From: NoName on
i have in cp866 encoding:

# -*- coding: cp866 -*-
print ("ff")

It's not work in Python 3.0

File "<decoding error>", line 1
SyntaxError: encoding problem: with BOM

what's wrong?
From: Diez B. Roggisch on
NoName schrieb:
> i have in cp866 encoding:
> # -*- coding: cp866 -*-
> print ("ff")
> It's not work in Python 3.0
> Error:
> File "<decoding error>", line 1
> SyntaxError: encoding problem: with BOM
> what's wrong?

I can only guess, but just because you write the coding-header that
doesn't mean that the editor you use does actually *use* that encoding.
What I presume it does is to use utf-8, and write that stupid BOM
microsoft uses for denoting utf-8-content as first byte. Try using a
different editor, or alter it's settings to really use your desired

From: NoName on
On 25 ÄÅË, 00:37, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de...(a)> wrote:
> NoName schrieb:
> > i have in cp866 encoding:
> > # -*- coding: cp866 -*-
> > print ("ff")
> > It's not work in Python 3.0
> > Error:
> > File "<decoding error>", line 1
> > SyntaxError: encoding problem: with BOM
> > what's wrong?
> I can only guess, but just because you write the coding-header that
> doesn't mean that the editor you use does actually *use* that encoding.
> What I presume it does is to use utf-8, and write that stupid BOM
> microsoft uses for denoting utf-8-content as first byte. Try using a
> different editor, or alter it's settings to really use your desired
> encoding.
> Diez

I used Far Manager editor. and it *really* used cp866
I can print hex dump of source file.
I don't want to use UTF-8 for py-file!
From: Diez B. Roggisch on
NoName schrieb:
> On 25 ���, 00:37, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de...(a)> wrote:
>> NoName schrieb:
>>> i have in cp866 encoding:
>>> # -*- coding: cp866 -*-
>>> print ("ff")
>>> It's not work in Python 3.0
>>> Error:
>>> File "<decoding error>", line 1
>>> SyntaxError: encoding problem: with BOM
>>> what's wrong?
>> I can only guess, but just because you write the coding-header that
>> doesn't mean that the editor you use does actually *use* that encoding.
>> What I presume it does is to use utf-8, and write that stupid BOM
>> microsoft uses for denoting utf-8-content as first byte. Try using a
>> different editor, or alter it's settings to really use your desired
>> encoding.
>> Diez
> I used Far Manager editor. and it *really* used cp866
> I can print hex dump of source file.
> I don't want to use UTF-8 for py-file!

How about you show us the python file in question?

From: NoName on
> NoName, Asking people to download a zip file from a website written in
> a language and character set that they probably are not familiar with
> is liable to make them rather nervous and not bother. It's not a good
> way to ask for help.


Now i know where problem.
But i dont know how to solve it.

C:\Documents and Settings\Ra\òÁÂÏÞÉÊ ÓÔÏÌ>
File "<decoding error>", line 1
SyntaxError: encoding problem: with BOM

No error
C:\Documents and Settings\Ra\òÁÂÏÞÉÊ ÓÔÏÌ>python

Error when russian symbols in full path to py-script.
Is it Python bug? or i need to modify some registry keys?

OS: WinXP SP3 Russian.
Python 3.0 (r30:67507, Dec 3 2008, 20:14:27) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32