From: Luigi on

"Luigi" wrote:

> Hi Plamen, it's correct, thank you.
> A little rule to add to this query.
> If in the table Report I have December with zero value (12,0), I have to put
> the December value (=14, always from table ReportCorrect) to the value of
> november.
> In this example, it wuold be:
> 12(value of November)+14(value of december)=26
> But if also November has value=zero, I have to put 12+14 in October:
> 31+12+14=57
> so to obtain from your query:
> Month - Value
> 10 - 57
> and so on.
> Do you have idea how to solve?
> LuigiA similar question about these "Report" tables.
I have again the 2 Report tables:

Create Table Report(Month int, Value float)
Create Table ReportCorrect(Month int, Value float)
Insert Report
Insert ReportCorrect

Again, in Report table, May and October has Value=0.

Now there is a third table, Percentage, that has this structure:

Create Table Percentage (UP int, Fuel int, Month int, Percentage float) --
UP -> Production Unit

with these values:

Insert Percentage values (1,1,1,20) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, January
Insert Percentage values (1,2,1,25) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, January
Insert Percentage values (2,1,1,15) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, January
Insert Percentage values (2,2,1,35) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, January
Insert Percentage values (1,1,2,20) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, February
Insert Percentage values (1,2,2,25) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, February
Insert Percentage values (2,1,2,18) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, February
Insert Percentage values (2,2,2,25) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, February
Insert Percentage values (1,1,3,33) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, March
Insert Percentage values (1,2,3,15) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, March
Insert Percentage values (2,1,3,25) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, March
Insert Percentage values (2,2,3,17) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, March
Insert Percentage values (1,1,4,26) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, April
Insert Percentage values (1,2,4,25) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, April
Insert Percentage values (2,1,4,14) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, April
Insert Percentage values (2,2,4,32) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, April
Insert Percentage values (1,1,5,24) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, May
Insert Percentage values (1,2,5,25) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, May
Insert Percentage values (2,1,5,35) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, May
Insert Percentage values (2,2,5,15) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, May
Insert Percentage values (1,1,6,10) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, June
Insert Percentage values (1,2,6,26) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, June
Insert Percentage values (2,1,6,25) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, June
Insert Percentage values (2,2,6,36) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, June
Insert Percentage values (1,1,7,24) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, July
Insert Percentage values (1,2,7,15) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, July
Insert Percentage values (2,1,7,36) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, July
Insert Percentage values (2,2,7,50) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, July
Insert Percentage values (1,1,8,30) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, August
Insert Percentage values (1,2,8,16) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, August
Insert Percentage values (2,1,8,21) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, August
Insert Percentage values (2,2,8,37) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, August

etc etc ......

-- November it's necessary for this example (because October has value=0 in
Report table)
Insert Percentage values (1,1,11,22) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=1, November
Insert Percentage values (1,2,11,15) -- Percentage for UP=1, Fuel=2, November
Insert Percentage values (2,1,11,25) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=1, November
Insert Percentage values (2,2,11,17) -- Percentage for UP=2, Fuel=2, November

Now, with the same logic as seen before, I have to perform these calculation:

In words:
May has value=0 in Report table, and June has value<>0
So I have to take the value of May in ReportCorrect table (=11) and create 4
new records (for June) made in this way:

UP - Fuel - Month - Value
1 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 10%)=1.1
1 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 26%)=2.86
2 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 25%)=2.75
2 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 36%)=3.96

then these 4 records I'll put in another table with these four fields.

Like before, if also June has value=0 (and July has value <>0), I have to
sum (May+June, from ReportCorrect table), and

create 8 records:

UP - Fuel - Month - Value
1 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 10%)=1.1
1 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 26%)=2.86
2 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 25%)=2.75
2 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 36%)=3.96

1 - 1 - 7 - (34 * 24%)=8.16
1 - 2 - 7 - (34 * 15%)=5.1
2 - 1 - 7 - (34 * 36%)=12.24
2 - 2 - 7 - (34 * 50%)=17

How can I solve this very complicated calculation?

