From: Arjen Markus on

I am experimenting with dynamically loading a library and its
procedures. So far I have
not achieved what I want though - I am wrapping the dlopen() and
dlsym() system functions
on Linux via the iso_c_binding module.

I am using Intel Fortran 11.0 on Linux for this, but ultimately this
work on Windows too (there I have completely different problems

The problem is:
- I can load the library - at least I get no error message
- I can not load the symbol (write_string_) - dlsym() claims it does
not exist
- If I use the _same_ shared library in a program that simply calls
write_string (the underscore
is the decoration added by the compiler), it works fine.

I include the code below, as well as my sequence of commands to create
the program and library.
(It is all a bit lengthy, I apologize).

The output from the program on my system is this:

In load_library
Before system_load_library
After system_load_library
In load_library
Before system_load_library
After system_load_library
After get_procedure F
Could not load the procedure "write_string_"
Error message: test_lib.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
Error message: (null)
Error message: (null)
Error message: write_string_: undefined symbol: write_string_

The library that gets loaded has this contents (nm -D

000019e0 A __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
000018b4 A _DYNAMIC
000019e0 A _edata
000019e4 A _end
00000820 T _fini
U for_trim
U for_write_seq_lis
U for_write_seq_lis_xmit
w __gmon_start__
00000564 T _init
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
00000750 T write_string_
00000660 T write_string_doubled_

As you can see the routine I want is present. So why doesn't dlsym()
find it?



***The shell script to compile and link it all:

# Simple script to build the program
.. /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/ ia32

gcc -c print_error.c
ifort -o test_lib.f90 -shared

ifort -c linux_dynlib.f90
ifort -c dynlib.f90
ifort -o test_dynlib test_dynlib.f90 dynlib.o linux_dynlib.o

***Here is the source code for the main program:

! test_dynlib.f90 --
! Test the module for dealing with dynamic libraries
program test_dynlib
use dynamic_libraries

implicit none

type(dynamic_library) :: dynlib
logical :: success
procedure(), pointer :: proc

! Try the Windows version
call load_library( dynlib, 'test_lib.dll', success )

if ( .not. success ) then
! Try the Linux version
call load_library( dynlib, '', success )

if ( .not. success ) then
write(*,*) 'Could not load the library'
call get_procedure( dynlib, 'write_string_', proc, success )
if ( .not. success ) then
write(*,*) 'Could not load the procedure "write_string_"'
call proc( "SUCCESS!" )
end program test_dynlib

***The module dynamic_libraries is this:

! dynlib.f90 --
! Module to handle procedures from dynamic libraries
! Requires Fortran 2003
! Note:
! There are two implementations of the basic routines,
! one for Windows and one for Linux/OSX, as the
! underlying system routines have different APIs
! Register the contents of an internal library
! and retrieving that
! Handle module names
module dynamic_libraries
use iso_c_binding
use system_dynamic_libraries

implicit none


type dynamic_library
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle = 0
logical :: loaded = .false.
logical :: internal = .false.
character(len=512) :: name
end type dynamic_library

public :: dynamic_library
public :: load_library
public :: get_procedure
!public :: register_internal_library
!public :: register_procedure


! load_library --
! Load a dynamic library (DLL/SO)
! Arguments:
! dynlib Variable holding the handle to the library
! name Name of the library to load
! success Whether it was loaded successfully or not
subroutine load_library( dynlib, name, success )

type(dynamic_library), intent(inout) :: dynlib
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
logical, intent(out) :: success

character(kind=c_char), dimension(512) :: cname
integer :: i

success = .false.

write(*,*) 'In load_library'
dynlib%loaded = .false.
dynlib%internal = .false.
dynlib%name = name

cname(1:len(name)+1) = (/ ( name(i:i), i = 1,len(name) ),
char(0) /)

write(*,*) 'Before system_load_library'
call system_load_library( dynlib%handle, cname )

write(*,*) 'After system_load_library'
if ( dynlib%handle /= 0_c_long ) then
dynlib%loaded = .true.
success = .true.
end subroutine load_library

