From: Kadaitcha Man on
Some misanthropical toilet flush named chrisv inveighed:

>>Joel the Treol wrote:
>>> Linux is hard to use even for knowledgeable people
> You are now a proven bald-faced liar, "Joel".
> What a "surprise", to see a Windows advocate lying.

"Joel the Treol"

Don't look now, but...


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From: relic on
Kadaitcha Man wrote:

G'Day. Nice to see you active again.

From: Kadaitcha Man on
Some parasite-infested flip-flop named Joel ejaculated:

> Kadaitcha Man <anon(a)> wrote:
>>"Joel the Treol"
>>Don't look now, but...
> You don't actually expect me to be on your side<BITCHSLAP>

It depends. Who, apart from yourself, holds you in such great esteem?

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