From: Jesús Gabriel y Galán on
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Robert Dober <robert.dober(a)> wrote:
> 2010/5/25 Jesús Gabriel y Galán <jgabrielygalan(a)>:
>> irb(main):005:0> self.class.send(:remove_const,:Soda)
> should that not rather be
>   Object.send ....

Could very well be :-).
I just saw that remove_const was a method in Module and I thought:
self.class is a Module, so I'll use that.


From: Robert Dober on
2010/5/25 Jesús Gabriel y Galán <jgabrielygalan(a)>:

> Could very well be :-).
> I just saw that remove_const was a method in Module and I thought:
> self.class is a Module, so I'll use that.
Where did I have my head? send remove_const to Object for top level
constants and for all other to their defining module object, of
course. Sorry got confused with irb output - that is waaay of a bad
excuse I know ;)

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-- Alan Kay