! get_procedure --
! Get a procedure pointer from a loaded dynamic library (DLL/SO)
! Arguments:
! dynlib Variable holding the handle to the library
! name Name of the procedure to get
! proc Pointer to the procedure
! success Whether it was loaded successfully or not
subroutine get_procedure( dynlib, name, proc, success )

type(dynamic_library), intent(inout) :: dynlib
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
procedure(), pointer :: proc
logical, intent(out) :: success

character(kind=c_char), dimension(512) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: cproc
integer :: i

success = .false.
proc => null()

if ( .not. dynlib%loaded ) then

if ( .not. dynlib%internal ) then
cname(1:len(name)+1) = (/ ( name(i:i), i = 1,len(name) ),
char(0) /)

call system_get_procedure( dynlib%handle, cname, cproc,
success )

if ( success ) then
call c_f_procpointer( cproc, proc )
end subroutine get_procedure

end module dynamic_libraries

***And the Linux/Ifort version of system_dynamic_libraries is:

! linux_dynlib --
! Implementation for Linux and OS/X of low-level routines
! that deal with dynamic libraries
module system_dynamic_libraries
use iso_c_binding
implicit none

integer(kind=c_int), parameter :: rtld_lazy = 1

function c_load_library( cname, load_type ) bind(c,
name='dlopen' )
use iso_c_binding
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
integer(kind=c_int), value :: load_type
integer(kind=c_long) :: c_load_library
end function c_load_library
end interface

function c_get_procedure( handle, cname ) bind(c,
name='dlsym' )
use iso_c_binding
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: c_get_procedure
end function c_get_procedure
end interface

subroutine c_print_error( ) bind(c, name='print_error' )
use iso_c_binding
end subroutine c_print_error
end interface


! system_load_library --
! Load the library
! Arguments:
! handle Handle to the library
! cname Null-terminated name of the library
! Returns:
! Handle to the library
subroutine system_load_library( handle, cname )
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle
character(len=1), dimension(*) :: cname

integer(kind=c_int), parameter :: load_type = rtld_lazy

write(*,*) 'A'
handle = c_load_library( cname, load_type )
call c_print_error
write(*,*) 'B'
end subroutine system_load_library

! system_get_procedure --
! Get the procedure
! Arguments:
! handle Handle to the library
! cname Null-terminated name of the procedure
! cproc C-style procedure pointer
! success Whether successful or not
! Returns:
! Handle to the library
subroutine system_get_procedure( handle, cname, cproc, success )
integer(kind=c_long), value :: handle
character(len=1), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: cproc
logical :: success

call c_print_error
cproc = c_get_procedure( handle, cname )
call c_print_error

success = transfer(cproc, 0_c_long) /= 0_c_long
write(*,*) 'After get_procedure', success

end subroutine system_get_procedure

end module system_dynamic_libraries

***To print the error from dlopen()/dlsym():
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

void print_error( void ) {
printf("Error message: %s\n", dlerror());

***The source for the library is almost trivial:

! test_lib.f90 --
! Provide a simple dynamic library for testing
subroutine write_string( string )
!dec$ attributes dllexport :: write_string
implicit none

character(len=*) :: string

write(*,*) 'Write_string: ',trim(string)

end subroutine write_string

subroutine write_string_doubled( string )
!dec$ attributes dllexport :: write_string_doubled
implicit none

character(len=*) :: string

write(*,*) 'Write_string twice: ', trim(string), ' -- ',

end subroutine write_string_doubled
From: Simon on
On 05/07/2010 09:53, Arjen Markus wrote:
> Hello,
> I am experimenting with dynamically loading a library and its
> procedures. So far I have
> not achieved what I want though - I am wrapping the dlopen() and
> dlsym() system functions
> on Linux via the iso_c_binding module.
> I am using Intel Fortran 11.0 on Linux for this, but ultimately this
> should
> work on Windows too (there I have completely different problems
> though).
> The problem is:
> - I can load the library - at least I get no error message
> - I can not load the symbol (write_string_) - dlsym() claims it does
> not exist
> - If I use the _same_ shared library in a program that simply calls
> write_string (the underscore
> is the decoration added by the compiler), it works fine.

I'll try to find time later today to look at this, in the meantime have
you tried building the shared library using ld with --export-dynamic to
ensure all the symbols are available?

