From: Rick DeNatale on
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Robert Klemme
<shortcutter(a)> wrote:
> On 10/30/2009 08:03 PM, Rick DeNatale wrote:

> How their behavior is defined is completely up to the language designer.
>  You could make "a++" syntactic sugar for
> (_tmp = a; a = a + 1; _tmp)
> in the same way as "a += 1" is syntactic sugar for "a = a + 1" or "a ||= 10"
> is syntactic sugar for "a || a = 10".  In fact the sequence in brackets
> above would be a completely reasonable way to do it in Ruby: you could use
> "a++" in a similar way as in C++ and Java without sacrificing Fixnum's
> immutability.

And I would argue that you still can't implement ++ for fixnum since
there isn't a ++ method, any more than there is a += method.

> But: you would hide the assignment in the syntactic sugared version and this
> could lead to unexpected behavior, like

Which I think gets to the fundamental difference.

In C/C++ an integer variable is just a bit-string of a particular
length interpreted as a signed (probably 2s complement) integer, and
++ is a operator on the variable which twiddles those bits.

In Ruby and languages of its ilk, a variable is a reference to an
object, and can only be modified by an assignment, not by a method of
the object it happens to be referencing at the moment, whether that
object is mutable or not.

Rick DeNatale


From: Rick DeNatale on
On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Simon Krahnke <overlord(a)> wrote:
> * Robert Klemme <shortcutter(a)> (23:19) schrieb:
>> Yes - and in C++ you can have it otherwise:
>> robert(a)fussel:~$ g++ && ./a.out
>> a++=1
>> a=2
>> b=2
>> robert(a)fussel:~$ cat
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
>> {
>>   int a = 1;
>>   int &b = a;
>>   printf("a++=%d\n", a++);
>>   printf("a=%d\n", a);
>>   printf("b=%d\n", b);
>>   return 0;
>> }
> No, you can't:
> $ ./ab
> a: 2 @ 0xbfe413f8
> b: 2 @ 0xbfe413f8
> $ cat
> #include <iostream>
> int main(void) {
>  int a = 1;
>  int &b = a;
>  a++;
>  std::cout << "a: " << a << " @ " << &a << std::endl;
>  std::cout << "b: " << b << " @ " << &b << std::endl;
>  return 0;
> }
> There is only one variable, b is just another name for it.

I'm not going to run the experiment, but I believe that if the

int &b = a;

were changed to

int b = a;

Then the result would be the same as in Robert's 'surprising' ruby example.

Which only points out the different in meaning between a C 'reference'
variable, which aliases another variable, and the concept of a ruby
variable as a reference to an object.

And no, I don't think that adding syntactic sugar to Ruby to make a++
the same as either

a += 1
a = a.succ

is a good idea.

As a matter of fact, neither of this is REALLY the same as a++, since
things like

b = a++

should assign the ORIGINAL value of a to b, as opposed to

b = ++a

Things like post and pre increment/decrement operators in C like
languages are best reserved to languages with the same basic

To my mind they are akin to the different rules for gender, and
agreement in different families of languages.

