From: yamanik on

Hi All

Yes it's my first post :)

1- I have 4 tv's that i dont want to scrap , they have majorly the same
problem , when autoprogram they skip lot of channels like they start
scanning from 14 but still some channels shows and other dont like
channel 3 or 4 and 5 have no picture just snow and if i do add or
remove channels does not help , the tuners are built please
where to start to fix the problem , or if someone have any shecmatic
please Private Message me ...i appreciate your help.

2- The other problem in a fifth tv and i have red screen just when the
stays on for more than an hour on...the tv also is an Rca but model
J25230BL, also Great help will be greatly appreciated

Warm regards ! to All...

From: inty's world on
for the first four, control electrolityc caps in the tuner, and the
varicap tension..