From: Arjen Markus on
On 5 jul, 11:31, Simon <si...(a)> wrote:
> On 05/07/2010 09:53, Arjen Markus wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am experimenting with dynamically loading a library and its
> > procedures. So far I have
> > not achieved what I want though - I am wrapping the dlopen() and
> > dlsym() system functions
> > on Linux via the iso_c_binding module.
> > I am using Intel Fortran 11.0 on Linux for this, but ultimately this
> > should
> > work on Windows too (there I have completely different problems
> > though).
> > The problem is:
> > - I can load the library - at least I get no error message
> > - I can not load the symbol (write_string_) - dlsym() claims it does
> > not exist
> > - If I use the _same_ shared library in a program that simply calls
> > write_string (the underscore
> >    is the decoration added by the compiler), it works fine.
> <snip>
> I'll try to find time later today to look at this, in the meantime have
> you tried building the shared library using ld with --export-dynamic to
> ensure all the symbols are available?
> Simon- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
> - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Hm, I did not. I will try that.


From: Arjen Markus on
On 5 jul, 11:31, Simon <si...(a)> wrote:
> On 05/07/2010 09:53, Arjen Markus wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am experimenting with dynamically loading a library and its
> > procedures. So far I have
> > not achieved what I want though - I am wrapping the dlopen() and
> > dlsym() system functions
> > on Linux via the iso_c_binding module.
> > I am using Intel Fortran 11.0 on Linux for this, but ultimately this
> > should
> > work on Windows too (there I have completely different problems
> > though).
> > The problem is:
> > - I can load the library - at least I get no error message
> > - I can not load the symbol (write_string_) - dlsym() claims it does
> > not exist
> > - If I use the _same_ shared library in a program that simply calls
> > write_string (the underscore
> >    is the decoration added by the compiler), it works fine.
> <snip>
> I'll try to find time later today to look at this, in the meantime have
> you tried building the shared library using ld with --export-dynamic to
> ensure all the symbols are available?
> Simon- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
> - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Hi Simon,

no need to check it - I found the problem:

function c_get_procedure( handle, cname ) bind(c,
name='dlsym' )
use iso_c_binding
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: c_get_procedure
end function c_get_procedure
end interface

should be:

function c_get_procedure( handle, cname ) bind(c,
name='dlsym' )
use iso_c_binding
integer(kind=c_long), value :: handle
<== value attribute was missing
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: c_get_procedure
end function c_get_procedure
end interface

With this change it is working fine. At least on Linux. (I am still
used to iso_c_binding ;))



From: Arjen Markus on
On 5 jul, 10:53, Arjen Markus <arjen.markus...(a)> wrote:

> I am using Intel Fortran 11.0 on Linux for this, but ultimately this
> should
> work on Windows too (there I have completely different problems
> though).

On Windows I get very different problems indeed. The one I want to
first is the problem with gfortran that I see:

win_dynlib.o:win_dynlib.f90:(.text+0x14a): undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

where the source for win_dynlib.f90 is given below.

At the command-line I specified --enable-stdcall-fixup to suppress a
about GetProcAddress@8 - but the same linking procedure that is behind
fixup fails with LoadLibrary(A or W).

Any thoughts?



! win_dynlib --
! Implementation for GNU Fortran on Windows of low-level routines
! that deal with dynamic libraries
module system_dynamic_libraries
use iso_c_binding
implicit none

function c_load_library( cname ) bind(c, name='LoadLibraryW')
use iso_c_binding
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
integer(kind=c_long) :: c_load_library
end function c_load_library
end interface

function c_get_procedure( handle, cname ) bind(c,
use iso_c_binding
integer(kind=c_long), value :: handle
character(kind=c_char), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: c_get_procedure
end function c_get_procedure
end interface


! system_load_library --
! Load the library
! Arguments:
! handle Handle to the library
! cname Null-terminated name of the library
! Returns:
! Handle to the library
subroutine system_load_library( handle, cname )
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle
character(len=1), dimension(*) :: cname

write(*,*) ' in system_load_library', cname(1:20),
handle = c_load_library( cname )
write(*,*) ' system_load_library: loaded'
end subroutine system_load_library

! system_get_procedure --
! Get the procedure
! Arguments:
! handle Handle to the library
! cname Null-terminated name of the procedure
! cproc C-style procedure pointer
! success Whether successful or not
! Returns:
! Handle to the library
subroutine system_get_procedure( handle, cname, cproc, success )
integer(kind=c_long) :: handle
character(len=1), dimension(*) :: cname
type(c_funptr) :: cproc
logical :: success

cproc = c_get_procedure( handle, cname )

success = transfer(cproc, 0_c_long) /= 0_c_long

end subroutine system_get_procedure

end module system_dynamic_libraries
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