From: Kathleen on

I have a formula with multiple if statements that result in an amount due or
an NA. Is it possible to add an under or overpayment into this? G2 would be
the result of amount paid - amount due. The Five (5)'s are options chosen
from a dropdown list which then looks at T2, a subtotal of products.

=IF((H2="FIVE (5)"),T2,IF((H2="SIX (6)"),T2,"NA"))

=if((h2="five (5)"), $100, If((h2="six (6), $100, "NA"
$100 would be the amount due each month based on starting month. Due in May
= $100. Not due until June $100 and May would have NA.

If May payment was $75, then I need the June payment to add $100+$75.