Rick DeNatale


From: RichardOnRails on
On Oct 30, 11:05 am, Robert Klemme <shortcut...(a)> wrote:
> 2009/10/30 RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...(a)>:
> > I'll correct my errors and probably have a new theory subsequently.
> IMHO the story goes like this: absence of postfix ++ and -- is a
> consequence of the fact that numeric types are immutable in Ruby which
> makes an assignment necessary for these operators.  Although that
> would be doable, it would not immediately be obvious when looking at
> "foo++".  On the other side, "foo += 1" makes the assignment obvious
> while still being pretty concise (you do not have to write "foo = foo
> + 1").
> Which brings us to the question: what is the advantage of immutable
> numbers?  First, it avoids errors that could be caused by aliasing
> (two objects refer the same object, one of them changes it, it changes
> for the other one as well without being expected).  Then, it is quite
> natural if you consider mathematical numbers: they cannot change.
> Additionally, the expression "1" can always refer to the same object
> (in reality it's a bit different but from a Ruby programmer's
> perspective the difference is not noticeable) which in fact makes
> using numeric constants very efficient (as opposed to the expression
> "'foo'" which constructs a new String instance on every invocation,
> albeit with a shared char array underneath which eases the pain a
> bit).
> This in turn makes integer math pretty efficient because if numbers
> were mutable Ruby would have to create a new object for every result
> of an operator evaluation.  I am not saying that Ruby is ideal for
> number crunching but it could be significantly slower if certain
> design decisions would have been made differently.
> Kind regards
> robert
> --
> remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your thoughtful and extensive responses. I apologized
earlier for my sloppy analysis. I hope the following offers higher

(a) You say, in part:
“... immutable numbers? First, it avoids errors that could be caused
by aliasing (two objects refer the same object, one of them changes
it, it changes for the other one as well without being expected”
(b) Dave Black, in his truly excellent “The Well-Grounded Rubyist”
says, in part:
“Any object that’s represented as an immediate value is always exactly
the same object” and
“The reason [there’s no x=1; x++] is that , due to the immediate
presence of 1 in x, means you’d be changing 1 into 2,
and that makes no sense”

1. I’d rather discuss this matter in concrete terms rather than
abstractions. Please look at the following method (to generate
results) and two statements:

def show(v)
"Got #{v}, class = #{v.class}, object_id = #{v.object_id}
(v.object_id-1)/2 = #{(v.object_id-1)/2 }"

a = 1; show (a) => Got 1; class = Fixnum; object_id = 3; v >> 1
= 1
b = 1; show (b) => Got 1; class = Fixnum; object_id = 3; v >> 1
= 1
a == b => true

Both “a” and “b” have their respective values held as immediate values
(embedded in their object_id’s), but they are NOT the same thing
because they’re ultimately held in their respective entries in the
symbol table. So, object_id’s for Fixnum’s are synthetic. To think
that those object_id’s point to a location in a memory area that
stores the 32-bit 000...001 (in a 32-bit machine/OS) is to contradict
the meaning of immediacy and defeat the very efficiency that immediate
values offer.

2. Now please consider the following supplement to the statements

a += 1; show (a) => Got 2; class = Fixnum; object_id = 5; v >> 1
= 2
show (a) => Got 2; class = Fixnum; object_id = 5; v >> 1 = 2
show (b) => Got 1; class = Fixnum; object_id = 3; v >> 1 = 1

The assignment of “a += 1” to “a” changed a’s object_id to embed a new
value: 2. Despite that change of 1 to 2 in a’s object, “b” remains
set to 1. “b” did not suffer the calamity of a universal change of
all Fixnum 1’s to 2’s.

3. Conclusion:

a += 1 is equivalent to a++’s natural meaning. In fact, we further
supplement the above statements with:

class Fixnum
def pp # We can’t define ++ because of a compiler restriction.
self + 1

a=1; show(a.pp) => Got 2; class = Fixnum; object_id = 5; v >> 1
= 2
show(b) => Got 1; class = Fixnum; object_id = 3; v >> 1 = 1

Furthermore, pp works fine on the boundary condition for Fixnum’s on a
common 32-bit cpu/OS, i.e. 2**30-1:

a = 2**30-1; show (a) => Got 1073741823; class = Fixnum; object_id
= 2147483647; v >> 1 = 1073741823
a = 2**30; show (a) => Got 1073741824; class = Bignum; object_id =
22737670; v >> 1 = 11368835

So x++ works fine in the form of pp for positive Fixnum’s. I assume
it’ll work fine for non-positives, also.. A compiler change to allow
“def ++” is necessary to finally add ++ to Fixnum.

Again, thanks for your responses to my question.

