From: IJALAB on

I have a text file which is like
205 -204
203 -102
i want to read each line, split each line elements to arr(0) as 205
and arr(1) as -204
i know the length of the file which is 2048 lines, how do i access
arr(0) and arr(1) meaning odd array indices and even array indices
sperately post split function.
Str1 = Split(tempstr," ")
tempstr is the fileinput string
I am new to VB
i had declared this Str1 as Dim Str1(2048) as String
while trying to create array string to read the file input, i wrote
Str1 = Split(tempstr," "), i am getting error cannot initialize to
so i gave Str(Count) = Split(tempstr," "), for which i am getting
subscript out of range error.

i am confused by the behavior.

From: Helmut Meukel on
"IJALAB" <balaji.draj(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi,
> I have a text file which is like
> 205 -204
> 203 -102
> i want to read each line, split each line elements to arr(0) as 205
> and arr(1) as -204
> i know the length of the file which is 2048 lines, how do i access
> arr(0) and arr(1) meaning odd array indices and even array indices
> sperately post split function.
> Str1 = Split(tempstr," ")
> tempstr is the fileinput string
> I am new to VB
> i had declared this Str1 as Dim Str1(2048) as String
> while trying to create array string to read the file input, i wrote
> Str1 = Split(tempstr," "), i am getting error cannot initialize to
> array
> so i gave Str(Count) = Split(tempstr," "), for which i am getting
> subscript out of range error.
> i am confused by the behavior.

Didn't you read the online help topic about Split?
I clearly says it *returns* an array of string elements. The number
of elements depends on the provided string-to-split.

I assume your tmpstr contains the whole file?
Then the lines will be usually separated by CRLF (if the file was
created by a windows program) or by a single CR or a single LF.
Split can't work with multible separators, you have first to replace
the line separators with a single space.
(How to do this was discussed in this very newsgroup just some
weeks ago).
Then use an uninitialized dynamic array (Dim Str1() as String)
for the Split function.
After performing the split, Ubound(Str1) should return 2047.
You can access the Values in a loop:
For i = 0 to Ubound(Str1)-1 Step 2
x = Str1(i)
y = Str1(i + 1)
... ' store the data somewhere or set the point in your chart)
Next i

Alternatively change your file reading so you get each line into an
element of an string array and perform the Split for each line
separately (looping through the string array) asigning the return
values to elements of a variant array. (read about Variants in
Online Help).

I put together a tiny test app to demonstrate how this works.
Create a form, set its AutoRedraw property to true.
Put this code into Form_Load:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim a(3) As Variant
Dim i as Integer, j as Integer
For j = 0 To 3
a(j) = Split("this is Test " & j, " ")
' in your own app you should use Split(tmpstr(j), "")
Next j
For j = 0 To 3
For i = 0 To UBound(a(j))
Print a(j)(i)
Next i
Next j
End Sub

You see the differences in accessing the elements of
String arrays stored in a Variant Array.


From: Mike Williams on
"IJALAB" <balaji.draj(a)> wrote in message

> I have a text file which is like
> 205 -204
> 203 -102
> i want to read each line, split each line elements to
> arr(0) as 205 and arr(1) as -204 . . . I am getting
> various errors . . .

You have said you are new to VB but you haven't said which version of it you
are using. For the time being I will assume it is the real Visual Basic (of
which VB6 is the latest version), or perhaps even VBA. If it is something
else then you are in the wrong newsgroup.

There are all sorts of different ways of reading your data from the file and
transferring it into variables that are suitable for your specific needs,
but since you have said that you do not understand the behaviour of the
Split function then it might be best to describe roughly how it works. You
haven't made it clear whether you are reading your data into one long string
containing all of it, or in to 2048 invididual strings each containing just
one pair of items, so initially I'll deal with it as though you have just
one pair of items in a string and you want to Split them into an array of
two strings, just so you can see how it works:

Firstly, and most importantly, when declaring a string array which you
intend to "Split" something into then you need to declare it as a dynamic
array (an array that does not initially contain any elements) such as:

