From: John Navas on
....the German Government have pointed out a security failure which
leaves some iPhones, iPads and iPods vulnerable to hackers. Said to be
so dangerous that German Federal Office for Information Security have
officially warned users of two critically weak points for which there is
no patch available.


"Apple's self-inflicted bruises take the shine off its untouchable brand
untouchable brand"

Despite the opening of their flagship store in London's Covent Garden
yesterday, Apple has been having a tricky time. The company is
celebrated for its sleek design and hassle-free software, but there is
growing resistance to the "closed shop" nature of its products, the "Mac
monopoly" that means users must buy their music through iTunes and that
all "apps" must come pre-approved from the Apple store. Such tight � and
profitable � security is grudgingly accepted by Mac, iPhone and iPad
users because the machines themselves are so good.

Now, however, Apple's untouchable brand has been tarnished. First came
the grumbles from technophiles, underwhelmed by the iPad, although this
didn't stop the gadget selling at record levels. Then came the iPhone
4's handling issue. The "loses signal if you hold it" hiccup compromised
what is, ultimately, a mobile phone.

Apple then managed to compound the fault: first offering little more
than a bandage for the affected area and then revealing another mistake
entirely. The admission that its method for measuring what phone signal
was available had been wrong all along. In all its phones.

And to cap it all, this week the German government pointed out a
security failure that renders some iPhones, iPads and iPods vulnerable
to hackers, a threat considered so dangerous that the German Federal
Office for Information Security officially warned citizens of "two
critical weak points for which no patch exists". A statement that leaves
Apple's all-important reputation for perfection looking bruised.