From: Vadim Zeitlin on
On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 13:15:16 -0500 "H.Vidal, Jr." <hvidal(a)> wrote:

HJ> So I set it to 1
HJ> then issued a 'make clean' from 'build/' directory.
HJ> Then a 'make.'

Sorry, it's not clear: did you do make clean for wx itself or just your

HJ> However, libraries did not want to cooperate. Issuing a build
HJ> with `wx-config --libs` as is prescribed yielded:

`wx-config --libs` doesn't include media lib (which is a relatively new
one and so not subject to backwards compatible behaviour of --libs option),
you need to use `wx-config --libs std,media` to get it.


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