Dim Str1() As String

Then, when you use the Split function to split and dump a string into it, VB
will automatically assign as many elements as are required. For example:

Dim Str1() As String, tempstr As String
tempstr = "205 - 204"
Str1 = Split(tempstr, " ")

When you run the above code you will end up with Str1 array containing as
many elements as VB decided were required, with the first element being
element number zero. Try the above code and it should run okay. Then, add to
it some more code so that you can see what you ended up with. The full code
required would be as follows:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Str1() As String, tempstr As String, n As Long
tempstr = "205 - 204"
Str1 = Split(tempstr, " ")
For n = LBound(Str1) To UBound(Str1)
Print n & vbTab & Str1(n)
Next n
End Sub

The output will be printed on your Form, showing how many elements ended up
in the Str1 array together with their contents. The very first thing you
will notice (in this specific example) is the output is not quite what you
might have been expecting. This is because your code has told the Split
function to "split" wherever it finds a space and that is exactly what it
has done. The problem is that (in the specific example you posted and in
this example here) the second number contains a space between the minus sign
and the number itself. Now try the same code, but this time on a similar
small "string containing two values" that you have loaded from your real
data file using LineInput. Is there a space between the negative sign and
the value in the actual file? If there is then you will need more code to
deal with it.

As I have said, there are lots of different ways to deal with the data you
are apparently working with. You can read the entire file data as binary
into a Byte Array or into one long string or into lots of small strings
(although the later is not the method I would advise) and you can deal with
the loaded data in all sorts of different ways. If you decide to load the
entire file into one string and then use a little bit of code to prepare it
(if necessary, depending on the data) followed by Split to "split" it then
you can effectively "Split" the loaded string into a one dimensional string
array containing 2048 elements, myArray(0 to 2047) for example, or with a
little bit of trickery you can "Split" it into a two dimensional string
array, myArray(0 to 1, 0 to 1023) for example. There are all sorts of
possibilities . . .

.. . . However, the very first thing you need to do is discover exactly what
form the data has (whether there is a space between the minus sign and the
value and whether it uses a vbCrLf at the end of each little "205 - 204"
line or perhaps just a vbLF or some other line marker). Until you know that
information then you will not be able to decide on the best way to handle
the data. Here is how you can check the file to see what it actually
contains. The following code will load the first 5000 bytes of the file and
display them in the ListBox so that you can examine them. Paste the code
into a VB Form containing a Command Button and a ListBox and change the hard
coded file name to the path and name of your own data file. Have a careful
look at the output in the ListBox. Are there actually any space characters
between the minus signs and the values, what are the "end of line" character
or characters, etc, etc. When you have that information you will be in a
much better position to write code to deal with it.


Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim b() As Byte, n As Long, s1 As String
Open "c:\temp\datafile.txt" For Binary As 1
If LOF(1) < 5000 Then
ReDim b(0 To LOF(1) - 1)
ReDim b(0 To 4999)
End If
Get 1, 1, b()
Close 1
For n = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
s1 = Format(n) & vbTab & CStr(b(n))
If b(n) > 31 Then
s1 = s1 & vbTab & Chr$(b(n))
End If
List1.AddItem s1
Next n
End Sub

From: Mike Williams on
"IJALAB" <balaji.draj(a)> wrote in message

> i want to read each line, split each line elements
> to arr(0) as 205 and arr(1) as -204

In my previous response I said, " in the specific example you posted and in
this example here the second number contains a space between the minus sign
and the number itself". I have just noticed that is not actuallt the case
(it just looked like that in my newsreader) and there is no space between
the minus sign and the number. However, what I have said about determing the
exact format of the file data you are starting with still stands, and the
example of "a number with a space after the minus sign" is just one example
of the things you need to look out for in such situations where you are
dealing with something other than comma separated or other standard
separated values. Anyway, the ListBox code I posted will tell you exactly
what you are dealing with.


From: Jeff Johnson on
"IJALAB" <balaji.draj(a)> wrote in message

For reference, the correct word is "question," not "doubt." I see this
mistake a lot.