From: Jukka K. Korpela on
Roy A. wrote:

>> Is it really necessary to set explicit widths at all?
> Yes it would be necessary.

Just in case someone might take such "advice" seriously: "Roy A." is either
trolling or very ignorant. It is unnecessary to tell the difference.

> Without you would get a tiny column with
> wrapped text to the left.

In the absence of width settings, browsers allocate widths according to
contents. Mostly this is better than guesses by authors, especially
pixel-valued guesses.

Sometimes some tuning is needed, but then the best approach tends to be the
prevention of some line breaks (using HTML, CSS, or character-level tools
for that; actually white-space: nowrap isn't honored as widely as the
nonstandard but effective <nobr>...</nobr>).

If you have "foo bar" in a cell, it normally won't get split to two lines.
But if it will, you can e.g. write it as "foo&nbsp;bar" (= "foo bar" with no
line break allowed) and let browsers allocate widths with this in their

>> It certainly isn't
>> necessary to set width on both columns of a two-column table! If your
>> aim is to keep the first column the same width in multiple instances
>> of the table,
> With multiple instances of the table, you got to set both to make it
> look the same.

You are babbling about multiple instances while others discussed a single

> Have you read how the width of the cells is calculated?

It seems that _you_ haven't.

> The browser will adapt the width to the content of the cells,


> making to little room for the first column.

Usually not.

> The first column will only get as
> much room as the longest word in that column.

Nonsense. Did you actually test _anything_ before making such foolish
universal claims.


From: GTalbot on
On 28 jan, 11:11, Poster Matt <postermatt(a)> wrote:


1- Do not set a fixed font-size: use relative unit or best do not
define a font-size and let the browser use the default values or the
user set values.
Please read

Use scalable rather than absolute units.
* Use em, percent(%), or keywords.
Try not to use pixels (px) or points (pt) for font and block sizes
because the user cannot resize them.
coming from Accessible CSS

The font size of display characters is expressed in relative size and
absolute size.
coming from Optquast Best Practice N°4 - Level 2- Section

Accessible Web design and consultancy, Syntactic Home page
Setting up your browser; 1. Text font and size
(...) Web pages often try to override this size for their body text.
better-designed sites won't do this (...)

Let Users Control Font Size

The 100% Easy-2-Read Standard

The Wrong Size Fonts Or why not to over-ride the reader’s font size

If you do not specify any font size at all (as on the pages you are
reading), text will appear in the default size that was selected by
Truth & Consequences of web site design: Font size size.html

All of your webpages should always start with a doctype declaration. I
recommend HTML 4.01 strict as the best, the forward-compatible choice,
the best cross-browser one:

Recommended Doctype Declarations to use in your Web document.

You definitely over-use the class attribute when you often could avoid
resorting to it. You over-code, you over-declare and you over-


<p class="HR"> </p>
could be better replaced with


margin: 25px 300px 25px 0px;
border-bottom: 2px solid #003B62;



Do a search on "classitis" and how to avoid it.

4- Understand inheritance. There are properties which inherit by
default. So, do not redeclare unneedlessly those when you declare it
in a container. CSS when well used reduces the amount of code
necessary; it does not and should not increase the amount of code for
formatting purposes.

regards, Gérard