From: JMilton1959 on
This web service consumes invoice data all at once. The line item details are
an element within the main element being passed to the web service. When I
look at the request SOAP none of the line item detail is there. I am using
cfscript to create and popluate the line items

myPC3LineItem = ArrayNew(1);
myPC3LineItem[1] = createObject("java","");
myPC3LineItem[1].setpCard3DtlIndex(JavaCast("string", "1"));
myPC3LineItem[1].setpCard3DtlDesc(JavaCast("string", "LINE ITEM ONE DETAIL"));

to create my main container

myNewOrder = createObject("java","");

and then to add the line items

myNewOrder.setPCard3LineItems(JavaCast("[ ]",

Anyone see something I am doing wrong or have a suggestion?

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