From: Erland Sommarskog on
Luigi (Luigi(a) writes:
> Now, with the same logic as seen before, I have to perform these
> calculation:
> In words:
> May has value=0 in Report table, and June has value<>0 So I have to take
> the value of May in ReportCorrect table (=11) and create 4 new records
> (for June) made in this way:
> UP - Fuel - Month - Value
> 1 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 10%)=1.1
> 1 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 26%)=2.86
> 2 - 1 - 6 - (11 * 25%)=2.75
> 2 - 2 - 6 - (11 * 36%)=3.96
> then these 4 records I'll put in another table with these four fields.

It's really great that you have provided tables and sample data. The more
frustrating that I understand anything. I think what is missing is a
background description of the problem you are trying to solve. That is,
what does these tables signify? And what are the purposes of the
calculations you are performing?

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a)

Links for SQL Server Books Online:
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From: Luigi on
"Erland Sommarskog" wrote:

> It's really great that you have provided tables and sample data. The more
> frustrating that I understand anything. I think what is missing is a
> background description of the problem you are trying to solve. That is,
> what does these tables signify? And what are the purposes of the
> calculations you are performing?

Hi Erland,
the problem is to amend the Report table, based on the ReportCorrect table.
But there are some business rules to adhere.
When I find zero value in my Report table, I take the same month value from
ReportCorrect table, e and put it in the following month, but not in in the
Report table, but create new records that will be inserted in a new table,
with the rules written before.


From: Luigi on
I write a partial solution, this one:

declare @i int, @FollowingMonth int, @Value float, @ValueCorrect float,
@FollowingValue float
set @i = 1

while @i <= 12

select @Value = Value from dbo.Report where [MONTH] = @i
if @Value <> 0
set @i = @i + 1

select @FollowingValue = Value from dbo.Report where [MONTH] = @i+1
if @FollowingValue <> 0
select @ValueCorrect = Value from dbo.ReportCorrect where [MONTH] = @i
print cast(@valueCorrect as varchar)
insert dbo.ReportNew(UP,Fuel,[Month],Value)
select UP, Fuel, @i+1, @ValueCorrect * Percentage/100
from dbo.Percentage
where [MONTH] = @i

else -- Also following month has value=0
declare @ValueCorrect1 float, @ValueCorrect2 float
select @ValueCorrect1 = Value from dbo.ReportCorrect where [MONTH] = @i
select @ValueCorrect2 = Value from dbo.ReportCorrect where [MONTH] = @i + 1

--print cast(@valueCorrect as varchar)
insert dbo.ReportNew(UP,Fuel,[Month],Value)
select UP, Fuel, @i + 2, (@ValueCorrect1 + @ValueCorrect2) * Percentage/100
from dbo.Percentage
where [MONTH] = @i + 2
set @i = @i + 2
set @i = @i + 1

Unfortunately does work in only 2 cases:
1) There is one month alone with value=0 (in every position of the year)
(for example, May=0 and October=0, but July<>0 and November <>0).
2) Two months (the actual and the following). For example May and June has

Does not work if there are 3 or more joined months with value=0 (for example
if May=June=July=0) and in the case of December=0, where I have to implement
the same mechanism but backward.

I find this task excessive complicate to make it in T-SQL.

From: Erland Sommarskog on
Luigi (Luigi(a) writes:
> Unfortunately does work in only 2 cases:
> 1) There is one month alone with value=0 (in every position of the year)
> (for example, May=0 and October=0, but July<>0 and November <>0).
> 2) Two months (the actual and the following). For example May and June has
> values=0.
> Does not work if there are 3 or more joined months with value=0 (for
> example if May=June=July=0) and in the case of December=0, where I have
> to implement the same mechanism but backward.
> I find this task excessive complicate to make it in T-SQL.

Yes, it looks complicated. I still have not fully understood what you
are trying to achieve so it is difficult to help.

Is this intended to be a one-off to correct some problem, or is this a
recurring task?

Using some sort of cursor or loop seems to be the right way to go; that
may make the logic a little simpler.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a)

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