From: Robert L. Oldershaw on


If you wanted proof that theoretical physics has left the world of
reason and wandered into the swamp of untestable postmodern
pseudoscience, braying like a crude drunk, just read Dennis Overbye's
piece in the Science Times section of today's NYT [7/13/10].

General Relativity has been considered one of mankind's finest
achievements. But our heroic string theorists, unrestrained by the
principles of science, would blithely throw it out the window into the

In place of GR, the much-deluded Verlinde offers hand-waving about
poorly defined and unmeasurable abstractions: information, entropy and
holographic screens. His speculations cannot make a single definitive
prediction [and the same has been true for string theory in general
over the last 30 years] whereby the speculations could be considered

Does the community of theoretical physicists protest? Not much.
Perhaps the majority see a long-term feeding trough in this untestable
pseudoscience stuff?

What has happened to science? Has it run its course? Are we to go
back to Ptolemaic thinking, wherein the critical Definitive
Predictions/Empirical Testing of science is jettisoned in favor of
revealed [by the theoretical physicists themselves, of course]

From: Surfer on
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 09:43:17 -0700 (PDT), "Robert L. Oldershaw"
<rloldershaw(a)> wrote:

>...Are we to go
>back to Ptolemaic thinking, wherein the critical Definitive
>Predictions/Empirical Testing of science is jettisoned in favor of
>revealed [by the theoretical physicists themselves, of course]
Not all the new theories are like that. Here are some exceptions:

Can Modified Gravity (MOG) explain the speeding Bullet (Cluster)?

Testing Modified Newtonian Dynamics with Rotation Curves of Dwarf and
Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

Combining NASA/JPL One-Way Optical-Fiber Light-Speed Data with
Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Doppler-Shift Data to Characterise 3-Space Flow

Derivation of the postulates of quantum mechanics from the first
principles of scale relativity