From: Bee on
Vb6 Replace is fine for what it does and is fast but it has a strange

If I specify Start then the string that is returned now begins at the start
Appending it way to slow.
So what fast way is there to do a replace at a specified location in a string?
The replace may be a vbNullstring, or more or fewer characters than the
single or multiple character find string.

ReplaceStr(expression, find, replace[, start[, count[, compare]]])

Always returns the beginning and changed part and end part of the expression
when start is supplied or not.

From: Ralph on

"Bee" <Bee(a)> wrote in message
> Vb6 Replace is fine for what it does and is fast but it has a strange
> operation.
> If I specify Start then the string that is returned now begins at the
> parameter.
> Appending it way to slow.
> So what fast way is there to do a replace at a specified location in a
> The replace may be a vbNullstring, or more or fewer characters than the
> single or multiple character find string.
> ReplaceStr(expression, find, replace[, start[, count[, compare]]])
> Always returns the beginning and changed part and end part of the
> when start is supplied or not.

Don't have code immediately at hand, but these hints should help.

Create a second temporary buffer - a byte array.
Make it the same size as the file (FileLen) plus a little extra.
Use Mike's suggestion to step through the original text looking for changes.
When found, and a substitute is determined, write the new string of
characters to the Temporary buffer using Memcopy.

Write out the temporary buffer as the new file.


From: Donald Lessau on
"Bee" <Bee(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Vb6 Replace is fine for what it does and is fast but it has a strange
> operation.
> If I specify Start then the string that is returned now begins at the
> start
> parameter.

Check at VBspeed. All functions here work the way you like it, and are
faster than Vb6 Replace:


From: mayayana on
The Mid *statement* is very fast. Tokenizing is also
surprisingly fast. Here's an "air code" sample that points
an integer array at an incoming string and runs a tokenizing
routine, building a new string with Mid as it goes. The sample
just looks for "***" and replaces it with "**". As you can see
from the code, you can run any number of replacement operations
based on character codes. The "***" can be editied to
replace CrCrLf with CrLf. At the same time you could replace
"ball" with "hat", "1" with "2", etc.

Also note: The code as written allows for a new
string 1.5 times the size of the original. If you're
doing a lot of operations you might need to keep an eye
on the loop to make sure your new string doesn't need
to be reallocated.

'--------------------------- module code:

Private Type SAFEARRAY1
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As Long
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr"
(ptr() As Any) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (dst As
Any, ByVal NBytes As Long)

Public Function SReplace(StrToRep As String) As String
Dim Lens As Long, LNew As Long, iPos As Long, iPosNew As Long, iPosStart As
Long, Len2 As Long
Dim iChar As Integer
Dim A1() As Integer

Lens = Len(StrToRep)
LNew = Lens * 1.5

SReplace = String$(LNew, 0)
With SA1 '-- set up array for t1.text string.
.cbElements = 2
.cElements = Lens + 1
.cDims = 1
.pvData = StrPtr(StrToRep)
End With
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), VarPtr(SA1), 4

iPosNew = 1 '-- offset into new string
iPos = 0

Do While iPos < Lens
iPosStart = iPos + 1
iChar = A1(iPos)

Select Case iChar
Case 0
Exit Do

Case 42 'vbCR
If A1(iPos + 1) = 42 Then
If A1(iPos + 2) = 42 Then
Mid(SReplace, iPosNew) = "**"
iPosNew = iPosNew + 2
iPos = iPos + 2
End If
End If

Case Else
Mid(SReplace, iPosNew) = Mid(StrToRep, (iPosStart), 1)
iPosNew = iPosNew + 1
End Select

iPos = iPos + 1

ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), 4
Len2 = InStr(1, SReplace, Chr$(0))
If Len2 > 1 Then SReplace = Left$(SReplace, (Len2 - 1))
End Function

'-------------------------- form code:
'--t1 is a multiline textbox

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim i2 As Long

s = String$(10000, "A")
For i2 = 3 To 100
Mid(s, (i2 * 50)) = "***"

T1.Text = s
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim s As String, s2 As String
s = T1.Text
s2 = SReplace(s)
T1.Text = s2
End Sub

From: Bee on
Thanks all. I now have several things to try.

"mayayana" wrote:

> The Mid *statement* is very fast. Tokenizing is also
> surprisingly fast. Here's an "air code" sample that points
> an integer array at an incoming string and runs a tokenizing
> routine, building a new string with Mid as it goes. The sample
> just looks for "***" and replaces it with "**". As you can see
> from the code, you can run any number of replacement operations
> based on character codes. The "***" can be editied to
> replace CrCrLf with CrLf. At the same time you could replace
> "ball" with "hat", "1" with "2", etc.
> Also note: The code as written allows for a new
> string 1.5 times the size of the original. If you're
> doing a lot of operations you might need to keep an eye
> on the loop to make sure your new string doesn't need
> to be reallocated.
> '--------------------------- module code:
> Private Type SAFEARRAY1
> cDims As Integer
> fFeatures As Integer
> cbElements As Long
> cLocks As Long
> pvData As Long
> cElements As Long
> lLbound As Long
> End Type
> Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr"
> (ptr() As Any) As Long
> Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
> (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
> Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (dst As
> Any, ByVal NBytes As Long)
> Public Function SReplace(StrToRep As String) As String
> Dim Lens As Long, LNew As Long, iPos As Long, iPosNew As Long, iPosStart As
> Long, Len2 As Long
> Dim iChar As Integer
> Dim A1() As Integer
> Lens = Len(StrToRep)
> LNew = Lens * 1.5
> SReplace = String$(LNew, 0)
> With SA1 '-- set up array for t1.text string.
> .cbElements = 2
> .cElements = Lens + 1
> .cDims = 1
> .pvData = StrPtr(StrToRep)
> End With
> CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), VarPtr(SA1), 4
> iPosNew = 1 '-- offset into new string
> iPos = 0
> Do While iPos < Lens
> iPosStart = iPos + 1
> iChar = A1(iPos)
> Select Case iChar
> Case 0
> Exit Do
> Case 42 'vbCR
> If A1(iPos + 1) = 42 Then
> If A1(iPos + 2) = 42 Then
> Mid(SReplace, iPosNew) = "**"
> iPosNew = iPosNew + 2
> iPos = iPos + 2
> End If
> End If
> Case Else
> Mid(SReplace, iPosNew) = Mid(StrToRep, (iPosStart), 1)
> iPosNew = iPosNew + 1
> End Select
> iPos = iPos + 1
> Loop
> ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), 4
> Len2 = InStr(1, SReplace, Chr$(0))
> If Len2 > 1 Then SReplace = Left$(SReplace, (Len2 - 1))
> End Function
> '-------------------------- form code:
> '--t1 is a multiline textbox
> Private Sub Command1_Click()
> Dim s As String
> Dim i2 As Long
> s = String$(10000, "A")
> For i2 = 3 To 100
> Mid(s, (i2 * 50)) = "***"
> Next
> T1.Text = s
> End Sub
> Private Sub Command2_Click()
> Dim s As String, s2 As String
> s = T1.Text
> s2 = SReplace(s)
> T1.Text = s2
> End Sub
> .
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