;`b))
Observe that raze only removes the top-most level of nesting and does
not apply recursively to sublists.
raze ((1 2;3 4);(5;(6 7;8 9)))
1 2
3 4
(6 7;8 9)
If source is not nested, the result is the source.
raze 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
When raze is applied to an atom, the result is a list.
raze 42
When raze is applied to a dictionary, the result is raze applied to
the range.
dd:`a`b`c!(1 2; 3 4 5;6)
raze dd
1 2 3 4 5 6
reshape (#) ¶
When the first argument of the dyadic reshape ( # ) is a list (shape)
of two positive int, the result reshapes the source into a rectangular
list according to shape. Specifically, the count of the result in
dimension i is given by the item in position i in shape. The elements
are taken from the beginning of the source.
A simple example makes this clear.
2 3#1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3
4 5 6
As in the case of take, if the number of e