Best wishes,
From: Tony Arcieri on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Rick DeNatale <rick.denatale(a)>wrote:

> I think that theres a more fundamental problem with ++ in a language
> like ruby, which has to do with the difference between objects and
> variables.

Personally I see nothing interesting about the behavior of ++ in any mutable
state language.

> Now, consider not immutable objects, but defining ++ for a mutable
> object. I've named the method plus_plus instead of ++ since I can do
> the former, but not the latter.

How is ++ any different from << except for << taking an argument? (given
hypothetical C-like ++ behavior)

There is already extensive precedent in Ruby for destructive method calls
that mutate state, and they all lead to the same confusion.

There is nothing interesting with Ruby in this regard, except that Ruby does
seem to go out of its way to do things immutably by default, which, in my
opinion, is pretty cool. But in the end Ruby is still very much a mutable
state language.

Tony Arcieri

From: Rick DeNatale on
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:25 PM, RichardOnRails
<RichardDummyMailbox58407(a)> wrote:

> a += 1 is equivalent to a++’s natural meaning.  In fact, we further
> supplement the above statements with:
> class Fixnum
>  def pp # We can’t define ++ because of a compiler restriction.
>    self + 1
>  end
> end

> So x++ works fine in the form of pp for positive Fixnum’s.  I assume
> it’ll work fine for non-positives, also..  A compiler change to allow
> “def ++” is necessary to finally add ++ to Fixnum.

No x++ doesn't work fine if you want it to act like C's post-increment operator.

Let's leave Ruby aside for a moment and consider this snippet of C code.

int a = 1;
int b = a++

After these two lines a is 2, and b is 1, since a++ returns the
original value of a and then increments a.

Why this wierd semantic? Because it the original use case was for
pointers rather than integers, and it goes back to C originating
originally as a kind of high level assembly language for the DEC
PDP-11 which had postincrement and predecrement addressing modes used
for stepping through strings or arrays.

Because pre-ANSI C allowed easy spoofing/overlay of types, it also
worked for integers and was used in contexts like for loops
for(i = 0; i < max;i++)

where the value of the expression i++ was never used, only the side
effect that it left a as 1 higher than before was important.

Because of this, many C/C++ programmers seem to be unaware or forget
that the value of a++ is a, not (a+1). In fact Bjarne Stroustrup used
to rib himself by pointing out that the value of C++ was exactly the
same as C, because he IS certainly aware of the semantics.

Now what happens if we translate my initial snippet into Ruby using
your pp method

class Integer
# Not need to restrict to FixNums is there
# Name it pp since ++ isn't a valid Ruby method selector
def pp
self + 1

a = 1
b = a.pp

puts "a is #{a}, b is #{b}"

Produces not "a is 2, b is 1" as it would if it correctly implemented
C language semantics but

a is 1, b is 2

just the opposite of what would be expected by a C/C++ programmer who
understood the meaning of post-increment ++

The fact of the matter is that you can't write a ++ or a pp method in
Ruby which works like the C post-increment because it requires the
method to change the value of a variable which is bound to the object
and the method only knows what the object knows and the object doesn't
know which variable(s) refer to it.


a = b = c = 1

There are at least 3 variables which refer to the Fixnum object 1, The
fact that that reference is through a special form object id computed
by multiplying 1 by 2 and adding 1, as it is in several Ruby
implementations, is irrelevant. So is the fact that Fixnums happen to
be immutable. No object knows what variables reference it, and
wouldn't have a way to directly change those variables bindings

The rebinding of a in

a = a.pp

doesn't happen in the pp method it happens in the calling context
because of the assignment expression there.

So if you just want a ++ which returns the incremented value of a
fixnum then you can write it as pp, but you really don't need to since
Integer#succ does just that.

If you want the real semantics of the C/C++ post-increment operator,
I'm afraid you'll have to look for it in a C family language, not an
object reference semantic language like Ruby.

Rick DeNatale
