From: Νίκος on
On 8 Áýã, 05:56, John S <jstrick...(a)> wrote:
>"How can I use RE string replacement to find PHP tags and convert them
>to Django template tags?"

No, not at all John, at least not yet!

I have only 1 week that i'm learnign python(changing from php & perl)
so i'm very fresh at this beautifull and straighforwrd language.

When i have a good understnading of Python then i will proceed to
Django templates.
Until then my Python templates would be only 'simple html files' that
the only thign they contain apart form the html data would be the
special string formatting identifies '%s' :-)
From: Νίκος on
On 8 Αύγ, 11:09, Steven D'Aprano <st...(a)REMOVE-THIS-> wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Aug 2010 17:20:24 -0700, Νίκος wrote:
> > I don't know how to handle such a big data replacing problem and cannot
> > play with fire because those 500 pages are my cleints pages and data of
> > those filesjust cannot be messes up.
> Take a backup copy of the files, and only edit the copies. Don't replace
> the originals until you know they're correct.
> --
> Steven

Yes of course, but the code that John S provided need soem
modification in order to be able to change various instances of php
tags and not only one set.
From: Νίκος on
Script so far:


import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import cgi, re, os

print ( "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n" )

id = 0 # unique page_id

for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('data'):

for f in files:

if f.endswith('php'):

# get abs path to filename
src_f = join(currdir,f)

# open php src file
f = open(src_f, 'r')
src_data = # read contents of PHP file
print 'reading from %s' % src_f

# replace tags
src_data = src_data.replace('<%', '')
src_data = src_data.replace('%>', '')
print 'replacing php tags'

# add ID
src_data = ( '<!-- %d -->' % id ) + src_data
id += 1
print 'adding unique page_id'

# create new file with .html extension
src_file = src_file.replace('.php', '.html')

# open newly created html file for insertid data
dest_f = open(src_f, 'w')
dest_f.write(src_data) # write contents
print 'writing to %s' % dest_f

Please help me adjust it, if need extra modification for more php tags
From: Peter Otten on
Νίκος wrote:

> Now the code looks as follows:

> for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('test'):
> for f in files:
> if f.endswith('php'):
> # get abs path to filename
> src_f = join(currdir, f)

> I just tried to test it. I created a folder names 'test' in me 'd:\'
> drive.
> Then i have put to .php files inside form the original to test if it
> would work ok for those too files before acting in the whole copy and
> after in the original project.
> so i opened a 'cli' form my Win7 and tried
> D:\>
> D:\>
> Itsjust printed an empty line and nothign else. Why didn't even try to
> open the folder and fiels within?
> Syntactically it doesnt ghive me an error!
> Somehting with os.walk() methos perhaps?

If there is a folder D:\test and it does contain some PHP files (double-
check!) the extension could be upper-case. Try

if f.lower().endswith("php"): ...


php_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.php")
for f in php_files: ...


From: Νίκος on
On 9 Αύγ, 10:38, Peter Otten <__pete...(a)> wrote:
> Νίκος wrote:
> > Now the code looks as follows:
> > for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('test'):
> >         for f in files:
> >                 if f.endswith('php'):
> >                         # get abs path to filename
> >                         src_f = join(currdir, f)
> > I just tried to test it. I created a folder names 'test' in me 'd:\'
> > drive.
> > Then i have put to .php files inside form the original to test if it
> > would work ok for those too files before acting in the whole copy and
> > after in the original project.
> > so i opened a 'cli' form my Win7 and tried
> > D:\>
> > D:\>
> > Itsjust printed an empty line and nothign else. Why didn't even try to
> > open the folder and fiels within?
> > Syntactically it doesnt ghive me an error!
> > Somehting with os.walk() methos perhaps?
> If there is a folder D:\test and it does contain some PHP files (double-
> check!) the extension could be upper-case. Try
> if f.lower().endswith("php"): ...
> or
> php_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.php")
> for f in php_files: ...
> Peter

The extension is in in lower case. folder is there, php files is
there, i dont know why it doesnt't want to go into the d:\test to find

Thast one problem.

The other one is:

i made the code simpler by specifying the filename my self.

# get abs path to filename
src_f = 'd:\\test\\index.php'

# open php src file
print ( 'reading from %s' % src_f )
f = open(src_f, 'r')
src_data = # read contents of PHP file

but although ti nwo finds the fiel i egt this error in 'cli':

reading from d:\test\index.php
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\", line 16, in <module>
src_data = # read contents of PHP file
File "C:\Python32\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9f in position
321: char
acter maps to <undefined>

Somethign with the damn encodings again!!